Day 237 and I wasn't feeling too great during my run and sure enough, I was sick at about the 3.5k point. I had to walk a bit and then ran the tough uphill section to get back home. What I found out is that I can run 5k quicker with a torn hip muscle than I can when I've been sick :(
Day 238 started with me been sick and having the skits. I felt bloody awful and dreaded having to do a run today. I spent most of the day in the toilet but knew I had to get out and do my 5k before it got too late and I didn't care if I had to walk the whole 5k or run/walk a bit. I just wanted the 5k over with without there being a wee accident in my shorts. I've never felt so tired, drained and exhausted in my whole life. I'm already dreading tomorrows attempt at my 5k....but I'll give it all I've got.
The details of day 237 can be found at Day 237/365 challenge
The details of day 238 can be found at Day 238/365 challenge
Saturday, 30 June 2012
day 12 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Well as i was let out of work early i went and did my five mile route which good today but made better by
pretty women beeping at me and stopping for a chat. I know im a tart
Well as i was let out of work early i went and did my five mile route which good today but made better by
pretty women beeping at me and stopping for a chat. I know im a tart
Nicky: Days 246-248
Nicky: Day 246 Upton woods Long Sutton loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Not a lot to say really. Short trot up through the woods, through Upton & home! Legs sluggish possibly due to yesterdays efforts at club!
Nicky: Day 247 Upton loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Popped out after work. Ran slowly & really enjoyed it - wished I had time to have gone further! Cool still evening.
Nicky: Day 248 Upton woods and loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Alf came out for this mornings trot. I wanted to do 3 & him only 2 so I left him & went up into the woods. Really enjoyed it. Off to Kent now for another party weekend. Hmm! That will mean a slow run tomorrow complete with probably headache.
Not a lot to say really. Short trot up through the woods, through Upton & home! Legs sluggish possibly due to yesterdays efforts at club!
Nicky: Day 247 Upton loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Popped out after work. Ran slowly & really enjoyed it - wished I had time to have gone further! Cool still evening.
Nicky: Day 248 Upton woods and loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Alf came out for this mornings trot. I wanted to do 3 & him only 2 so I left him & went up into the woods. Really enjoyed it. Off to Kent now for another party weekend. Hmm! That will mean a slow run tomorrow complete with probably headache.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Tony Day 245/365 - West Highland Way Race
So it came to this - a race that I had been preparing for for the best part of two years. I met that likable lad Ben Buckle at a race that helped me to qualify for this spectacular event.
Always remaining positive over my participation of the WHW until the month leading up to it - where even the mention of it resulted in a strong hush coming from me and the words "We don't talk about that" coming out of my mouth on more occasions than I remember.
In fact I had to recognise that it was coming as what I found out to be more trickier than the race itself was organising my support crew for an event that could possibly lead over 35hrs. The marshals had to be sure that you had a capable crew and a runner (potentially for the last 17miles) that would look after you and travel ahead with warm clothes, food and words of encouragement! On hindsight I may have to choose between my mum and my girlfriend Ann next year as apposed to both!
With all the support details in and time ticking by quicker than ever - my attention is now drawn to my food and fluid strategy for a distance and time that I have never experienced - in fact this race is a whole 42miles longer than any other race I have ever taken part in.
The loss of body sodium is a major factor in this race and my weight would be recorded at various points along the way to tell if I am suffering from hyponatremia (where your body mass would rise not fall) so I knew that getting the right kind of fluids into my body was of main priority for fear of being 'pulled' from the race.
With all my top secret food and drink strategy organised - the time was finally upon us to make our final checks of kit and sanity - TRY and get some well needed sleep ahead of the race (failed miserably) - and try and eat my breakfast at 11pm at night! My head couldn't stop thinking about the major task about to get underway so I just gave up and yawned all the way to the momentarily dry start line in Milngavie.
Having registered, weighed in, made final checks, got dressed for wet weather and got the head torch ready for the night, we all stood at the start line anxiously laughing and joking at the absurdity of what was about to happen - GO TIME.
Milngavie - Beach tree inn - 6miles (not an official checkpoint but wanted Ann there if I had any teething problems)
Started with a nice slow pace thinking to myself that I have a very long way to go - Saw Karl Zeiner ahead of me so then turned it up a little to just get up behind him and stay with him for the first few miles. Realised that the pace was going down to 10m/mile as the crowd of runners backed up due to walking up the hills out of Mugdock - decided now to push on and maintain closer to 9m/mile leaving Karl without saying hello (sneaky!!).
Using just a small pouch around my waist for a water bottle and some solids - I found this much better than running with 1.5L on my back - knew that the distance to beach tree was enough to survive on 750ml. Good choice first off.
It started to rain heavily and by the time I got to the beach tree I had my GORE TEX jacket hood up and soaked through so Ann could not tell all of us apart - I saw her - relayed that all was good - changed my bottle - kissed her goodbye and off I trotted into the dark.
Beach tree inn - Gartnahan Forest car park (Drymen was the check point before but due to it being hard to park at and get to us runners - was advised to get my support crew to meet 2miles up the road at a car park - Next golden nugget!)
Anyway - nothing much to relay here as the majority of this is run on tarmac - oh, but it wasn't tarmac because of the amount of surface water - with the reflection of the head torch it looked more like running through a river for 7miles!
Got to the car park and alerted Ann to a change of plan - was going to change my trainers at the half way point - but now was so wet that I wanted a complete change at the next checkpoint. Changed my bottle - kissed her goodbye and disappeared heading towards the might that is conic hill!
Gartnahan car park - Balmaha (first official checkpoint)
Going up conic hill was like running up a river - I shit you not.
I have run up this hill many a time and never seen anything like this! There is NO way that you could have stayed dry at all during this section - in fact a boat and a paddle would have been easier! Conic hill is relatively long and gradual climb so add this to the flowing water and its impossible to run/tab fast - Mental note for next year - if it is dry its a possible 10min saved overall.
Stopping for a breather and to laugh at the fact I'm now soaked - I chanced to turn around and see the spectacular sight of hundreds of head-torches following me along the path I just came up - they stretched as far as I could see and now regret that I didn't take a pic as I was to scared to get my phone wet (it did anyway!)!!
On summitting Conic hill - the massive expanse of Loch lomond was just visible as the light was emerging behind me - The descent is much steeper than the ascent this direction so much care was needed to protect my girly ankles. Gaining confidence and with more ambient light I floored the last downhill section running past walkers coming the other direction clapping in awe at the sheer stupidness of bombing it down a 50 degree incline!
Coming into Balmaha - I immediately found Ann and we ran to the car to initiate emergency protocol alpha - dry me out and feed at the same time! Shoes and socks changed - legs dried off - top changed - fleece put on - water bottle changed for backpack - soup consumed (another gem of info). Ann alerted me at this point that I was in about 15th place - I immediately thought she was kidding and kind of laughed at it but then the Tony competitive head came on - "I feel fresh - my change of clothes gave me more morale - I can do this" :)
There was a break in the weather so I kissed Ann goodbye and ventured up the side of Loch Lomond where I knew I wouldn't see my support crew for another 20-30miles.
Balmaha - Rowerdennan
Straight forward - felt great due to the change of clothes and darted around puddles as much as I could in order to keep my feet dry! Karl had past me by at Balmaha due to my time spent at the checkpoint but I caught him up at the stage and we had a little chat during this stage. I always hate chatting to people during races as it messes with my head - I start thinking 'why are they so fresh? why can they talk?' its not that I can't handle talking - its just that I play games in my head!
Starting to get a little windy again - I worry if I have made the right choice in my change of clothing as its now getting cold.
Rowerdennan - Inversnaid
After getting to Rowerdennan and receiving my drop bag full of goodies I grabbed them and then ran out of the checkpoint straight away. I wasn't wanting to hang around and get cold. Having recently done this section with the fling I knew that there was a lot of up and down, so took the hills at a fast tab and the downhills where at 6:30m/mile.
At this point there was a chap about half a mile in front of me that I thought I was imagining because I couldn't catch up with him - he kept on disappearing ahead of me! Ended up he was real as I was so determined to catch up with him that I pushed and pushed only to realise that I now needed the toilet so let him go on ahead so I had some privacy - On another note - Can you use ferns for toilet paper? this played on my mind for the following 30miles!!
On catching this guy up again - we played cat and mouse for the next 50miles.
Inversnaid - Beinglas
Having known that this is an extremely difficult stage - the terrain is not suitable for running much at all - 2-3miles took the best part of an hour in the fling - I stuck behind some runners who were slowing down - They gesticulated for me to run ahead as I was right up one guys backside trying to push the pace but I said 'no, its ok, I want you guys to slow me down here!'. After a while they couldn't take the pace so both stood aside and off i popped! Coming into Beinglas is tough up and down - but my pace seemed to be good - Passed the guy I was playing cat and mouse with as I said to him 'I need to get back on schedule' running past him doing 8m/mile. From here its starts drizzling again so scared i am wearing the wrong type of clothes in this section.
Beinglas - had an issue - the watch in my Garmin ran out and was blind as to the distance left to go to the next time I would meet my support at Auchtertyre (about 10miles). With this in mind I called Ann to change the plan slightly and to come and meet me half way between these points at Crainlarich (forgot to tell her that there was a mile climb up a hill to get to this point!!) in order to give me the spare watch that Charles had so kindly donated to the cause! Knowing that I was seeing my support crew 5miles earlier gave me such a boost that on arrival at this point I was seen to be able to jump up and kick my heels Eric Morcombe style! (40miles in)
Ann and my mum were there with soup and a towel while I waited for the satellites to gather above! My morale was back up and with only 5miles through the tough forests in Crianlarich, Liam and Noel Gallagher motivated me to run and sing the whole way along to Auchtertyre!
Coming into the checkpoint - I was weighed (lost 2.2kg) and I was told by the marshals that I was in 13th position. Nice.
Auchtertyre - Bridge of Orchy
At the checkpoint I jumped in the car to change my compression tights, trainers, socks, Dried off GORE TEX jacket, top and changed back to the small bottle pack that goes round the waist. A guy passes me so I know I need to get a move on. Feeling good again and with Ann walking with me to the bottom of the road as I eat my soup on the go - I kiss her goodbye and then embark on the next relatively flat 10miles. Given the fact that I knew the guy I was playing cat and mouse with had passed me I pushed and pushed - feeling great and doing 8:30m/mile - but still I couldn't see him in the distance? Had he really gotten in front of me or am I pushing to hard for a ghost?
On approach to Bridge of Orchy I got a glimpse of him (I forget his name) he really must have been pushing hard as I never got a glimpse of him at all till this point. This may have been this guys downfall.
On arriving at BoO I was informed I was in 11th place - of which I couldn't figure out because I hadn't passed anyone yet. Wasn't till later that I was informed that favourite Richie Cunningham and another had dropped out.
Bridge of Orchy - Glencoe
After coming into this checkpoint just behind the guy that I caught up with I found myself leaving after him again and a similar pattern emerging - except this time I caught up to him just as we were crossing victoria bridge. I tried to flat tyre him a little by sitting just behind him. Then as I ran past him I asked if he was ok to which he replied 'he found it hard to get any energy in'. In the spirit of Ultra running I offered him some gels etc, but he declined. So I said I would see him at the next checkpoint. Now in 10th place I decided to stay just in front of him so not to waste much energy and pace myself. That was until I saw a tiny speck of a runner on the horizon. BEAST MODE ON.
Its incredible that 60 odd miles into an ultra and over undulating terrain that I managed to do 8:30m/mile with the sole intent of chasing this next guy, Marc, down. I felt like the terminator - 'he will not stop until he achieves his objective' obviously not in killing the 8th place but stripping it from him. Marc kept turning around and seeing me gaining ground, he then would speed up and then slow down. Finally he gave in and started walking - At this point I passed and did something I probably shouldn't of - patted him on the back and asked 'are you ok?'. He mumbled yes and I carried on loving the fact I was now in 8th. This didn't last for long as I started to become hypoglycemic - I slowed and walked a mile of so trying to get some flat coke and bars into myself. At this point Marc caught up and we chatted for a while about how this was his fourth time and that he was close to tears this time. He informed me that this would probably be his last as it just takes so much from you. I told him it was my first attempt and that I could understand his emotion. We jogged a little more and then the flat coke kicked in so I sped up a little and came into Glencoe in 8th. Once checked in to Glencoe I asked if I could have my support runner if I waited to go out in 10th - they said no, because I was only 1:30 behind the leader at this point. BAWS.
Glencoe - Kinlochleven
So now I finally know that I cannot have my support runner for the rest of the race. This was a distinct possibility and when picking my support runner I had to make them aware that they could have been coming along and there might be a small chance that they would not be allowed to run with me. Chris Black was my nominated support runner - he has a half ironman on the cards in 8 weeks so I said why not cycle from Glasgow to Glencoe and then you could possibly run from Glencoe to FW or from Kinlochleven to FW. He was screwed after the arduous cycle in the wind and rain - so travelled with my support crew in the car to Kinlochleven in await to see what happens with me.
In my mind I now knew that I had 2 10mile sections to get through. I didn't know this part of the course and had heard many stories of the terrain and bleakness of the devil's staircase and Rannoch Moor.
I left the checkpoint in 10th and tried to keep a good pace. At the bottom of the devils staircase I passed the chap who said to me before that he could not get any energy in. He looked gubbed. I asked if he was ok and he just stopped and said on you go. I climbed further and further up the devil's staircase and looked down and he had not moved. Just sat on a rock.
Knowing he wasn't far from the main road i pressed onwards up the steep staircase and over the top to see the path stretch out in front of me for miles and miles. The descent was steep and tricky and each descent was followed by an immediate ascent! This got boring fast. The weather now was fully peeing down so keeping moving meant keeping warm.
Marc had now disappeared and I would never see him again till the end. in fact the only people I did see along the way for another 10miles were walkers on the trail. All of which looked as miserable as I felt by this point. Bugger walking it in this weather. This spurred me on to keep moving - the longer I took the wetter and more miserable I would feel.
Finally the descent that I was sprinting down broke through the trees and I could see a small village deep below in the valley - this must be Kinlochleven - I descended, and descended, and descended, and descended, bugger me - I got bored of going downhill- started to think that Kinlochleven didn't actually exist!! My knees then started to hurt as the massive downhills were taking its toll. This was to haunt me till the end and could potentially be my downfall.
I finally arrived into Kinlochleven and immediately was weighed (lost 0.4kg), got some soup and had a chat with Chris who now knew that he couldn't run with me so decided to make the run to FW himself.
I grabbed some food and soup and changed my bottle again - changed my top and put some compression sock on top of my tights. any help with warmth was now greatfully accepted. Putting my soaking wet GORE TEX jacket on (mental note to self: take more than one jacket), I asked the terrain of the next section where they told me it was slightly steep. Slightly?
Looking back at the relief map of the course via Garmin Connect - Kinlochleven seems to sit at the very bottom of a steep U shape valley. Bugger.
Kinlochleven - Lundavra
Having climbed out of the valley and trying to jog along the undulating ridges that form the route over to Lundavra - I started to see things on the horizon as my mind played tricks on me. I started to become tired and sore and started to doubt myself now. Ann said that the distance to Lundavra was 7 miles but it felt like 10. My left knee was now in agony. I could only run for 300-400metres than would have to walk for 100-200m. Downhill was even worse. Now knowing my knee would play up at this point I know that I could save a lot of time (maybe 30min) by not blasting the downhills earlier and keeping steady at this section.
Finally I got to Lundavra and by this point I had had enough. I knew that I would finish but was in such a dark place in my head. I gave Ann all my weight - bottle, bag, bars, ipod, etc etc - I got a bandage from her and immobilsed my knee. It was the only way that I could reduce the pain - this did massively affect my running dynamics and now run the risk of falling due to restricted movement of one leg. I kissed her goodbye and pushed the last 6miles to the finish.
Lundavra - Fort William.
I don't remember much of this section. I remember cursing everything and not caring if someone passed me - I would constantly turn around and expect to see someone and just give up the place I had worked hard for. I cursed the uphills, I cursed the downhills, I cursed the slugs on the ground, I cursed the guy who told me I was doing well (prick)! But anyone who knows me knows that I can be very stubborn sometimes and this was always at the back of my head. I WAS going to finish this.
The small single track broke onto a massive forestry road and levelled. I turned the corner and was confronted by a massive mountain across the valley from me. It was Ben Nevis :)
This relief was shortlived as I soon realised that I was probably the same height up as 3/4 of Ben Nevis and that is a lot of downhill! But knowing I would have that goblet in my hand in less than an hour motivated me.
I looked at my clock - regardless of the place I was in it suddenly dawned on me that I could make it under 20hrs, in fact well under. So I pushed down the hill but the pain was too much.
Walking - running - cursing - walking - running - cursing
Thats what the next hour comprised of!
Finally I got to the bottom of the valley and onto tarmac, god I missed you.
Gathering myself I started to pick up the pace, but every corner on the road I turned revealed another road section into FW - this felt like it went on for ever!
Until the last bend and I saw white buildings in the distance - It felt like I started a sprint!
My mum was in the distance and signaled to Ann and Chris who started to jog on the other side of the road to me.
I shouted 'where is the finish?'
'Just a little further' Ann said. I finally could see the end!
On entering the Leisure centre and being welcomed by Ian in 19:42:10 in 9th place on my first attempt, I knew that I could laugh now as the hurt would now become a distant memory.
I weighed in at the same weight as the last check point and knew that this was because I had taken in very little fluid over the last 17miles. I was just so focussed on getting to the end that I forgot to drink much.
I showered and dropped body temp very rapidly. Fighting to stay warm - we just decided to pack up and get back down the road as fast as possible. Ian presented me with the great reward of my very first goblet and I knew then I would be back for a better time next year.
In the days after I have found myself being scared of being out in the rain. I spent 20hrs of my life soaked to the bone. I am now away to America and might not come back! ;)
If I can do it, then so can you.
Day 245.1/365 - West Highland Way Race part 1 - Milngavie - Beinglas by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 245.2/365 - West highland way race part 2 - Crainlarich - Fort William by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Always remaining positive over my participation of the WHW until the month leading up to it - where even the mention of it resulted in a strong hush coming from me and the words "We don't talk about that" coming out of my mouth on more occasions than I remember.
In fact I had to recognise that it was coming as what I found out to be more trickier than the race itself was organising my support crew for an event that could possibly lead over 35hrs. The marshals had to be sure that you had a capable crew and a runner (potentially for the last 17miles) that would look after you and travel ahead with warm clothes, food and words of encouragement! On hindsight I may have to choose between my mum and my girlfriend Ann next year as apposed to both!
With all the support details in and time ticking by quicker than ever - my attention is now drawn to my food and fluid strategy for a distance and time that I have never experienced - in fact this race is a whole 42miles longer than any other race I have ever taken part in.
The loss of body sodium is a major factor in this race and my weight would be recorded at various points along the way to tell if I am suffering from hyponatremia (where your body mass would rise not fall) so I knew that getting the right kind of fluids into my body was of main priority for fear of being 'pulled' from the race.
With all my top secret food and drink strategy organised - the time was finally upon us to make our final checks of kit and sanity - TRY and get some well needed sleep ahead of the race (failed miserably) - and try and eat my breakfast at 11pm at night! My head couldn't stop thinking about the major task about to get underway so I just gave up and yawned all the way to the momentarily dry start line in Milngavie.
Having registered, weighed in, made final checks, got dressed for wet weather and got the head torch ready for the night, we all stood at the start line anxiously laughing and joking at the absurdity of what was about to happen - GO TIME.
Milngavie - Beach tree inn - 6miles (not an official checkpoint but wanted Ann there if I had any teething problems)
Started with a nice slow pace thinking to myself that I have a very long way to go - Saw Karl Zeiner ahead of me so then turned it up a little to just get up behind him and stay with him for the first few miles. Realised that the pace was going down to 10m/mile as the crowd of runners backed up due to walking up the hills out of Mugdock - decided now to push on and maintain closer to 9m/mile leaving Karl without saying hello (sneaky!!).
Using just a small pouch around my waist for a water bottle and some solids - I found this much better than running with 1.5L on my back - knew that the distance to beach tree was enough to survive on 750ml. Good choice first off.
It started to rain heavily and by the time I got to the beach tree I had my GORE TEX jacket hood up and soaked through so Ann could not tell all of us apart - I saw her - relayed that all was good - changed my bottle - kissed her goodbye and off I trotted into the dark.
Beach tree inn - Gartnahan Forest car park (Drymen was the check point before but due to it being hard to park at and get to us runners - was advised to get my support crew to meet 2miles up the road at a car park - Next golden nugget!)
Anyway - nothing much to relay here as the majority of this is run on tarmac - oh, but it wasn't tarmac because of the amount of surface water - with the reflection of the head torch it looked more like running through a river for 7miles!
Got to the car park and alerted Ann to a change of plan - was going to change my trainers at the half way point - but now was so wet that I wanted a complete change at the next checkpoint. Changed my bottle - kissed her goodbye and disappeared heading towards the might that is conic hill!
Gartnahan car park - Balmaha (first official checkpoint)
Going up conic hill was like running up a river - I shit you not.
I have run up this hill many a time and never seen anything like this! There is NO way that you could have stayed dry at all during this section - in fact a boat and a paddle would have been easier! Conic hill is relatively long and gradual climb so add this to the flowing water and its impossible to run/tab fast - Mental note for next year - if it is dry its a possible 10min saved overall.
Stopping for a breather and to laugh at the fact I'm now soaked - I chanced to turn around and see the spectacular sight of hundreds of head-torches following me along the path I just came up - they stretched as far as I could see and now regret that I didn't take a pic as I was to scared to get my phone wet (it did anyway!)!!
On summitting Conic hill - the massive expanse of Loch lomond was just visible as the light was emerging behind me - The descent is much steeper than the ascent this direction so much care was needed to protect my girly ankles. Gaining confidence and with more ambient light I floored the last downhill section running past walkers coming the other direction clapping in awe at the sheer stupidness of bombing it down a 50 degree incline!
Coming into Balmaha - I immediately found Ann and we ran to the car to initiate emergency protocol alpha - dry me out and feed at the same time! Shoes and socks changed - legs dried off - top changed - fleece put on - water bottle changed for backpack - soup consumed (another gem of info). Ann alerted me at this point that I was in about 15th place - I immediately thought she was kidding and kind of laughed at it but then the Tony competitive head came on - "I feel fresh - my change of clothes gave me more morale - I can do this" :)
There was a break in the weather so I kissed Ann goodbye and ventured up the side of Loch Lomond where I knew I wouldn't see my support crew for another 20-30miles.
Balmaha - Rowerdennan
Straight forward - felt great due to the change of clothes and darted around puddles as much as I could in order to keep my feet dry! Karl had past me by at Balmaha due to my time spent at the checkpoint but I caught him up at the stage and we had a little chat during this stage. I always hate chatting to people during races as it messes with my head - I start thinking 'why are they so fresh? why can they talk?' its not that I can't handle talking - its just that I play games in my head!
Starting to get a little windy again - I worry if I have made the right choice in my change of clothing as its now getting cold.
Rowerdennan - Inversnaid
After getting to Rowerdennan and receiving my drop bag full of goodies I grabbed them and then ran out of the checkpoint straight away. I wasn't wanting to hang around and get cold. Having recently done this section with the fling I knew that there was a lot of up and down, so took the hills at a fast tab and the downhills where at 6:30m/mile.
At this point there was a chap about half a mile in front of me that I thought I was imagining because I couldn't catch up with him - he kept on disappearing ahead of me! Ended up he was real as I was so determined to catch up with him that I pushed and pushed only to realise that I now needed the toilet so let him go on ahead so I had some privacy - On another note - Can you use ferns for toilet paper? this played on my mind for the following 30miles!!
On catching this guy up again - we played cat and mouse for the next 50miles.
Inversnaid - Beinglas
Having known that this is an extremely difficult stage - the terrain is not suitable for running much at all - 2-3miles took the best part of an hour in the fling - I stuck behind some runners who were slowing down - They gesticulated for me to run ahead as I was right up one guys backside trying to push the pace but I said 'no, its ok, I want you guys to slow me down here!'. After a while they couldn't take the pace so both stood aside and off i popped! Coming into Beinglas is tough up and down - but my pace seemed to be good - Passed the guy I was playing cat and mouse with as I said to him 'I need to get back on schedule' running past him doing 8m/mile. From here its starts drizzling again so scared i am wearing the wrong type of clothes in this section.
Beinglas - had an issue - the watch in my Garmin ran out and was blind as to the distance left to go to the next time I would meet my support at Auchtertyre (about 10miles). With this in mind I called Ann to change the plan slightly and to come and meet me half way between these points at Crainlarich (forgot to tell her that there was a mile climb up a hill to get to this point!!) in order to give me the spare watch that Charles had so kindly donated to the cause! Knowing that I was seeing my support crew 5miles earlier gave me such a boost that on arrival at this point I was seen to be able to jump up and kick my heels Eric Morcombe style! (40miles in)
Ann and my mum were there with soup and a towel while I waited for the satellites to gather above! My morale was back up and with only 5miles through the tough forests in Crianlarich, Liam and Noel Gallagher motivated me to run and sing the whole way along to Auchtertyre!
Coming into the checkpoint - I was weighed (lost 2.2kg) and I was told by the marshals that I was in 13th position. Nice.
Auchtertyre - Bridge of Orchy
At the checkpoint I jumped in the car to change my compression tights, trainers, socks, Dried off GORE TEX jacket, top and changed back to the small bottle pack that goes round the waist. A guy passes me so I know I need to get a move on. Feeling good again and with Ann walking with me to the bottom of the road as I eat my soup on the go - I kiss her goodbye and then embark on the next relatively flat 10miles. Given the fact that I knew the guy I was playing cat and mouse with had passed me I pushed and pushed - feeling great and doing 8:30m/mile - but still I couldn't see him in the distance? Had he really gotten in front of me or am I pushing to hard for a ghost?
On approach to Bridge of Orchy I got a glimpse of him (I forget his name) he really must have been pushing hard as I never got a glimpse of him at all till this point. This may have been this guys downfall.
On arriving at BoO I was informed I was in 11th place - of which I couldn't figure out because I hadn't passed anyone yet. Wasn't till later that I was informed that favourite Richie Cunningham and another had dropped out.
Bridge of Orchy - Glencoe
After coming into this checkpoint just behind the guy that I caught up with I found myself leaving after him again and a similar pattern emerging - except this time I caught up to him just as we were crossing victoria bridge. I tried to flat tyre him a little by sitting just behind him. Then as I ran past him I asked if he was ok to which he replied 'he found it hard to get any energy in'. In the spirit of Ultra running I offered him some gels etc, but he declined. So I said I would see him at the next checkpoint. Now in 10th place I decided to stay just in front of him so not to waste much energy and pace myself. That was until I saw a tiny speck of a runner on the horizon. BEAST MODE ON.
Its incredible that 60 odd miles into an ultra and over undulating terrain that I managed to do 8:30m/mile with the sole intent of chasing this next guy, Marc, down. I felt like the terminator - 'he will not stop until he achieves his objective' obviously not in killing the 8th place but stripping it from him. Marc kept turning around and seeing me gaining ground, he then would speed up and then slow down. Finally he gave in and started walking - At this point I passed and did something I probably shouldn't of - patted him on the back and asked 'are you ok?'. He mumbled yes and I carried on loving the fact I was now in 8th. This didn't last for long as I started to become hypoglycemic - I slowed and walked a mile of so trying to get some flat coke and bars into myself. At this point Marc caught up and we chatted for a while about how this was his fourth time and that he was close to tears this time. He informed me that this would probably be his last as it just takes so much from you. I told him it was my first attempt and that I could understand his emotion. We jogged a little more and then the flat coke kicked in so I sped up a little and came into Glencoe in 8th. Once checked in to Glencoe I asked if I could have my support runner if I waited to go out in 10th - they said no, because I was only 1:30 behind the leader at this point. BAWS.
Glencoe - Kinlochleven
So now I finally know that I cannot have my support runner for the rest of the race. This was a distinct possibility and when picking my support runner I had to make them aware that they could have been coming along and there might be a small chance that they would not be allowed to run with me. Chris Black was my nominated support runner - he has a half ironman on the cards in 8 weeks so I said why not cycle from Glasgow to Glencoe and then you could possibly run from Glencoe to FW or from Kinlochleven to FW. He was screwed after the arduous cycle in the wind and rain - so travelled with my support crew in the car to Kinlochleven in await to see what happens with me.
In my mind I now knew that I had 2 10mile sections to get through. I didn't know this part of the course and had heard many stories of the terrain and bleakness of the devil's staircase and Rannoch Moor.
I left the checkpoint in 10th and tried to keep a good pace. At the bottom of the devils staircase I passed the chap who said to me before that he could not get any energy in. He looked gubbed. I asked if he was ok and he just stopped and said on you go. I climbed further and further up the devil's staircase and looked down and he had not moved. Just sat on a rock.
Knowing he wasn't far from the main road i pressed onwards up the steep staircase and over the top to see the path stretch out in front of me for miles and miles. The descent was steep and tricky and each descent was followed by an immediate ascent! This got boring fast. The weather now was fully peeing down so keeping moving meant keeping warm.
Marc had now disappeared and I would never see him again till the end. in fact the only people I did see along the way for another 10miles were walkers on the trail. All of which looked as miserable as I felt by this point. Bugger walking it in this weather. This spurred me on to keep moving - the longer I took the wetter and more miserable I would feel.
Finally the descent that I was sprinting down broke through the trees and I could see a small village deep below in the valley - this must be Kinlochleven - I descended, and descended, and descended, and descended, bugger me - I got bored of going downhill- started to think that Kinlochleven didn't actually exist!! My knees then started to hurt as the massive downhills were taking its toll. This was to haunt me till the end and could potentially be my downfall.
I finally arrived into Kinlochleven and immediately was weighed (lost 0.4kg), got some soup and had a chat with Chris who now knew that he couldn't run with me so decided to make the run to FW himself.
I grabbed some food and soup and changed my bottle again - changed my top and put some compression sock on top of my tights. any help with warmth was now greatfully accepted. Putting my soaking wet GORE TEX jacket on (mental note to self: take more than one jacket), I asked the terrain of the next section where they told me it was slightly steep. Slightly?
Looking back at the relief map of the course via Garmin Connect - Kinlochleven seems to sit at the very bottom of a steep U shape valley. Bugger.
Kinlochleven - Lundavra
Having climbed out of the valley and trying to jog along the undulating ridges that form the route over to Lundavra - I started to see things on the horizon as my mind played tricks on me. I started to become tired and sore and started to doubt myself now. Ann said that the distance to Lundavra was 7 miles but it felt like 10. My left knee was now in agony. I could only run for 300-400metres than would have to walk for 100-200m. Downhill was even worse. Now knowing my knee would play up at this point I know that I could save a lot of time (maybe 30min) by not blasting the downhills earlier and keeping steady at this section.
Finally I got to Lundavra and by this point I had had enough. I knew that I would finish but was in such a dark place in my head. I gave Ann all my weight - bottle, bag, bars, ipod, etc etc - I got a bandage from her and immobilsed my knee. It was the only way that I could reduce the pain - this did massively affect my running dynamics and now run the risk of falling due to restricted movement of one leg. I kissed her goodbye and pushed the last 6miles to the finish.
Lundavra - Fort William.
I don't remember much of this section. I remember cursing everything and not caring if someone passed me - I would constantly turn around and expect to see someone and just give up the place I had worked hard for. I cursed the uphills, I cursed the downhills, I cursed the slugs on the ground, I cursed the guy who told me I was doing well (prick)! But anyone who knows me knows that I can be very stubborn sometimes and this was always at the back of my head. I WAS going to finish this.
The small single track broke onto a massive forestry road and levelled. I turned the corner and was confronted by a massive mountain across the valley from me. It was Ben Nevis :)
This relief was shortlived as I soon realised that I was probably the same height up as 3/4 of Ben Nevis and that is a lot of downhill! But knowing I would have that goblet in my hand in less than an hour motivated me.
I looked at my clock - regardless of the place I was in it suddenly dawned on me that I could make it under 20hrs, in fact well under. So I pushed down the hill but the pain was too much.
Walking - running - cursing - walking - running - cursing
Thats what the next hour comprised of!
Finally I got to the bottom of the valley and onto tarmac, god I missed you.
Gathering myself I started to pick up the pace, but every corner on the road I turned revealed another road section into FW - this felt like it went on for ever!
Until the last bend and I saw white buildings in the distance - It felt like I started a sprint!
My mum was in the distance and signaled to Ann and Chris who started to jog on the other side of the road to me.
I shouted 'where is the finish?'
'Just a little further' Ann said. I finally could see the end!
On entering the Leisure centre and being welcomed by Ian in 19:42:10 in 9th place on my first attempt, I knew that I could laugh now as the hurt would now become a distant memory.
I weighed in at the same weight as the last check point and knew that this was because I had taken in very little fluid over the last 17miles. I was just so focussed on getting to the end that I forgot to drink much.
I showered and dropped body temp very rapidly. Fighting to stay warm - we just decided to pack up and get back down the road as fast as possible. Ian presented me with the great reward of my very first goblet and I knew then I would be back for a better time next year.
In the days after I have found myself being scared of being out in the rain. I spent 20hrs of my life soaked to the bone. I am now away to America and might not come back! ;)
If I can do it, then so can you.
Day 245.1/365 - West Highland Way Race part 1 - Milngavie - Beinglas by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 245.2/365 - West highland way race part 2 - Crainlarich - Fort William by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 11 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
the more i do this challenge and do a run the more i love it.
Todays run was a straight forward out and back on a nice quiet lane
the more i do this challenge and do a run the more i love it.
Todays run was a straight forward out and back on a nice quiet lane
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Marg: Day 231/365 Challenge - space station sighting.
A nice run out to Gray Rd and back. It was a beautiful evening and was finished off perfectly by a midnight swim in the pool. Balmy evening. Clear sky, 76 degrees F. It does not get much better than this.
I forgot to say in my last blog that we saw the international space station go overhead on Tuesday night. It was so clear to see and was visible for about 4 minutes. It was amazing to think that there were 6 people in it, 240 miles above our heads.
Day 231/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
I forgot to say in my last blog that we saw the international space station go overhead on Tuesday night. It was so clear to see and was visible for about 4 minutes. It was amazing to think that there were 6 people in it, 240 miles above our heads.
Day 231/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 236/365 - Tough One!
I did another run at lunchtime today and I think its the most difficult run I've done during this challenge. It was very warm, damp and muggy and it sapped all the energy out of me as I think I sweated about half my body weight away (I wish!). I think the problem was the loss of fluids and the lack of salt with all the sweating. I also suffered through motivation today as I just couldn't be bothered but knew I had to and that is the beauty of this challenge is that it forces you to get of your lazy butt too just get out there. Still, not looking forward to tomorrow if these weather conditions continue.
Question for everybody: What is the best supplement to boost energy levels and salt levels?
The details of day 236 can be found at Day 236/365 challenge
Question for everybody: What is the best supplement to boost energy levels and salt levels?
The details of day 236 can be found at Day 236/365 challenge
Day 10 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
After having a shitty lunch service and findind out that the marathon i had entered had been cancelled and also i have to miss the next 5k race i wasnt in a good mood but i still put on the shoes and hit the road for a hot humid 1 mile by the time i got home i felt like id been dunked in a river so sweaty
After having a shitty lunch service and findind out that the marathon i had entered had been cancelled and also i have to miss the next 5k race i wasnt in a good mood but i still put on the shoes and hit the road for a hot humid 1 mile by the time i got home i felt like id been dunked in a river so sweaty
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Day 231/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
A nice run out to Gray Rd and back. It was a beautiful evening and was finished off perfectly by a midnight swim in the pool. Balmy evening. Clear sky, 76 degrees F. It does not get much better than this.
I forgot to say in my last blog that we saw the international space station go overhead on Tuesday night. It was so clear to see and was visible for about 4 minutes. It was amazing to think that there were 6 people in it, 240 miles above our heads.
Day 231/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
I forgot to say in my last blog that we saw the international space station go overhead on Tuesday night. It was so clear to see and was visible for about 4 minutes. It was amazing to think that there were 6 people in it, 240 miles above our heads.
Day 231/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Marg: Day 222-230/365 Challenge - disappearing run!
Some of the usual runs around Carmel and a near 6 miler up into Westfield. I also did a couple of bike rides in prep for the triathlon in August. I had a problem with the synching of my iPhone with Garmin Connect. On Sunday I did a "round the block" 3 miler with Brad and then ran again for another 1.2 miles in the evening with Mill. The mistake I made was that I made edits to Garmin connect run numbers (I had them out by one day)and what I had on my iPhone had not synched so when I went to synch it decided that Garmin Connect had the most recent info so it over-rode by iPhone and so I watched my Sunday morning run disappear in front of my eyes.
Day 222/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 223/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day224/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 225/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 226/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 227/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 228/365 Challenge - With Millie by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 229/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 230/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 222/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 223/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day224/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 225/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 226/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 227/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 228/365 Challenge - With Millie by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 229/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 230/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
21,500 page views?!! :-D
incredible - since we started this trial we've had >21,500 page ivews of this blog... stunning stuff!
just wanted to doff the virtual cap to Charles, Nicky and Marg who are now each in excess of 230 days of running - it's practically over you guys!! (spare a thought for us plebs still clocking the days!!)
fantastic news tonight that Rob and Nicky both spanked their 10K PB's too - keep on pushing.. great work! - no need to go to Karl and Tony's extremes all the time to find that warm inner glow from knowing you've pushed the boundary back that little bit further! ;-p
just wanted to doff the virtual cap to Charles, Nicky and Marg who are now each in excess of 230 days of running - it's practically over you guys!! (spare a thought for us plebs still clocking the days!!)
fantastic news tonight that Rob and Nicky both spanked their 10K PB's too - keep on pushing.. great work! - no need to go to Karl and Tony's extremes all the time to find that warm inner glow from knowing you've pushed the boundary back that little bit further! ;-p
Charles: Day 234 & 235/365 - jogScotland 5k Challenges
Day 234 was the jogScotland 5k challenge at Camperdown Country Park in Dundee. It was torrential rain and the forest trail was like a water logged and slippy swamp. Really tough going and hilly course but I loved it.
Day 235 was the jogScotland 5k challenge at Inverleith Park/Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. This event had 2 x 5k runs (6pm and 7.30pm) and I did both of them. The course was very muddy and slippy in places because it had been heavy rain all day and the 6pm race was in the rain. It stopped raining for the 7.30pm race but the conditions underfoot were hellish on the wet muddy grass. Again I loved both runs and felt pretty good.
I'm sure I'm going to pay for all this running by getting a bad chest cold but hey ho I've no more races until the Glasgow Half Marathon on the 2nd September so I've plenty of time to recover :)
The details of day 234 can be found at Day 234/365 challenge
The details of day 235 - Run 1 can be found at Day 235/365 challenge - Run 1
The details of day 235 - Run 2 can be found at Day 235/365 challenge - Run 2
Day 235 was the jogScotland 5k challenge at Inverleith Park/Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. This event had 2 x 5k runs (6pm and 7.30pm) and I did both of them. The course was very muddy and slippy in places because it had been heavy rain all day and the 6pm race was in the rain. It stopped raining for the 7.30pm race but the conditions underfoot were hellish on the wet muddy grass. Again I loved both runs and felt pretty good.
I'm sure I'm going to pay for all this running by getting a bad chest cold but hey ho I've no more races until the Glasgow Half Marathon on the 2nd September so I've plenty of time to recover :)
The details of day 234 can be found at Day 234/365 challenge
The details of day 235 - Run 1 can be found at Day 235/365 challenge - Run 1
The details of day 235 - Run 2 can be found at Day 235/365 challenge - Run 2
Nicky: Day 245 10k time trial with running club
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Our running club monthly medal. Felt a bit tired & stiff from last nights excercise class, but once I got going I felt fine. In fact so well that tonight I did my fastest ever 10k so I was chuffed to bits. 50:15! Not too bad for an old bird me thinks!!!
Our running club monthly medal. Felt a bit tired & stiff from last nights excercise class, but once I got going I felt fine. In fact so well that tonight I did my fastest ever 10k so I was chuffed to bits. 50:15! Not too bad for an old bird me thinks!!!
day 9 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Boom a 10k pb well for this course any way but i loved it.
just hope to keep getting pb's
Boom a 10k pb well for this course any way but i loved it.
just hope to keep getting pb's
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Day 8 Long Sutton loop by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Woke up this morning had a coffee got my gear on and ran in my 'speed' shoes nike free run+ ive only done 10 miles in them till today and i enjoy the feeling. I was full of beans this morning so just thought id do a small 3.85 mile loop so not to burn out before tomorrows 10k at the Running club. and around the loop i found that i was doing good and before i knew it i was back home .
All in all a good run
Woke up this morning had a coffee got my gear on and ran in my 'speed' shoes nike free run+ ive only done 10 miles in them till today and i enjoy the feeling. I was full of beans this morning so just thought id do a small 3.85 mile loop so not to burn out before tomorrows 10k at the Running club. and around the loop i found that i was doing good and before i knew it i was back home .
All in all a good run
Nicky: Day 244 Upton Woods & loop
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Decided to head out before work today as I have my power pilatez class this evening. Also want to be a little bit fresh for out club 10k time trial tomorrow evening. I know Rob is hoping for a PB!!
Started out as a pleasant little run until it decided to start raining. Nice. Got home cold & wet with several emails & phone calls that needed sorting immediatly.
Frozen now so off for a shower than down to Southampton.
Decided to head out before work today as I have my power pilatez class this evening. Also want to be a little bit fresh for out club 10k time trial tomorrow evening. I know Rob is hoping for a PB!!
Started out as a pleasant little run until it decided to start raining. Nice. Got home cold & wet with several emails & phone calls that needed sorting immediatly.
Frozen now so off for a shower than down to Southampton.
Monday, 25 June 2012
Charles: Day 231 to 233/365 - More New Trainers
Day 231 & Day 232 were just some of my bog standard runs that I did in another new pair of trainers. Left outside soleus muscle hurt like hell but I'm hoping its just me recovering after the painful sports massage on that part of the leg and getting adjusted to the change in the gait that the new trainers have created. Only time will tell.
Day 233 was with the running club. This was the last 'official' club run until after the summer break or in other words until the kids go back to school after the holidays. I think its about 20th July. The club will 'unofficially' continue but it'll be a case of turn up and run with others but the leaders won't necessarily be there.
I really struggled tonight in the heat and humidity plus I've been up since 4am and been at the hospital all day with Michelle who was rushed in with severe pain in her side and back. All day at hospital and still no resolution to her problem because they won't commit to saying what's wrong. They just keep telling you what is not wrong. Helps a bit but come on after at least a year of trying, surely you must know whats wrong!
The details of day 231 can be found at Day 231/365 challenge
The details of day 232 can be found at Day 232/365 challenge
The details of day 233 can be found at Day 233/365 challenge
Day 233 was with the running club. This was the last 'official' club run until after the summer break or in other words until the kids go back to school after the holidays. I think its about 20th July. The club will 'unofficially' continue but it'll be a case of turn up and run with others but the leaders won't necessarily be there.
I really struggled tonight in the heat and humidity plus I've been up since 4am and been at the hospital all day with Michelle who was rushed in with severe pain in her side and back. All day at hospital and still no resolution to her problem because they won't commit to saying what's wrong. They just keep telling you what is not wrong. Helps a bit but come on after at least a year of trying, surely you must know whats wrong!
The details of day 231 can be found at Day 231/365 challenge
The details of day 232 can be found at Day 232/365 challenge
The details of day 233 can be found at Day 233/365 challenge

Nicky: Day 243 Upton hill loop
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Shed loads of paperwork to catch up with when I got home from work. Back aching from hunching over the computer for too long! Popped out to do my 3m loop through the woods, but alas, the horse riders have been out & churned the whole lot up into a massive muddy quagmire. Turned back & did the shorter route - shame really as such a lovely evening.
Shed loads of paperwork to catch up with when I got home from work. Back aching from hunching over the computer for too long! Popped out to do my 3m loop through the woods, but alas, the horse riders have been out & churned the whole lot up into a massive muddy quagmire. Turned back & did the shorter route - shame really as such a lovely evening.
Day 7 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
My first goal in the bag to run for 7 days. Feeling awesome right now cant be too bad at this running lark.
Really looking forward to the 10km race on wednesday night.
Also slightly changed my routine now im taking my gear to work so at the end of the lunch shift i can bang on out and crush some miles
My first goal in the bag to run for 7 days. Feeling awesome right now cant be too bad at this running lark.
Really looking forward to the 10km race on wednesday night.
Also slightly changed my routine now im taking my gear to work so at the end of the lunch shift i can bang on out and crush some miles
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Benjours 161 -166 Tha'ar be Goblin's in them there woods and NO to Everest!
DAy 161 and 162 - LARG Double header by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 163 - LA Foray by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 164 - Cyclepath by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
DAy 165 - CYcle path by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day 166 - Goblin Combe by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Wife on-call last Tuesday and absolutely no chance for me to run - I left the house early for a meeting in London and when I got home had to head straight to school to collect kids - wife didn't come home until small hours so I joined the local running group for a double run the next day in pennance... runs separated by 15 min pootling about whilst all the second group joined us.
Gryll's book getting quite good at the moment - making the cycle path quite forgetful which is perfect! - he's just scaled Everest, and I've decided that I WON'T be climbing Everest!
My company has set up a corporate social responsibility initiative with FareShare in the UK, and after I spent the day on Thursay working alongside them in their Bristol depot I discovered that their Ops Manager in Brissle also runs - over near a place called Goblin Combe about 20 mins from me... am hoping to get a run in with him one evening this week.. he also seemed interested in run365 and took the blog details... watch this space!
Goblin Combe makes for a cracking run.. steep sided wooded valley - run through the valley floor and then up onto the cliff tops for great views.. following a new-to-me path called Warren Walk and sure enough saw lots of flopsies! - sadly no Goblins to speak of.
Goblin Combe
Day 163 - LA Foray by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 164 - Cyclepath by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
DAy 165 - CYcle path by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day 166 - Goblin Combe by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Wife on-call last Tuesday and absolutely no chance for me to run - I left the house early for a meeting in London and when I got home had to head straight to school to collect kids - wife didn't come home until small hours so I joined the local running group for a double run the next day in pennance... runs separated by 15 min pootling about whilst all the second group joined us.
Gryll's book getting quite good at the moment - making the cycle path quite forgetful which is perfect! - he's just scaled Everest, and I've decided that I WON'T be climbing Everest!
My company has set up a corporate social responsibility initiative with FareShare in the UK, and after I spent the day on Thursay working alongside them in their Bristol depot I discovered that their Ops Manager in Brissle also runs - over near a place called Goblin Combe about 20 mins from me... am hoping to get a run in with him one evening this week.. he also seemed interested in run365 and took the blog details... watch this space!
Goblin Combe makes for a cracking run.. steep sided wooded valley - run through the valley floor and then up onto the cliff tops for great views.. following a new-to-me path called Warren Walk and sure enough saw lots of flopsies! - sadly no Goblins to speak of.
Goblin Combe
Nicky: Day 241 & 242 Upton Loops
Nicky: Day 241 Upton Loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Alf & I whizzed out for a slow 2miler as we are off to Kent to visit my sister & see the delectable Will Young. Nil else to report apart from fact that my legs feel like lead!!!
This photo is one of the reasons for my mega headache on day 242!!
Nicky: Day 242 Upton Loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Oh Dear!! The morning after the night before! Enough said. Think this has to be one of my slowest 2miles on record. Had to walk after about 400 yds & felt sluggish & heavy the whole way around. Will take it easy until Wednesday anyway I think as we have the club 10k time trial!!
Alf & I whizzed out for a slow 2miler as we are off to Kent to visit my sister & see the delectable Will Young. Nil else to report apart from fact that my legs feel like lead!!!
This photo is one of the reasons for my mega headache on day 242!!
Nicky: Day 242 Upton Loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Oh Dear!! The morning after the night before! Enough said. Think this has to be one of my slowest 2miles on record. Had to walk after about 400 yds & felt sluggish & heavy the whole way around. Will take it easy until Wednesday anyway I think as we have the club 10k time trial!!
Nicky: Day 240 Knole Rd
Nicky: Day 240 Knole Loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Popped out for a slow 3miler down to Knole & back. Lovely evening & enjoyed the sunshine. Nil else to say really.
Popped out for a slow 3miler down to Knole & back. Lovely evening & enjoyed the sunshine. Nil else to say really.
Tony Days 243-244/365 - 30min 5kms??? slow down - you are going too fast!
I hope the rain stays off this weekend for the WHW. Sorry that I keep going on about it but it seriously is a big deal for me - actually a life goal that I have had for many years. My run today was my usual stuff around Pollok - I have attached some pics of the stunning scenery.
Day 243/365 - Nice easy jog around my local haunt of Pollok Park by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Due to the long awaited WHW race tonight - fellow runner Stephen and I ventured out at 6am this morning for a little jog. Raining - knew this would happen. Lets hope that the rain stops before tonight!
Day 244/365 - Early morning run with Stephen tennent ahead of WHW tonight! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 243/365 - Nice easy jog around my local haunt of Pollok Park by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Due to the long awaited WHW race tonight - fellow runner Stephen and I ventured out at 6am this morning for a little jog. Raining - knew this would happen. Lets hope that the rain stops before tonight!
Day 244/365 - Early morning run with Stephen tennent ahead of WHW tonight! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 6 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
my thoughts on this today were blimey its hot and in june who would have thought that .
i think this is going to help me get near my pb time for a 10 km on wednesday.
my thoughts on this today were blimey its hot and in june who would have thought that .
i think this is going to help me get near my pb time for a 10 km on wednesday.
Tony - Days 240-242/365 - Tapering week LOL!!!
So due to the WHW being this coming weekend I decided to slow down the running to have a sort of tapering week (chuckles!). Doing most of my running over these days with clients allowed me to slow down the pace and relax a bit ahead of the big race this weekend!!
Day 240/365 - Quick, well it was till my dinner came back up, run!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 241.1/365 - Power walk/run with Margaret somers! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 241.2/365 - finishing off todays run with a jog around kelvingrove by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 242.1/365 - 3km jog around pollok with Andy Mitchell by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 242.2/365 - Finishing off todays run with a fast run back to the car by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 240/365 - Quick, well it was till my dinner came back up, run!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 241.1/365 - Power walk/run with Margaret somers! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 241.2/365 - finishing off todays run with a jog around kelvingrove by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 242.1/365 - 3km jog around pollok with Andy Mitchell by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 242.2/365 - Finishing off todays run with a fast run back to the car by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Rob Day 5 My 1 mile out and back by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Rob Day 5 My 1 mile out and back by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Well that was better. After the good advice yesterday I ha dmy head in the right place this time and enjoyed it.
A straight forward 1 mile 10 mins ish just to to blow the cobwebs away
Well that was better. After the good advice yesterday I ha dmy head in the right place this time and enjoyed it.
A straight forward 1 mile 10 mins ish just to to blow the cobwebs away
Friday, 22 June 2012
Day 217-221/365 Challenge - Hotel rooms, stair wells, basements and courtyards.
I have been in India this week and it meant that I had to get very "creative" with my running locations!!! The first night I arrived I hoped to be able to run outside however the concierge convinced me that it was not safe so I thought I would try running up and down the stairs from ground to the 7th floor. After I had done 5 laps I realized that my foot pod had link was not working and I did not have the energy in the hot stairwell to start again. So I went back to my air conditioned room and ran around in there for 2 miles!! The next night we were in Ludhiana in the Punjab. Again we arrived too late to use the treadmill in the gym. I asked again about it being safe to run outside and I think they thought I was crazy. The best solution that they had for me was to run around in the basement parking lot. A very puzzled security guard came down as well to keep an eye on me. I am not sure if he was told to do it or if he was just interested in strange and unusual occurrences. We stayed at the same place the next night and I got a tread mill run in, however we were leaving very early the next morning and I knew that we might not get to our next destination within the day so I ran before we left at 4:00am. This time they suggested a small garden courtyard near the hotel. It was still very hot but not quite as hot as the basement. There was a bit of a breeze and there were no cockroaches! Ben, the last two runs were on the treadmill at that hotel we stayed at in Delhi.
It was an exhausting but very worthwhile trip. I will add a few pics later.
Day 217/365 Challenge. Attempt 1 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 217/365 Challenge - Attempt 2 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 218/365 Challenge 1 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 218/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 219/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 220/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 221/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
It was an exhausting but very worthwhile trip. I will add a few pics later.
Day 217/365 Challenge. Attempt 1 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 217/365 Challenge - Attempt 2 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 218/365 Challenge 1 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 218/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 219/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 220/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 221/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 208-216/365 Challenge - usual haunts with and without running buddies!
Many of my usual runs around my neighbourhood. Weather has been quite warm. Brad has run with me on about a third of these runs and I even convinced Millie and Buzz to come on a few runs!!
Day 208/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 209/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 210/365 Challenge - Buzz by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 210/365 Challenge - Millie by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 211/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 212/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 212/365 Challenge 2 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 213/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 214/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 215/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 216/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 208/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 209/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 210/365 Challenge - Buzz by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 210/365 Challenge - Millie by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 211/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 212/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 212/365 Challenge 2 by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 213/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 214/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 215/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 216/365 Challenge by margcurtis13 at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 230/365 - Slowly does it
A lunchtime run at work in the thunder and lightning and very muggy conditions. I felt okay but took too a very slow leisurely pace to use today as a recovery run. Sweated bucket loads though :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 230/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 230/365 challenge
Day 4 by rob gundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 4
My 5 mile training route i used for a while now is normally one of my best routes but today it wasnt it was windy wet my knees hurt and suffering from heavy legs i was begining to wonder if i could get around and if i should carry on the challenge i enjoy running alot and i want to do this so i must plod on
Day 4
My 5 mile training route i used for a while now is normally one of my best routes but today it wasnt it was windy wet my knees hurt and suffering from heavy legs i was begining to wonder if i could get around and if i should carry on the challenge i enjoy running alot and i want to do this so i must plod on
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Nicky: Day 239 Forde Abbey x-country 10k
Nicky: Day 239 Forde Abbey 10k x-country by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Ford Abbey 10k by Foxylady at Garmin Connect - Details
Unfortunatly my Garmin didnt pick up the satellites until about 2m into the race (I must have been running so fast!!). Mid summers day so a good evening to enter a x-country 10k......not.
Forde Abbey is a lovely old house & gardens in Dorset (national trust i think). Despite the lousy weather around 150 folk turned out for the event. Cold, raining & generally grim. Due to the amount of rain recently they had to change the course. One part of the river to be crossed was too fast flowing & deep!!!
Still, despite all, I had a fantastic evening. Knee deep in mud & cow dung, slippery forest paths, muddy & wet fields, slippery styles & a thigh deep river crossing but with a rope to stop one being swept away! All in all a really great little race. Not my best ever 10k time but thats x-country for you.
Ben, one for you to consider next year!
The post by Foxylady is the full course that I pinched from Garmin Connect!
Ford Abbey 10k by Foxylady at Garmin Connect - Details
Unfortunatly my Garmin didnt pick up the satellites until about 2m into the race (I must have been running so fast!!). Mid summers day so a good evening to enter a x-country 10k......not.
Forde Abbey is a lovely old house & gardens in Dorset (national trust i think). Despite the lousy weather around 150 folk turned out for the event. Cold, raining & generally grim. Due to the amount of rain recently they had to change the course. One part of the river to be crossed was too fast flowing & deep!!!
Still, despite all, I had a fantastic evening. Knee deep in mud & cow dung, slippery forest paths, muddy & wet fields, slippery styles & a thigh deep river crossing but with a rope to stop one being swept away! All in all a really great little race. Not my best ever 10k time but thats x-country for you.
Ben, one for you to consider next year!
The post by Foxylady is the full course that I pinched from Garmin Connect!
Charles: Day 226 to 229/365 - The magic 1000 and what have I done!!
Mega chuffed!! I've now reached a major milestone during this challenge of running 1001.26 miles in 229 days :))
My daily average has slipped back quite considerably over the last few weeks because of dead and heavy legs. The good news is that the guy that does my sports massage has finally managed to pinpoint whats causing the problem. He's isolated the problem muscles within the calf area of both legs. The problems is on the outside muscle on my left leg and on the inside muscle of my right leg. This is purely down to my gait having changed during the course of the challenge and I'm now wearing the wrong structured trainers (Saucony Hurricane 13). The recommendation is to get my gait analysed at a proper running shop and to buy corrective running gel insoles that cushion you from the impact of road running.
What have I done!?? I've finally gone and signed up for the Edinburgh Marathon on the 26th May 2013 so I better think seriously about training plans and losing a couple of stone in weight :)
The details of my runs are:
Day 226 - was with the running club and I was asked take the beginners group (as I'm a 'trained' jog leader). Bit of a change for me as I usually take the advanced group and we do 10k at 54 minute pace. This group was to be an easy jog between 5 to 6km with walking. I really enjoyed the gentle pace but had to do a lot of fast running to go between the back markers and the ones at the front so I used it as a part speed session for myself.
Day 227 - was the jogScotland 5k challenge in Peebles. I felt a bit heavy legged so couldn't run as fast as I wanted but I still managed to finish in 23rd place and got another medal to add to my collection.
Day 228 - mega ouch during this this run because it was about 30mins after my sports massage and I could barely walk let alone run. This has to be the toughest run physically that I've done and it was a fairly easy course. Pleased to finish it without stopping.
Day 229 - felt a hell of a lot better than yesterday. It was also pissing down with rain but it was the best I've felt in weeks. I'm hoping that the sports massage has finally sorted the dodgy leg muscles out but I need to get my running gait checked before I can start to improve my running again before my next half marathon in Glasgow in September.
The details of day 226 can be found at Day 226/365 challenge
The details of day 227 can be found at Day 227/365 challenge
The details of day 228 can be found at Day 228/365 challenge
The details of day 229 can be found at Day 229/365 challenge
My daily average has slipped back quite considerably over the last few weeks because of dead and heavy legs. The good news is that the guy that does my sports massage has finally managed to pinpoint whats causing the problem. He's isolated the problem muscles within the calf area of both legs. The problems is on the outside muscle on my left leg and on the inside muscle of my right leg. This is purely down to my gait having changed during the course of the challenge and I'm now wearing the wrong structured trainers (Saucony Hurricane 13). The recommendation is to get my gait analysed at a proper running shop and to buy corrective running gel insoles that cushion you from the impact of road running.
What have I done!?? I've finally gone and signed up for the Edinburgh Marathon on the 26th May 2013 so I better think seriously about training plans and losing a couple of stone in weight :)
The details of my runs are:
Day 226 - was with the running club and I was asked take the beginners group (as I'm a 'trained' jog leader). Bit of a change for me as I usually take the advanced group and we do 10k at 54 minute pace. This group was to be an easy jog between 5 to 6km with walking. I really enjoyed the gentle pace but had to do a lot of fast running to go between the back markers and the ones at the front so I used it as a part speed session for myself.
Day 227 - was the jogScotland 5k challenge in Peebles. I felt a bit heavy legged so couldn't run as fast as I wanted but I still managed to finish in 23rd place and got another medal to add to my collection.
Day 228 - mega ouch during this this run because it was about 30mins after my sports massage and I could barely walk let alone run. This has to be the toughest run physically that I've done and it was a fairly easy course. Pleased to finish it without stopping.
Day 229 - felt a hell of a lot better than yesterday. It was also pissing down with rain but it was the best I've felt in weeks. I'm hoping that the sports massage has finally sorted the dodgy leg muscles out but I need to get my running gait checked before I can start to improve my running again before my next half marathon in Glasgow in September.
The details of day 226 can be found at Day 226/365 challenge
The details of day 227 can be found at Day 227/365 challenge
The details of day 228 can be found at Day 228/365 challenge
The details of day 229 can be found at Day 229/365 challenge
day 3 Bineham crossroads by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
day 3 Bineham crossroads by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
just a straight forward out and back route to fit in to my days during the challenge my min will be a mile and this only took 16 mins in the rain
just a straight forward out and back route to fit in to my days during the challenge my min will be a mile and this only took 16 mins in the rain
Langport Runners Midney Route 6.73 miles day 2 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Langport Runners Midney Route 6.73 miles day 2 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
day 2 was a nice gentle run with some of the club runners with some nice riverside runs and cow shit.
Felt good around this course as i found out its part of the slamm route
day 2 was a nice gentle run with some of the club runners with some nice riverside runs and cow shit.
Felt good around this course as i found out its part of the slamm route
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Nicky: Day 238 Run with club
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Cool damp evening & club night. I decided to go with the slow group & do around 5m as I plan to do a hilly cross-country 10k race tomorrow evening. Really enjoyed the run. Bit nervous going through a field full of cows with their calves & a HUGE bull complete with ring in his nose!!!
Enjoyed the run & company but no speed records were broken!
Cool damp evening & club night. I decided to go with the slow group & do around 5m as I plan to do a hilly cross-country 10k race tomorrow evening. Really enjoyed the run. Bit nervous going through a field full of cows with their calves & a HUGE bull complete with ring in his nose!!!
Enjoyed the run & company but no speed records were broken!
Day 1 park run 14 mile by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 1 park run 14 mile by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday morning I was awaken by an email from Nicky asking if I was interested in a challenge to run 365 days... So being a little mental I signed on and later that day I was up for the challenge and I'd set a minimum distance of 1 mile so that should only take 10 mins on a slow day.
The first run I had planned to do a 14 mile run to get in tune for the up coming Slamm event on the 8th of September. The first 12 miles went well but as I'd left my Carb drink at home the last 2 miles were very hard but I was determined to make it and I made it and it felt good I was euphoric that I had finally beaten the 13.1 mile mark.
And a few hours later my legs felt ok unlike after the half marathon I couldn't walk down the stairs.
That was day one 364 days to go
Monday morning I was awaken by an email from Nicky asking if I was interested in a challenge to run 365 days... So being a little mental I signed on and later that day I was up for the challenge and I'd set a minimum distance of 1 mile so that should only take 10 mins on a slow day.
The first run I had planned to do a 14 mile run to get in tune for the up coming Slamm event on the 8th of September. The first 12 miles went well but as I'd left my Carb drink at home the last 2 miles were very hard but I was determined to make it and I made it and it felt good I was euphoric that I had finally beaten the 13.1 mile mark.
And a few hours later my legs felt ok unlike after the half marathon I couldn't walk down the stairs.
That was day one 364 days to go
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Nicky: Day 237 Upton Loop
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
2m before breakfast. Stunning morning, quiet, sunny with a nice crisp feel to it. Felt fantastic & wish I could have gone further, but Eisai pay my salary, so I had better go earn my bread! :(
2m before breakfast. Stunning morning, quiet, sunny with a nice crisp feel to it. Felt fantastic & wish I could have gone further, but Eisai pay my salary, so I had better go earn my bread! :(
Nicky: Day 236 Upton/Long Sutton Loop
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
A lovely evening. Popped out to do a couple of miles - slowly. Felt great for the slow run so did nearly 3m. If I had had more time I would have liked to have done 6m. Stuck to the usual tried & trusted loop!
A lovely evening. Popped out to do a couple of miles - slowly. Felt great for the slow run so did nearly 3m. If I had had more time I would have liked to have done 6m. Stuck to the usual tried & trusted loop!
Jack: Day 58/365...Glasgow Green
As a lot of my runs recently have just been to the minimum 5k distance I decided to have another slightly longer outing today. I hadn't run around Glasgow Green for a while and, as it was a nice day, I decided to have a steady run along the river. As I reached the green I decided that I would lengthen my stride and try to increase my pace slightly. I made good progress and looped around the park and back to my flat. I had a quick stop at the flat to grab my bag and continued my run to the University gym. The run totalled just under 12k and I followed it in the gym with some weights and ended with a quick swim. This was a good session and I really enjoyed the swim. I do not do a lot of swimming and it was a really good way of ending my training session. I am definitely going to try and incorporate it into more sessions.
Run 58/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 58/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 57/365...Run Club
This morning I popped out with the running club for a slightly longer run than my usual daily 5 kilometres. The run lasted around an hour and covered just over eleven kilometres. The club was a little depleted today as many of the guys were preparing for the Bellahouston Mens 10k which will be taking place tomorrow. The run saw us pass through the University grounds and we completed some hill reps in Kelvingrove Park. We also managed to squeeze in a few sections of sprints and even some walking lunges. All in all it was a nice run with some tough aspects.
Run 57/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 57/365 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 18 June 2012
Benjours 159 & 160 Cycle Path and Leigh Woods Dunking
Benjour 159 - Cycle path by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 160 - Leigh Woods by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Had a cracking run this evening... am listening to Bear Gryll's autobiography on audio these last few days and the narrator has got to the SAS selection bits - must be spurring me on since I really enjoyed this evening's lung buster through Leigh Woods... right up until I ran through an innocent looking puddle in the middle of the woods and went in straight up to the undercarriage in icy muddy water... startled a few mountainbikers with my screams!.. woman behind the till in the curry house afterwards looked at my mud splattered body approvingly though - essence of man - grr! :-p
Great to be really enjoying the running again - glad I made the effort to get off road - need some more hills before the next MM in early July!
Benjour 160 - Leigh Woods by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Had a cracking run this evening... am listening to Bear Gryll's autobiography on audio these last few days and the narrator has got to the SAS selection bits - must be spurring me on since I really enjoyed this evening's lung buster through Leigh Woods... right up until I ran through an innocent looking puddle in the middle of the woods and went in straight up to the undercarriage in icy muddy water... startled a few mountainbikers with my screams!.. woman behind the till in the curry house afterwards looked at my mud splattered body approvingly though - essence of man - grr! :-p
Great to be really enjoying the running again - glad I made the effort to get off road - need some more hills before the next MM in early July!
Tony Days 234-239/365 - 4 more days till West Highland Way Race
So its the final week before the race that I have prepared for for two years! Starting at 1am Sat 23rd june, I along with 180 odd other maddies will run the 95miles of the west highland way!
I know it will not be easy - so I hope that I can receive some words of encouragement this week from my fellow R365C athletes. For some this distance is nothing and for some they hope to try this out someday!!
I will have my phone on me during the race so please get in touch with words of support by texting or calling on 07877279600!!
Day 234/365 - Run of the three hills of Kelvingrove Park by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 235/365 - Nice little jog around the gorgeous Pollok Park by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 236/365 - Susan Miller runs her first ever 6km!!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 237/365 - Jim Wylie runs 5km without stopping once/WHW warm up! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 238/365 - Tired this week but still running through Rutherglen! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 239/365 - Slightly different route from yesterday!! BORING I KNOW!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
I know it will not be easy - so I hope that I can receive some words of encouragement this week from my fellow R365C athletes. For some this distance is nothing and for some they hope to try this out someday!!
I will have my phone on me during the race so please get in touch with words of support by texting or calling on 07877279600!!
Day 234/365 - Run of the three hills of Kelvingrove Park by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 235/365 - Nice little jog around the gorgeous Pollok Park by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 236/365 - Susan Miller runs her first ever 6km!!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 237/365 - Jim Wylie runs 5km without stopping once/WHW warm up! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 238/365 - Tired this week but still running through Rutherglen! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 239/365 - Slightly different route from yesterday!! BORING I KNOW!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Hi Im looking forward to this
Hi and thanks for letting me take part in this awesome challenge.
Ive been running for a year and Ive completed a half marathon in 1:56:02 and lots of 5 k and 10 k races.
Ive recently joined Langport Runners and met loads of great people.
I'm out for a 14 mile slow run tomorrow as I'm taking part in a Marathon on 8th of September.
Oh i nearly forgot to mention i have An ICD implanted..sothis will be fun
Ive been running for a year and Ive completed a half marathon in 1:56:02 and lots of 5 k and 10 k races.
Ive recently joined Langport Runners and met loads of great people.
I'm out for a 14 mile slow run tomorrow as I'm taking part in a Marathon on 8th of September.
Oh i nearly forgot to mention i have An ICD implanted..sothis will be fun
Benjour 149 - 158 LAMM and Parma = Parmalamm
Benjour 149 - Cycle path by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 150 - kids swim in Clifton by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 151 - LAMM Day 1 Ben Cruachan by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 152 - LAMM Day 2 Withdraw tab out by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 153 - LA Foray post-Edinburgh trip by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benour 154 - Scouts Jubilee stone by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 155 - Parma EFSA Meeting by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 156 - Parma EFSA Meeting by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 157 - Parma EFSA Meeting by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 158 - LA Foray by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 159 - Cycle path by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Time flying by - highlights had to be the beast that was the LAMM and then a delightful few days in in the sunshine in Parma, Italy on business.
LAMM was a bit of a baptism - the scottish midge has to be experienced to be believed - teeth with wings - who knew?! little weasels that they are - thank goodness I had the presence of mind to purchase a midge hat/net before hand... my first time up in the low highlands... utterly stunning and breathtaking - literally as well as virtually.. 6700ft cumulative ascent on Day1 had Tony and I on our knees.. lets see if I can get this pic off FB to work..
Benjour 150 - kids swim in Clifton by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 151 - LAMM Day 1 Ben Cruachan by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 152 - LAMM Day 2 Withdraw tab out by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 153 - LA Foray post-Edinburgh trip by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benour 154 - Scouts Jubilee stone by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 155 - Parma EFSA Meeting by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 156 - Parma EFSA Meeting by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 157 - Parma EFSA Meeting by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 158 - LA Foray by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Benjour 159 - Cycle path by ben_buckle at Garmin Connect - Details
Time flying by - highlights had to be the beast that was the LAMM and then a delightful few days in in the sunshine in Parma, Italy on business.
LAMM was a bit of a baptism - the scottish midge has to be experienced to be believed - teeth with wings - who knew?! little weasels that they are - thank goodness I had the presence of mind to purchase a midge hat/net before hand... my first time up in the low highlands... utterly stunning and breathtaking - literally as well as virtually.. 6700ft cumulative ascent on Day1 had Tony and I on our knees.. lets see if I can get this pic off FB to work..
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Charles: Day 225/365 - Race for Life
Its Michelle's Race for Life 5k today and I'd agreed to do it with her in a Pink Panther suit but I did a 5k lap of Arthur's Seat before doing the walk with Michelle. My run was a fairly tough one because the Arthur's Seat is very steep for about 3k.
Once I'd done my run I donned the Panta Rosa costume and got a fair bit of attention with lots of smiles and lots of photos taken with other people doing the run/walk. We did the walk in an hour and I'm proud of me wee honey for taking part today and getting her medal. I even got a medal, even though I never paid an entry fee. I think they were feeling sorry for me :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 225/365 challenge - My Run
The details of my Race for Life walk can be found at Day 225/365 challenge - Pink Panther
Once I'd done my run I donned the Panta Rosa costume and got a fair bit of attention with lots of smiles and lots of photos taken with other people doing the run/walk. We did the walk in an hour and I'm proud of me wee honey for taking part today and getting her medal. I even got a medal, even though I never paid an entry fee. I think they were feeling sorry for me :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 225/365 challenge - My Run
The details of my Race for Life walk can be found at Day 225/365 challenge - Pink Panther
Nicky: Day 235 Martock 10k
Nicky: Day 235 Martock 10k by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Happy Fathers Day Dad!
10am start for todays local 10k. Excellent as got Dad around later for dinner so plenty of time to get sorted.
As this time 2 wks ago I was plodding along the Comrades route, I set myself a 10k target of 56mins. Relatively flat course. Set out nice & steady but settled into the race after a couple of k so decided to "put foot"! Gradually started over taking folk & felt great. Finished in a not too shabby 51:56 so was dead chuffed!
Sun shone the whole way around too which was nice!
Happy Fathers Day Dad!
10am start for todays local 10k. Excellent as got Dad around later for dinner so plenty of time to get sorted.
As this time 2 wks ago I was plodding along the Comrades route, I set myself a 10k target of 56mins. Relatively flat course. Set out nice & steady but settled into the race after a couple of k so decided to "put foot"! Gradually started over taking folk & felt great. Finished in a not too shabby 51:56 so was dead chuffed!
Sun shone the whole way around too which was nice!
Nicky: Day 234 Upton Loop
Nicky: Day 234 Upton Loop by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Off out later this morning for a Chrascina family lunch in Surrey. Lots to do so popped out for a quick 2miler. Or rather, not so quick. Ran slowly due to heavy legs over the past few days. Felt much better for it - will now probably do a 10k race tomorrow.
Off out later this morning for a Chrascina family lunch in Surrey. Lots to do so popped out for a quick 2miler. Or rather, not so quick. Ran slowly due to heavy legs over the past few days. Felt much better for it - will now probably do a 10k race tomorrow.
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Charles: Day 224/365 - Saturday Brunch
Another Saturday run to Dalkeith and then a brunch. My favourite day of the week. I took the 'run in the rain' really easy and enjoyed it. My legs still feel really heavy and my feet were a bit sore but that's probably down to using an old pair of trainers.
I'm walking the Race for Life with Michelle tomorrow and I'll be wearing a pink panther suit. I think I'll go for my run before we do our wee panther prowl :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 224/365 challenge
I'm walking the Race for Life with Michelle tomorrow and I'll be wearing a pink panther suit. I think I'll go for my run before we do our wee panther prowl :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 224/365 challenge
Friday, 15 June 2012
Charles: Day 223/365 - Cold & Wet
Tonight's run was in the cold winds and heavy rain. I was like a droont rat by the time I got to the wife's work. I felt pretty good tonight but felt a little bloated that took my breath away when I got to the hills. Good run and I love running in the rain :)
As a reward for all my hard work, we stopped at the shops on the way home to get something for my dinner and Michelle got me a cottage pie that was reduced to 20 pence because it was going out of date today! Gotta love her expensive tastes!!! It was actually quite tasty lol
The details of my run can be found at Day 223/365 challenge
As a reward for all my hard work, we stopped at the shops on the way home to get something for my dinner and Michelle got me a cottage pie that was reduced to 20 pence because it was going out of date today! Gotta love her expensive tastes!!! It was actually quite tasty lol
The details of my run can be found at Day 223/365 challenge
Nicky: Day 233 Knole Rd
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
At least it has stopped raining! Still a chilly 14 deg & very blowey. Long day at work today & feel really knackered. As soon as I got in I thought I had better pop out & do my minimum miles otherwise if I sit down I wont want to go. Legs felt very heavy & sluggish. Even had to walk for a short bit up the little tiny hill! Struggled for the 2m & was pleased to get home.
Hurrah its the weekend. Got a bit of a family do tomorrow & maybe a 10k race on Sunday.
At least it has stopped raining! Still a chilly 14 deg & very blowey. Long day at work today & feel really knackered. As soon as I got in I thought I had better pop out & do my minimum miles otherwise if I sit down I wont want to go. Legs felt very heavy & sluggish. Even had to walk for a short bit up the little tiny hill! Struggled for the 2m & was pleased to get home.
Hurrah its the weekend. Got a bit of a family do tomorrow & maybe a 10k race on Sunday.
Jack: Day 56/365...Last day of Uni!
This morning's run was an early one. I agreed to help coach a class at CrossFit at 6:15am and so I found myself rolling out of bed at 5:30am and out of the door into the rain. The jog down to the box wasn't too bad - but then I was probably still half asleep! The 6:15am session was working with Cheryl and we were coaching 'presses'. At 7:15am I had my first session of coaching on my own. I had one trainee and she was learning how to Deadlift. I really enjoyed the session and I am glad that I got to work in a one-to-one situation for my first experience. I jogged back to the flat through the pouring rain in order to have a quick shower and head over to my new school for a meeting. The meeting was very productive and I managed to get hold of plenty of resources for my first year as a teacher. Today was also my last day of lectures and so I popped in to listen to a talk from the BBC Education people before heading to the pub with Isman and Annie. A couple of pints in the old schoolhouse and I headed home to prepare for the big match this evening. A few of the guys are coming over to watch the game and so I have had to stock up the fridge and clean the living room! Let's just hope England can win the match and make all the effort worth it!
Run 56/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 56/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 56/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 56/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 55/365
Today I ventured out for a few shorter runs to make up my total. I popped out this morning for my usual run to and from CrossFit. This morning I was helping out with some of the coaching in the box and it went really well. I have helped out with a few of the 'fundamentals' classes now and I am hoping the coaching experience will prove useful when I am working in school. As I did not train this morning I decided to head back to the box in the evening for a training session of my own. I jogged down following a slightly different route to usual, covering just over 3km. This was simply because I wanted to be nosey and have a look at the other CrossFit gym in the area. Despite my new route I managed to bypass the gym and so it was essentially a wasted exercise! At least I got an extra half kilometre of running in! This evenings WOD consisted of wall balls and sit ups, which after running the block carrying a kettlebell for the warm-up, didn't seem too bad. The workout suited me and I managed to secure a decent score. Happy days!
Run 55/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 55/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 55/365 (part three) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 55/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 55/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 55/365 (part three) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Charles: Day 221 & 222/365 - TuTu(Tu)
Well I've reached day 222 (tututu) and I couldn't help but have a wee chuckle to myself thinking about this time last year when I ran the jogScotland 5k challenges in Edinburgh wearing a pink tutu because I was an extra in the filming of the BBC tv comedy series Pramface.
Day 221 involved a late run and was up the big hills around where I stay. I felt that run once it was finished but it was amusing when another runner was going down the hill and said its easier doing it his way :)
Day 222 was another lunchtime run at work and I was taking it easy until I saw a couple of runners in the distance and were going the same way as me. I had to chase them down and pass them, and I did! Felt good afterwards and realise that my knackered feeling would probably disappear if I could find people to go running with at lunchtimes....I'll need to try and set a jogWorks group :)
The details of day 221 can be found at Day 221/365 challenge
The details of day 222 can be found at Day 222/365 challenge
Day 221 involved a late run and was up the big hills around where I stay. I felt that run once it was finished but it was amusing when another runner was going down the hill and said its easier doing it his way :)
Day 222 was another lunchtime run at work and I was taking it easy until I saw a couple of runners in the distance and were going the same way as me. I had to chase them down and pass them, and I did! Felt good afterwards and realise that my knackered feeling would probably disappear if I could find people to go running with at lunchtimes....I'll need to try and set a jogWorks group :)
The details of day 221 can be found at Day 221/365 challenge
The details of day 222 can be found at Day 222/365 challenge
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Nicky: Day 231 Yeovilton 5k Race
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
The boss managed to overrun our meeting by 45mins & of course I had not brought my club vest or running number with me! Luckily Alfie was at home, so he met me at Yeovilton Airbase at 7pm with my kit (didnt have time to go home from head office in Hatfield). Got changed quickly in the car & shot across to race HQ to pay my fiver for the race. This race is part of the 5k summer series (Somerset race series & our club race series) so I was keen to take part. New I wasnt going to break any records this evening as legs still feeling a little tired, but I wanted to get a point towards the Somerset Series & Club Series. Several club members appeared which was nice. One of the ladies who I am quite competitive with also turned up. Gun went & off shot Mel! I did warn her that my legs were still fatigued - she was pretty chuffed as I normally pip her in races. I however picked up 3k into the race & actually caught her up, overtook her & beat her by 26seconds. Yes, I was pretty chuffed. She also happens to be 12 yrs my junior! I so love this challenge. Has certainly improved my fitness & stamina hugely. I also think it has toughened up my feet! Still cant get over having only 2 of the tiniest blisters post Comrades. What a difference to the MdS!!! :D
The boss managed to overrun our meeting by 45mins & of course I had not brought my club vest or running number with me! Luckily Alfie was at home, so he met me at Yeovilton Airbase at 7pm with my kit (didnt have time to go home from head office in Hatfield). Got changed quickly in the car & shot across to race HQ to pay my fiver for the race. This race is part of the 5k summer series (Somerset race series & our club race series) so I was keen to take part. New I wasnt going to break any records this evening as legs still feeling a little tired, but I wanted to get a point towards the Somerset Series & Club Series. Several club members appeared which was nice. One of the ladies who I am quite competitive with also turned up. Gun went & off shot Mel! I did warn her that my legs were still fatigued - she was pretty chuffed as I normally pip her in races. I however picked up 3k into the race & actually caught her up, overtook her & beat her by 26seconds. Yes, I was pretty chuffed. She also happens to be 12 yrs my junior! I so love this challenge. Has certainly improved my fitness & stamina hugely. I also think it has toughened up my feet! Still cant get over having only 2 of the tiniest blisters post Comrades. What a difference to the MdS!!! :D
Nicky: Day 230 Hatfield Trot
2 day regional meeting at our head office in Hatfield. Bit of a shock after so much holiday recently!! Popped out for a swift 2 miler (or not) before meeting my colleagues in the bar for a drink before heading out to the local indian!! Such a healthy life style!! Tried to push myself speed wise as I was pushed for time. I am no speedy Gonzales at the best of times but I could still really feel the post Comrades fatigue! Not a bad little loop with clear cycle/pedestrian paths. Had to do a minor detour through a pretty little park at the end to make up the mileage.
Jack: Day 54/365
Today I had a few lectures to attend at Uni as I come to the end of my course. To my incredible to disappointment the final lecture of the day was cancelled due to the speaker not turning up and so I was devastated to find myself in the pub at 3 o'clock this afternoon! All was not quite as rosy as it may at first seem however as I had not yet covered my daily 5k and I was also due to be training at CrossFit at 5:15. I managed to resist the temptation of a cheeky shandy and, after an hour of catching up with my mates, I stepped outside to begin my jog for the evening. As time was on my side today I managed to continue past the CrossFit box and cover an extra couple of kilometres, running down the river, in order to complete my required 5km before beginning my training session. Today was a Mobility WOD at the box which meant that I spent a full hour grimacing as I rolled around on the floor on foam rollers and mobility balls in order to loosed up my IT Band amongst other areas of tension. The WOD was one of incredible pain but I felt good afterwards and will definitely continue to incorporate these elements into my training in future. With all of this running it is of vital importance that I remember to stretch properly and look after my legs! The jog home was around 2.5km taking my daily total to 7.5km. All in all I am feeling very fit at the moment. My 5km time is the quickest it has ever been and I am lifting good weights in the gym. I am away on holiday to South Africa for two weeks soon and I am just hoping that I can maintain my current fitness levels without having access to a gym. I will be making sure that I complete my 5k run every day and it will be interesting to see how my times compare. Hopefully my strength work in the gym won't suffer too badly for having two weeks off. Only time will tell...
Run 54/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 54/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 54/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 54/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 52-53/365
These were both simple runs to and from the CrossFit box. Monday saw a straightforward jog along the river following my usual route to the gym however for Tuesday's effort I had to take a slight detour in order to visit Vicki and work and drop off the keys to the flat. I felt a little self conscious turning up out of breath and a bit sweaty at the fancy shoe shop where Vicki is currently working but I didn't get too many funny looks as I explained to the staff that I was looking for her. Tuesday's WOD at CrossFit involved a combination of Clean +Jerk, Rowing, Wall Balls and Burpees. I felt strong and recorded a score which I was satisfied with.
Run 52/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 52/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 53/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 53/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 52/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 52/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 53/365 (part one) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Run 53/365 (part two) by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Charles: Day 220/365 - Boring old favourite
A lunchtime run on a now very familiar route that bores me to tears but hey ho, It's an old favourite that has a couple of wee hills. I felt pretty tired today and heavy legged so it'll be another cold bath for me tonight. Bring on the cold feet!!
The details of the run can be found at Day 220/365 challenge
The details of the run can be found at Day 220/365 challenge
Monday, 11 June 2012
Tony Day 233/365 - Run along the Clyde with Fraser and then finished off todays run with some circuits in the park.
What a day!
Having had my butt kicked by Mr Buckle yesterday I have now got my Garmin files in order and am back on track.
Well the weekend was quite a disaster - the LAMM, albeit very tough, would have been a fantastic experience if I was in the right frame of mind and did not have one of the biggest races of my life coming up in WHW.
All throughout the LAMM I thought I would go over my ankle (after spraining it a couple of weeks before) and the shattered my confidence out on the mountains!
My sincere apologies to my good friend Ben - My pulling out meant that he could not complete this event.
On the other hand - buy an altimeter and you might not get as lost!!
Todays run was simple - Met up with an old friend, Fraser King, who is currently taking part in his fundamentals course at Crossfit, where we had a little run along the Clyde and had a catch up!
Nothing else to say about it!
Good to be back!
Day 233.1/365 - Run along the Clyde with Fraser King - then some intervals by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 233.2/365 - Finishing off todays run with some runs around the park! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Having had my butt kicked by Mr Buckle yesterday I have now got my Garmin files in order and am back on track.
Well the weekend was quite a disaster - the LAMM, albeit very tough, would have been a fantastic experience if I was in the right frame of mind and did not have one of the biggest races of my life coming up in WHW.
All throughout the LAMM I thought I would go over my ankle (after spraining it a couple of weeks before) and the shattered my confidence out on the mountains!
My sincere apologies to my good friend Ben - My pulling out meant that he could not complete this event.
On the other hand - buy an altimeter and you might not get as lost!!
Todays run was simple - Met up with an old friend, Fraser King, who is currently taking part in his fundamentals course at Crossfit, where we had a little run along the Clyde and had a catch up!
Nothing else to say about it!
Good to be back!
Day 233.1/365 - Run along the Clyde with Fraser King - then some intervals by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 233.2/365 - Finishing off todays run with some runs around the park! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 219/365 - Running Club
Tonight was a short run with the intermediate running group. I had a group of about 30 people with various abilities. I even had a pregnant lady of about 6 months doing the run which scared the hell out of me in case she decided to 'pop'. A couple of the runners got some blisters from new trainers so I had to help them out but luckily it was near the end and we were close to where they lived. After I'd made sure they were okay and I'd seen them home, I had to chase down and catch the group up so that we could follow the rest of the route I'd planned. Stressful but very enjoyable nights running :))
The details of the run can be found at Day 219/365 challenge
The details of the run can be found at Day 219/365 challenge
Nicky: Day 229 Wet in Blighty
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Oh to be back in England! Donned my wet weather gear & dragged myself out this evening. Actually once I was out there I really enjoyed it! Light drizzle, not too cold & I felt great. Can still feel that my quads are a little tight from the Comrades. Just did my usual boring old Upton loop & added another small loop back through the village on.
Oh to be back in England! Donned my wet weather gear & dragged myself out this evening. Actually once I was out there I really enjoyed it! Light drizzle, not too cold & I felt great. Can still feel that my quads are a little tight from the Comrades. Just did my usual boring old Upton loop & added another small loop back through the village on.
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