Sunday, 10 February 2013

Day 213 - 217 by Sallycinn

Run home after cross fit and Krav Maga session. As usual really knackered after the two hour session.
Day 213 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details

Run home - minimum mileage run
Day 214 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details

Really tired after a hard week at work. All my colleagues went to the pub, but I kept strong and declined and ran home and had an early night.  Felt really pleased with myself as I am trying to keep body and mind healthy with the marathon training in progress.
Day 215 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details

Shorter run than the satellite says as I just did the minimum as sister and pal were coming up to Bristol early so didn't have much time - sometimes the sat. goes a bit bonkers!
Day 216 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details

Sunday morning.  Normally do my long run on a Saturday but as my sister and pal were coming up to Bristol for a day in the city, decided to delay it.  When I left the house at 9am it was pouring with rain but geared up I left and actually didn't mind the rain, wind, puddles, mud and hills!!  Loved it (except last mile as I was cold and tired). But now feel great.  Love the long runs :)
Day 217 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details


  1. Sally,thats a great report on your long run. Considering the weather! You are well on your way with about 12 weeks still to build up the distance.
    Nicky and, I think, Sue will be with you in Edinburgh.
    You have what it takes , determination, stickability, desire to take part and the dream of looking fit,feeling fit and having another great running experience !
    Meanwhile I'm trying to get back to a decent 5k time??!!

  2. Thanks Dad - I'm sure you'll do great at the next Street 5k - maybe sacrificing the sticky toffee pudding may be in order though :)

  3. Are you doing the Edinburgh Marathon?

  4. Hi Charles - yes I am. So is Nicky and I think one other from here is doing it too. We should all meet up before or after and say hi :) Hope your training is going well and you're feeling better about running. I'm really enjoying it at the moment - it does go in phases though.

  5. I think that's at least 4 of us doing the Edinburgh Marathon - You, Nicky, Jack and me.

    Great idea to meet up for pre or post race dinner. I've already met Tony, Marg and Ben and its great to meet up to put names to the faces and share some running stories :)
