2011/2012 was a fantastic transition and a fantastic year cause we started this fantastic challenge and some of us had to drop out, others missed a day and had to start again, and some made it through to the finish.
2013 will see the next generation of run365challenge enter the second half of their experience - closely followed by a new breed and some returning veterans!
All I can say is that this has turned out to be a fantastic blog with some real characters describing their adventures in fitness every day!
2013 is a year for new adventures and challenges - and about finishing what we start!
Keep on running!
Monday, 31 December 2012
Pete Day 184 - Happy New Year and the last run of the year WET by Pljrun
Here we are, the last run of the year, what does the next one hold? Just a very wet four miles to finish with never mind I still enjoyed it and felt back to normal after last weeks exertions. So all that is left is to wish all you fellow 365 ers, past and present a happy new year and many happy running miles.
Pete Day 184 - Last run of the year WET by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 184 - Last run of the year WET by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Happy new year
To all doing the challenge have a good night and a great 2013. I'm still having tech issues but will sort all on Thursday
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Karen Day 68
Out for a 60 mile cycle this morning so legs very tired when we finally got home. Thought about having a rest and running later in the evening but knew that would be even tougher once I'd sat down to recover, so went straight out after the cycle. Think this was hardest run in the challenge to date even though it was only the minimum distance, and it was more of a shuffle!!
Day 68 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255936217
Day 68 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255936217
Jack: Day 193/365...Time to add some distance.
With my Edinburgh marathon place confirmed and only 5 months away I have decided that I need to start making an effort to include some longer runs in my training. As the majority of the runs over the last six months have been 5 kilometres I will make an effort to increase the mileage gradually over the next few weeks until I start following a proper marathon training program. Today I set off with the intention of being out for an hour. I did a loop of Queen's Park before running over to Pollock Park and completing a large loop there. As I approached my flat I noticed that my Garmin had just passed the 16k mark and so i decided to do a short loop away from the flat to take my total distance covered to 17k. I felt ok although my knees did start to ache slightly towards the end of the run. I will strive to stick to grassy surfaces as much as possible in future to minimise the impact on my joints but unfortunately with the weather as it currently is, this is not always possible!
193 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
193 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 189-192/365...School Holidays + A trip to the Lakes.
This week I have been making the most of my holiday from work by running during the day when it is light and thus I have been able to make use of Queen's Park for my daily jogs. These have all been at just over 5k and are a variety of runs taking in different routes around the park.
On day 191 I woke up in the Lake District having spent the evening eating and drinking at the Smith's place. It was really good seeing Oli and Ellie again and Oli decided to accompany me once more on the run which was hugely appreciated. It was a great couple of days and the run was a fairly straightforward route out and back to total 5k.
192 was back in Glasgow and a standard Giffnock 5k.
189 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
190 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
191 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
192 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
On day 191 I woke up in the Lake District having spent the evening eating and drinking at the Smith's place. It was really good seeing Oli and Ellie again and Oli decided to accompany me once more on the run which was hugely appreciated. It was a great couple of days and the run was a fairly straightforward route out and back to total 5k.
192 was back in Glasgow and a standard Giffnock 5k.
189 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
190 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
191 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
192 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 183 - HALF WAY 9 mile run in the wind rain and sun!! by Pljrun
Well here we are at half way, if you had told me six months ago I would run at least three miles every day, still manage to run reasonable marathons and enjoy nearly every moment I would have laughed at you. However after hearing Nicky talking about the challenge I decided to give it a go (another Nicky convert and thankyou). To be honest the best decision I have ever made, it's been an eye opener, has improved my running without doubt and to coin a phrase from a movie it's now TO 365 AND BEYOND.
Hope everyone has a good new year !!
Pete Day 183 - 9 mile run in the wind rain and sun!! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Hope everyone has a good new year !!
Pete Day 183 - 9 mile run in the wind rain and sun!! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 29 December 2012
Karen Day 64-67
Day 64 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255484735
Headed out for anther longish run of 8-9 miles, but found my knees hurting just after 2 miles. Persisted for a bit but was a bit concerned so I turn around and headed home. Hoping there is nothing too serious developing!
Day 65 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255484719
Just a short route to give the knees a rest but they felt fine today
Day 66 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255484709
Back to work today so a return to the usual town runs after work. Feeling a bit tired after all the festivities! Tried out the new running socks though - very comfy!
Day 67 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255484695
Gentle easy run after work - planning a long cycle tomorrow and need to save some energy! Today was really wet and windy all day, but someone is smiling down on me as the rain stopped for a brief time for me to get out and stay dry!
Headed out for anther longish run of 8-9 miles, but found my knees hurting just after 2 miles. Persisted for a bit but was a bit concerned so I turn around and headed home. Hoping there is nothing too serious developing!
Day 65 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255484719
Just a short route to give the knees a rest but they felt fine today
Day 66 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255484709
Back to work today so a return to the usual town runs after work. Feeling a bit tired after all the festivities! Tried out the new running socks though - very comfy!
Day 67 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/255484695
Gentle easy run after work - planning a long cycle tomorrow and need to save some energy! Today was really wet and windy all day, but someone is smiling down on me as the rain stopped for a brief time for me to get out and stay dry!
Pete Days 181 and 182 - Two very different runs by Pljrun
Nearly half way and what a contrast to yesterday. Decided on a four miler today to make it 50 plus for the week, just as well as it was very windy, very very wet and quite chilly but another day done and tomorrow is half way (in the challenge at least).
Pete Day 182 - A very windy, very wet four miles by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Managed a nice five mile run to Curry and back via Wick only one small flood to go through so not too bad. It was dry and not too windy so it made a change.
Pete Day 181 - To Curry and back via Wick by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 182 - A very windy, very wet four miles by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Managed a nice five mile run to Curry and back via Wick only one small flood to go through so not too bad. It was dry and not too windy so it made a change.
Pete Day 181 - To Curry and back via Wick by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Friday, 28 December 2012
Tony - t-minus 3 days to my next run365challenge!
I'm back - I have to be honest - the last two months of my last challenge was so difficult psychologically for me - I struggled to have the desire to go outside - this was due to the fact I had just got the keys to my warehouse and everyday was spent building my new gym.
In retrospect, I believe that the run365challenge helped me so much to be fit last year and probably helped me to he results in some of the races I took part in - namely WHWR and my PB for the great Scottish half marathon.
It is for that reason that I am going to come back into the fold and start my next year of running from january 1st 2013! First of all I need to update the blog with my last couple of months of runs and then dust off the cobwebs from my garmin! I hope it still works.
There are a few other people who will be starting with me on the 1st - some old and some new!
I hope that the guys who are currently running their year are doing well and are in need of some new blood coming in to keep you guys going!
Will see you all in the new year!
In retrospect, I believe that the run365challenge helped me so much to be fit last year and probably helped me to he results in some of the races I took part in - namely WHWR and my PB for the great Scottish half marathon.
It is for that reason that I am going to come back into the fold and start my next year of running from january 1st 2013! First of all I need to update the blog with my last couple of months of runs and then dust off the cobwebs from my garmin! I hope it still works.
There are a few other people who will be starting with me on the 1st - some old and some new!
I hope that the guys who are currently running their year are doing well and are in need of some new blood coming in to keep you guys going!
Will see you all in the new year!
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Pete Days 178 to 180 Three steady recovery runs by Pljrun
Feeling good today so thought I would increase the distance and get a nice run in before the rain. Very windy but at least it was a dry 5.4 miles enjoyed today so will go a bit further tomorrow unless the shops beckon !!
Pete Day 180 - 5.4 mile Pitney, Low Ham run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Off to Portsmouth today so a quick four mile run before we leave, legs feeling less like lead lumps today so went a bit further. Again good weather, I could get used to this.
Pete Day 179 - Boxing day 4 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Christmas day and I believe my first ever run on this day of the year. With lots to do just ran a three mile basic to Wagg Drove and back. Weather very pleasant for the time of year and very quiet out and about, kids still opening pressies I guess.
Pete Day 178 - Just a short out and back 3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 180 - 5.4 mile Pitney, Low Ham run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Off to Portsmouth today so a quick four mile run before we leave, legs feeling less like lead lumps today so went a bit further. Again good weather, I could get used to this.
Pete Day 179 - Boxing day 4 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Christmas day and I believe my first ever run on this day of the year. With lots to do just ran a three mile basic to Wagg Drove and back. Weather very pleasant for the time of year and very quiet out and about, kids still opening pressies I guess.
Pete Day 178 - Just a short out and back 3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Jack: Day 187-188/365...It's Christmas!
For my Christmas runs I decided to make the most of the time off and complete the outing during daylight. I used Queen's Park for both sessions and enjoyed running a more scenic route than the usual, roadside Giffnock venture. Christmas was great this year. I had an awesome few days down south with the family before coming back up to Glasgow for a quiet Christmas in the flat with Vicki. Once the run was out of the way I felt justified in my huge consumption of meat, wine and cheese! My Christmas morning run was made even more enjoyable by the awesome new Running Jacket that my mum bought me and which kept me nice and warm despite the early morning rain!
187 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
188 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
187 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
188 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 185-186/365...Run Caterham
Just a couple of runs around Caterham valley. These were a bit tricky because of the absolutely huge portions of food I consumed over the weekend! It definitely made the runs a bit more challenging!
185 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
186 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
185 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
186 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 184/365
Another early morning run as I would be heading straight down to Caterham after school today! This morning I had to run to the post office again to collect a parcel for Vicki. I think the postie must have some interesing theory about why I keep turning up at stupid times wearing lycra!
184 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
184 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 183/365...Halfway there!
I have completed the first half of the challenge which is a huge psychological milestone! Surely if I have done 183 consecutive days once I can do it again! As I would not be home from work today till 11pm (It was the pupil's Christmas Dance after school today!) I knew that I would have to complete my run early in the morning. As such I set off at 6:30 and ran the standard Giffnock 5K. It never ceases to amaze me how many other runners will be pounding the streets, whatever the weather, at this time of the morning. I passed several other nutters who all gave a cheery smile and a wave as they jogged by me. What a strange breed the runner is! I have managed to convince a couple of the guys from work to join me in the Edinburgh Marathon and another few to do to half on the same day. I am looking forward to getting the training organised in the new year and have some company on the longer runs. The last 6 months have been pretty much a solitary venture and so it will be nice to shake things up a bit and have some conversation!
Jack: Day 181-182/365...Run to the hills!
Day 181 was a standard Giffnock 5k and so I decided on Day 182 to hit the hill which is at the end of my road for a cheeky hill session. It was horrible! The hill is about 150m long but incredibly steep. I ran to the hill and then performed 10reps on uphill sprints and downhill recovery jogs. Once I had completed this sequence I performed a light jog along the road to Morrison's to stock up on dinner for the evening! All in all it was a tough session but definitely one that I will be performing again. The hill session offers a bit of variety from the normal run!
181 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
182 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
181 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
182 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Christmas Runs!! Day 162 - 171 by Sallycinn
A few runs to put on the blog - enjoying being in Curry Rivel (my parents village) for the Christmas holidays. Good to get a chance to run different routes and during the day which makes a nice change. Nice to see Nicky C and Jean aswell. Shame didn't see Pete J or Rob G but hopefully next time I'm down in Curry.
In the gear up to Christmas, only managed minimum mileage - looking forward to some time off so I can run at different times of the day.
Day 162 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 163 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 164 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 165 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 166 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
First run of the holidays! With Dad, round the top of the world in Curry Rivel to avoid the puddles. Really enjoyed the fresh air. Lovely.
Day 167 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
In Curry Rivel - only 2 miles today but have family coming round for lunch. Tried to go a bit faster today rather than the usual jogging pace!
Day 168 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Christmas Eve run with mushers up the cycle path in Ilminster. Nice little run as don't often get to run with my sis.
Day 169 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Christmas Day trot around the lanes with Dad. Fantastic. And sunny!
Christmas Day 170 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Met up with the Langport Runners for a social Boxing Day run. Ran round Pitney with my dad and sis. The others went on to do a 6 miler, we did 3.5 but very happy to be out and had a very nice bacon butty after in the pub. Great start to Boxing Day.
Boxing Day 171 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
In the gear up to Christmas, only managed minimum mileage - looking forward to some time off so I can run at different times of the day.
Day 162 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 163 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 164 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 165 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 166 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
First run of the holidays! With Dad, round the top of the world in Curry Rivel to avoid the puddles. Really enjoyed the fresh air. Lovely.
Day 167 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
In Curry Rivel - only 2 miles today but have family coming round for lunch. Tried to go a bit faster today rather than the usual jogging pace!
Day 168 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Christmas Eve run with mushers up the cycle path in Ilminster. Nice little run as don't often get to run with my sis.
Day 169 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Christmas Day trot around the lanes with Dad. Fantastic. And sunny!
Christmas Day 170 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Met up with the Langport Runners for a social Boxing Day run. Ran round Pitney with my dad and sis. The others went on to do a 6 miler, we did 3.5 but very happy to be out and had a very nice bacon butty after in the pub. Great start to Boxing Day.
Boxing Day 171 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Karen Day 63 - Merry Christmas!!
Happy Christmas to all!!
Went out for about 20 miles on the bike then headed back whilst Matt carried on for another 15 or so, so got the run in afterwards. The cycle did a good job of releasing my stiff legs after yesterdays 8 mile route but I was sufficiently knackered so the run suffered a bit today, but at least I had some pressies to open and a Christmas roast to look forward to afterwards! Even the bike got a wash today - must be Christmas!
Day 63 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254319239
Went out for about 20 miles on the bike then headed back whilst Matt carried on for another 15 or so, so got the run in afterwards. The cycle did a good job of releasing my stiff legs after yesterdays 8 mile route but I was sufficiently knackered so the run suffered a bit today, but at least I had some pressies to open and a Christmas roast to look forward to afterwards! Even the bike got a wash today - must be Christmas!
Day 63 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254319239
Day 190/365 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 190/365 MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Well it is here once more Christmas. I wasn't feeling too good this morning before the run a combination of too many beers ( I only had 5 pints ) and not much sleep. So I was going to do 2.25 miles but felt like doing a bit more so I did my old 3.85 mile route.
I cant get get over the fact that I've done 190 days despite electric shocks to the heart and a heart op in November. In fact 2012 has been one of the best years I've had in a long time and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for all the support and continued encouragment during the challenge I couldnt do it without it. There is one person I have to give the biggest thanks to and that Is Nicky C without Nicky I wouldnt be in the running club or on the challenge So thanks Nicky your a star
Oh and I best thank Laura for getting me through the dark days after my op when i was in pain and almost ready to chuck it in the bin.
Well 175 days to go....
Well it is here once more Christmas. I wasn't feeling too good this morning before the run a combination of too many beers ( I only had 5 pints ) and not much sleep. So I was going to do 2.25 miles but felt like doing a bit more so I did my old 3.85 mile route.
I cant get get over the fact that I've done 190 days despite electric shocks to the heart and a heart op in November. In fact 2012 has been one of the best years I've had in a long time and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for all the support and continued encouragment during the challenge I couldnt do it without it. There is one person I have to give the biggest thanks to and that Is Nicky C without Nicky I wouldnt be in the running club or on the challenge So thanks Nicky your a star
Oh and I best thank Laura for getting me through the dark days after my op when i was in pain and almost ready to chuck it in the bin.
Well 175 days to go....
Monday, 24 December 2012
Pete Day 171 to 177 Catch up time again by Pljrun
The day after, to be honest did not feel like it today, so rather than leave it late though I would grin and bear it. So off I went for a small run, yes it started raining, to be honest I am glad I did go out, ran up towards Curry and back, I was quite surprised how good I felt slightly heavy legs but at least they worked!
Pete Day 177 - Post marathon run to Curry and back in the rain AGAIN by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran this marathon for the first time today, out to Hayling Island and back, a flat multi terrain event which had everything. Starting from the Pyramids at Southsea and 2 miles along the front before setting off road, along a beach, through mud, puddles (pretend lakes) and to finish my favourite element, it was very windy. Having said that I really enjoyed the run, will do it again and would recommend it to anyone.
Pete Day 176 - Portsmouth coastal Marathon, great run, recommended by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Another steady run up to Curry and back, conserve energy for tomorrow.
Pete Day 175 - Morning run to Curry and back by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Keeping it simple for the rest of the week till Sunday so just running towards Curry and back, it,s a nice straight up and down run (down to finish)
Pete Day 174 - To Curry and back, in the rain, again by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Last lunchtime 3.3 mile work run till next year, Tony ran today we both got very wet and were ankle deep again.
Pete Day 173 - Last run at work till next year, wet again ! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Another wet 3.3 mile standard lunchtime run, ankle deep today, will this rain ever stop!
Pete Day 172 - Another wet standard lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a normal wet luntime 3.3 miler, easy week marathon on Sunday
Pete Day 171 - Standard lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 177 - Post marathon run to Curry and back in the rain AGAIN by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran this marathon for the first time today, out to Hayling Island and back, a flat multi terrain event which had everything. Starting from the Pyramids at Southsea and 2 miles along the front before setting off road, along a beach, through mud, puddles (pretend lakes) and to finish my favourite element, it was very windy. Having said that I really enjoyed the run, will do it again and would recommend it to anyone.
Pete Day 176 - Portsmouth coastal Marathon, great run, recommended by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Another steady run up to Curry and back, conserve energy for tomorrow.
Pete Day 175 - Morning run to Curry and back by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Keeping it simple for the rest of the week till Sunday so just running towards Curry and back, it,s a nice straight up and down run (down to finish)
Pete Day 174 - To Curry and back, in the rain, again by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Last lunchtime 3.3 mile work run till next year, Tony ran today we both got very wet and were ankle deep again.
Pete Day 173 - Last run at work till next year, wet again ! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Another wet 3.3 mile standard lunchtime run, ankle deep today, will this rain ever stop!
Pete Day 172 - Another wet standard lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a normal wet luntime 3.3 miler, easy week marathon on Sunday
Pete Day 171 - Standard lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Karen Day 62
8 mile run today, and pleased that I waited until the afternoon as the rain stopped and the sun actually came out! Hadn't charged the Garmin for a few days and the battery warning light was flashing at about 6 miles so I saved the run and restarted the watch for the last 2 miles just in case the battery died!!
Karen Day 58-61
Just some simple short runs whilst visiting family before Christmas. Sunday's run took me past my old junior and first schools. They looked tiny against what I remembered from many years ago!!
Day 58 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066523
Day 59 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066514
Day 60 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066505
Day 61 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066497
Day 58 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066523
Day 59 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066514
Day 60 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066505
Day 61 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/254066497
Day 189/365 The Missing Links And Todays Run by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 189/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Now I have seem to sorted my tech issue but Im not sure how !
This morning I did an Hours pilates with the Girlfriend then a simple 2.7 ish mile run.
Its so wet here in somerset at the moment. I'm getting fed up of drying out my 3 pairs of trainers.
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 189/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Now I have seem to sorted my tech issue but Im not sure how !
This morning I did an Hours pilates with the Girlfriend then a simple 2.7 ish mile run.
Its so wet here in somerset at the moment. I'm getting fed up of drying out my 3 pairs of trainers.
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Sunday 188/365
My old route from work. Went hard and fast on this one as work wasn't too busy so had some spare energy
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Nicky: Day 131 Long Sutton 2.04m
Nicky: Day 131 Long Sutton 2.04m by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Popped off around the village delivering Christmas cards. Acual mileage was 2.04m. I think in my haste to get indoors before it started really pouring down with rain, I forgot to turn my Garmin off. My run has registered as 8+m - not sure how as watch was stationary indoors!! Technology hey?!
Popped off around the village delivering Christmas cards. Acual mileage was 2.04m. I think in my haste to get indoors before it started really pouring down with rain, I forgot to turn my Garmin off. My run has registered as 8+m - not sure how as watch was stationary indoors!! Technology hey?!
Day 187/365
Still having tech issues with the garmin. I've re-downloaded all the software etc got the watch to transfer but always fails at the end of the transfer section.
So till I fix this I will continue to post a screen grab of the run
So till I fix this I will continue to post a screen grab of the run
Friday, 21 December 2012
Nicky: Day 130 Pitney
Nicky: Day 130 Card drop around Pitney by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Busy old day so decided to kill 2 birds with one stone. Had to drop a load of Christmas cards off around Pitney so did it first class by foot. Lets a little heavy but enjoyed the trot. If you look at the Garmin Connect site you can see where I met folk to chat too!!!
Busy old day so decided to kill 2 birds with one stone. Had to drop a load of Christmas cards off around Pitney so did it first class by foot. Lets a little heavy but enjoyed the trot. If you look at the Garmin Connect site you can see where I met folk to chat too!!!
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Nicky: Day 129 Run around Pitney
Untitled by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Arranged to run with Danny from running club this morning at 08:00. Wished I hadnt when the alarm went off at 07:00 as it was still dark & the rain pelting on the windows. Yuk!!
However, rain eased to a drizzle & we had a good 5.5m run around the Pitney & Low Ham country lanes. Was home by 09:00 with a few miles under the belt - perfect!!!
Arranged to run with Danny from running club this morning at 08:00. Wished I hadnt when the alarm went off at 07:00 as it was still dark & the rain pelting on the windows. Yuk!!
However, rain eased to a drizzle & we had a good 5.5m run around the Pitney & Low Ham country lanes. Was home by 09:00 with a few miles under the belt - perfect!!!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Nicky: Day 128 Club Run
Untitled by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Our annual Christmas Club Run. Run around the local town following some cryptic clues in order to find addresses & answer a question about the said address's Christmas decorations. I am not very knowledgable about the geography of Langport but OK on the cryptic clues, but was still surprised when we came in in second place despite being first back to club!! Woo Hoo - more chocolate as a prize!! :0
Our annual Christmas Club Run. Run around the local town following some cryptic clues in order to find addresses & answer a question about the said address's Christmas decorations. I am not very knowledgable about the geography of Langport but OK on the cryptic clues, but was still surprised when we came in in second place despite being first back to club!! Woo Hoo - more chocolate as a prize!! :0
Karen Day 55-57
Last 3 days just the minimum trying to fit everything in before Christmas!! Looking forward to having a bit more time over Christmas for some longer runs without rushing
Day 55 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/252957980
Day 56 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/252957971
Day 57 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/252957967
Day 55 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/252957980
Day 56 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/252957971
Day 57 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/252957967
I'm having trouble I can't transfer/upload any data from garmin 410 to ant or manual upload I have photos of the data on the watch
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Nicky: Day 127 Knole Rd
Untitled by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Popped out to do the post office & papershop run. Met a couple of neighbours along the way to chat too - that time of year isnt it!!
Uneventful 2miler along the Knole Rd.
Popped out to do the post office & papershop run. Met a couple of neighbours along the way to chat too - that time of year isnt it!!
Uneventful 2miler along the Knole Rd.
Monday, 17 December 2012
Jack: Day 180/365
A quick 5k after school which ended at Morrison's for a cheeky dinner shop! A nice bit of fish and chips lined up! Winning!
180 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
180 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 179/365...A bit of weight!
Today I decided to add a bit of variety to my challenge and take on a 5k with a bit of weight. Oli packed us a bag each and weighed them in at 10kg apiece. We then tackled an off-road route around Manor Park and threw in a few 'weighted-pull-ups' at the end for good measure. The run was good but much harder than the usual 5k. A section of steps was particularly challenging. It made a nice change having somebody to run with today and I really enjoyed the run.
179 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
179 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 177-178/365...An early morning at Sandhurst
This morning I woke up in a travelodge just oustide of RMAS in preparation for my youngest brother's Army Commission. Having completed his Officer training Oli would be passing out today and so the family was gathered to watch the parade and then enjoy an evening celebrating with the officers. It was an absolutely incredible day with an equally impressive evening. Absolutely brilliant! The run on saturday was possibly the hardest of the challenge so far as my pounding headache ensured that I could not enjoy one moment of running through Caterham for the first time in months. Nevermind! It was well worth it!

177 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
178 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
177 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
178 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 175-176/365
Just a couple of cold evening runs to cover my distance. Looking forward to a cheeky weekend down south which should bring a change of scenery!
175 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
176 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

175 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
176 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 124 - 126 The Boring Runs Revisited!
Nicky: Day 124 Upton Loop by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
So so busy trying to get ready for Christmas since all my time away from home, so its the bare bones running at the moment. Did the 2m Upton Loop - didnt really enjoy it as legs felt like lead. At least it was dry!!
Nicky: Day 125 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Popped out for the Knole Rd 2m - really wanted to do at least 5 or 6 today but up to my eyeballs in it at the moment. Hopefully will get a couple of longer runs in over the Christmas holidays.
Nicky: Day 126 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
And again, just the boring old Knole Rd 2m. Nil else to report.
So so busy trying to get ready for Christmas since all my time away from home, so its the bare bones running at the moment. Did the 2m Upton Loop - didnt really enjoy it as legs felt like lead. At least it was dry!!
Nicky: Day 125 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Popped out for the Knole Rd 2m - really wanted to do at least 5 or 6 today but up to my eyeballs in it at the moment. Hopefully will get a couple of longer runs in over the Christmas holidays.
Nicky: Day 126 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
And again, just the boring old Knole Rd 2m. Nil else to report.
Pete Day 170 - Another wet lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun
Monday and back to the lunchtime run, saves running at night and I quite enjoy the route. Tony joined me as it was a nice sunny lunchtime, then a third of the way round the heavens opened up and we were a bit like drouned rats when we got back. Still a nice way to spend lunchtime.
Pete Day 170 - Another wet lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Small speed work run with the children to follow todays lunchtime run.
Pete Day 170b - club run with the kids by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 170 - Another wet lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Small speed work run with the children to follow todays lunchtime run.
Pete Day 170b - club run with the kids by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 167 to 169 - Three runs, 1 wet, 1 cold and one very nice one ! by pljrun
Sunday morning club run, joined Jenny and Jane for a run around Pitney/Somerton, decided to go a bit further so went on my own from parc hill, became a bit icy around Long Sutton but otherwise a very sunny and enjoyable Sunday run.
Pete Day 169 - Sunday club run a lovely 12 mile dry sunny run ! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Went on a different route for a change, but it was very very cold and I never really got warmed up. Still enjoyed the run it has to be said and came down windmill hill instead of up it which is always better.
Pete Day 168 - Saturday morning 6.2 mile run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Normal lunchtime run, I say normal because it's very very wet and that seems to be the norm at the moment. At least the wind has not picked up yet.
Pete Day 167 - Very wet lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 169 - Sunday club run a lovely 12 mile dry sunny run ! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Went on a different route for a change, but it was very very cold and I never really got warmed up. Still enjoyed the run it has to be said and came down windmill hill instead of up it which is always better.
Pete Day 168 - Saturday morning 6.2 mile run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Normal lunchtime run, I say normal because it's very very wet and that seems to be the norm at the moment. At least the wind has not picked up yet.
Pete Day 167 - Very wet lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Karen Day 54
Day 54 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/252317330
Went out for a 35 mile cycle with friends this morning so added a quick run in after, just the minimum distance on tired legs!
Went out for a 35 mile cycle with friends this morning so added a quick run in after, just the minimum distance on tired legs!
Day 154-161 by Sallycinn
Getting closer to half way and am pretty pleased with myself for sticking to it. I'm slowly picking up my mileage in preparation for a marathon in May 2013. Got lots of time to train but am starting a training plan in January. Over Christmas I'll make the most of being in the country and running every day round the lanes. Can't wait. Love it in Curry.
Day after work christmas party. Got up around 10 ish and ran to the train station to go to Mum and Dads. Felt pretty rough and shuffled most of the way there but at least did my run and felt better for it. I would never have done a run after a big night out before I started this challenge! Fabulous! :)
Day 154 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day off work and made the most of being in Curry by going for a run with Dad round the lanes. Went round the top of the world route which is lovely. A nicer 3 miler. :)
Day 155 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Run home from work. Nowt exciting!
Day 156 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day off sick from work so just did the minimum and straight back to bed!
Day 157 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 158 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Going out after work so just did the minimum. Won't be able to do this as from next year as will be marathon training!
Day 159 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Just the minimum - tired this morning and feeling a bit fed up with life in general. Saving my legs for a longer run tomorrow. Still enjoyed it though.
Day 160 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday morning run at 9 o'clcok. Five miles today. Quite mild which was nice after that freezing weather patch last week. Love it up on the Downs, high above Bristol. Best bit is running back down the hill at the end of the run. Sheer bliss. :)
Day 161 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day after work christmas party. Got up around 10 ish and ran to the train station to go to Mum and Dads. Felt pretty rough and shuffled most of the way there but at least did my run and felt better for it. I would never have done a run after a big night out before I started this challenge! Fabulous! :)
Day 154 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day off work and made the most of being in Curry by going for a run with Dad round the lanes. Went round the top of the world route which is lovely. A nicer 3 miler. :)
Day 155 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Run home from work. Nowt exciting!
Day 156 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day off sick from work so just did the minimum and straight back to bed!
Day 157 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 158 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Going out after work so just did the minimum. Won't be able to do this as from next year as will be marathon training!
Day 159 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Just the minimum - tired this morning and feeling a bit fed up with life in general. Saving my legs for a longer run tomorrow. Still enjoyed it though.
Day 160 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday morning run at 9 o'clcok. Five miles today. Quite mild which was nice after that freezing weather patch last week. Love it up on the Downs, high above Bristol. Best bit is running back down the hill at the end of the run. Sheer bliss. :)
Day 161 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Karen Day 52 and 53
Day 52 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251964041
Just the minimum distance before work - managed to get a Christmas card drop in half way round! Wet and horrible today so not particularly exciting!
Day 53 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251964033
Again just the minimum following a really hectic day at work and another rainy day!
Just the minimum distance before work - managed to get a Christmas card drop in half way round! Wet and horrible today so not particularly exciting!
Day 53 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251964033
Again just the minimum following a really hectic day at work and another rainy day!
Friday, 14 December 2012
Nicky: Days 120 - 123 Upton, London, Winchester
Nicky: Day 120 Upton Loop by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Back to the boring route, but just for one day then off again with work. One night in London & one in Winchester!
Nicky: Day 121 Paddington to Bayswater by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 121 cont.. Bayswater to Hyde Park by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 121 cont.. Hyde Park by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Todays trot around has been split into 3 parts due to work - did the miles where & when I could! FREEZING!
Nicky: Day 122 Winchester by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
And now in Winchester - again freezing cold but at least dry - the rain & wind returns tomorrow so making the most of the dry!
Nicky: Day 123 Winchester by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Yuk! The forecasters were right - a very wet trot around the streets of Winchester! Thank goodness its Friday!
Back to the boring route, but just for one day then off again with work. One night in London & one in Winchester!
Nicky: Day 121 Paddington to Bayswater by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 121 cont.. Bayswater to Hyde Park by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 121 cont.. Hyde Park by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Todays trot around has been split into 3 parts due to work - did the miles where & when I could! FREEZING!
Nicky: Day 122 Winchester by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
And now in Winchester - again freezing cold but at least dry - the rain & wind returns tomorrow so making the most of the dry!
Nicky: Day 123 Winchester by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Yuk! The forecasters were right - a very wet trot around the streets of Winchester! Thank goodness its Friday!
Day 174-179/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
day 174 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
The Old route had a bit more time after lunch
day 175 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran home from work after the lunch shift
day 176 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran late as its my brothers birthday
day 177 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
just my old out and back to get the mile done
day 178 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Felt good today so went out for a longer run. It was a good run
Day 179 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
As i have no work tonight (Im going on the Girlfriends dads works do ) i thought id get at least 5 miles in
The Old route had a bit more time after lunch
day 175 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran home from work after the lunch shift
day 176 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran late as its my brothers birthday
day 177 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
just my old out and back to get the mile done
day 178 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Felt good today so went out for a longer run. It was a good run
Day 179 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
As i have no work tonight (Im going on the Girlfriends dads works do ) i thought id get at least 5 miles in
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Pete Day 165 and 166 - Standard lunchtime runs and one additional by Pljrun
A very cold but bright lunchtime run on my own today so had a good burnout, still lots of ice around but I manged to complete my 3.3 in under 25 mins.
Pete Day 166 - Standard lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Went out on club run with Danni and Grandad Den, we did a recce for the xmas lights quiz next Wednesday. Not as many lights around but still enough to work a quiz. Another 3.8 miles.
Pete Day 165(2) - A recce run for Christmas lights by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
A very cold but bright lunchtime run with Tony, still lots of ice around but at least it's dry.
Pete Day 165 - Standard lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 166 - Standard lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Went out on club run with Danni and Grandad Den, we did a recce for the xmas lights quiz next Wednesday. Not as many lights around but still enough to work a quiz. Another 3.8 miles.
Pete Day 165(2) - A recce run for Christmas lights by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
A very cold but bright lunchtime run with Tony, still lots of ice around but at least it's dry.
Pete Day 165 - Standard lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Karen Day 51
Day 51 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251434687
Legs heavy this morning after yesterdays hills. Just the minimum as a busy day planned.
Legs heavy this morning after yesterdays hills. Just the minimum as a busy day planned.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Karen Day 50
Day 50 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251345997
Day off work today so a good opportunity for a longer run. Had to walk in bit in places as the country roads were really icy, especially downhill! Lovely sunny crisp morning.
Day off work today so a good opportunity for a longer run. Had to walk in bit in places as the country roads were really icy, especially downhill! Lovely sunny crisp morning.
Pete Day 164 - Back to normal 3.3 mile lunchtime run by Pljrun
Back to the normal lunchtime run with Tony, slightly later than normal, board meeting. Very cold and lots of serious ice around, so lots of concentration needed, all the rain still running off fields makes for very interesting footing.
Pete Day 164 - Back to normal 3.3 mile lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 164 - Back to normal 3.3 mile lunchtime run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Jack: Day 174/365
This evening I did another simple run along the main road to Giffnock. The roads were pretty clear and the run was fine. I got all dressed up in my new fluorescent gear for the occasion! Very nice!
174 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details

174 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Karen Day 48 and 49
Day 48 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251110608
Easy run run town. Kept looping round to try and meet up with Matt cycling home from work but was like finding a needle in a haystack so headed home to meet up with him by the front door! Typical! The race for the first shower was on....!
Day 49 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251110600
Wow, how cold....?? The car was reading -3.5 on the way home so wrapped up warm and went out for a short one, but wrapped up a bit too much and was overheating! Went out fairly quickly to warm up and regretted it! Quite like running in the cold actually! Makes you pleased you're doing it when most others wont!
Easy run run town. Kept looping round to try and meet up with Matt cycling home from work but was like finding a needle in a haystack so headed home to meet up with him by the front door! Typical! The race for the first shower was on....!
Day 49 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/251110600
Wow, how cold....?? The car was reading -3.5 on the way home so wrapped up warm and went out for a short one, but wrapped up a bit too much and was overheating! Went out fairly quickly to warm up and regretted it! Quite like running in the cold actually! Makes you pleased you're doing it when most others wont!
Nicky: Day 108 - 119 San Antonio Tx & Home
Have several days to catch up as have been away from home since the end of November. In London for the first weekend in December, then in San Antonio Texas for a conference. Got back home on Sunday so back to the boring old routes.
Whilst in Texas, weather was a balmy 26 degrees & pretty humid. As this was a work trip, getting out at suitable times was difficult. No parks near the hotel, just the riverwalk which was pretty packed with people - more of a fast walk over there than run!!!
Nicky: Day 108 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 109 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 110 Greenwich Park by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 111 Thames Walkway by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 112 San Antonio, Tx Riverwalk by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 113 San Antonio, Tx Riverwalk by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 114 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 114 San Antonio, Tx cont by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 115 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 115 San Antonio, Tx cont by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 116 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 117 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 118 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 119 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Whilst in Texas, weather was a balmy 26 degrees & pretty humid. As this was a work trip, getting out at suitable times was difficult. No parks near the hotel, just the riverwalk which was pretty packed with people - more of a fast walk over there than run!!!
Nicky: Day 108 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 109 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 110 Greenwich Park by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 111 Thames Walkway by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 112 San Antonio, Tx Riverwalk by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 113 San Antonio, Tx Riverwalk by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 114 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 114 San Antonio, Tx cont by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 115 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 115 San Antonio, Tx cont by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 116 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 117 San Antonio, Tx by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 118 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky: Day 119 Knole Rd by Nicky.C at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 10 December 2012
Jack: Day 173/365...A bum deal!
This evening I just did a simple 5k route towards Giffnock. The roads were free of any ice which was a bonus! This evening was a chance to try out some of the new gear which I bought myself yesterday! The new gloves were great but I have a feeling the compression leggings which I bought myself may be the wrong size...They kept falling down!! It was very frustrating as I kept having to stop to pull them back up again! I felt like I ran most of the route with my bum hanging out! Not ideal! I will maybe give them another go and see what happens!
173 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
173 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Jack: Day 172/365...Santa Dash
This morning I had managed to arrange for a team of runners from the school to participate in the Paisley Santa Dash Fun Run. With Kenny coming along as well I decided that I would enter the race. With my recent decision to enter the Edinburgh Marathon playing on my mind I decided that I should try to increase my mileage a little. I therefore took it upon myself to run the 9km from my flat to the race and then compete in the 5km. I took the 9k fairly steady and I had my bag on my back loaded up with extra kit and the entry forms/information packs for the pupils who would be joining me in the race. This run took almost 40mins and I then had 45 minutes to recover and get ready for the race itself. For the race all participants were dressed as Santa and completed a three lap route around Barshaw Park. I finished the race in first place which was a nice little ego boost and had my photo taken for the local paper! Lovely! All in all it was a good day and I got a few miles under my belt so I was very happy.
172.1 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
172.2 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
172.1 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
172.2 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 401/365 - Until We Meet Again
I've now done 401 days of running a minimum of 5km per day and it is with tears of sadness and regret that I'm retiring from this challenge to allow my hip injuries to finally heal up before I start my marathon and ultra marathon training in January.
During the challenge I've managed: 2,706.72km = 1682.24 miles = 29.51 miles per week = 4.20 miles per day = 64.21 marathons = 401 days of running = 2 sore hips + sore knee = sore legs = time for a break
I have also made some wonderful, if not slightly crazy, new friends on this challenge and I will never forget the camaraderie that is shown amongst all those involved.
Never fear as you haven't seen or heard the last of me as I intend to return to the challenge on Saturday 5th January (BUPA Great Winter 5k Run) but in the meantime I shall keep reading the blog and make the occasional comment or simply be here to give some help and encouragement.
Keep on running :)
The details of day 401 can be found at Day 401/365 challenge
During the challenge I've managed: 2,706.72km = 1682.24 miles = 29.51 miles per week = 4.20 miles per day = 64.21 marathons = 401 days of running = 2 sore hips + sore knee = sore legs = time for a break
I have also made some wonderful, if not slightly crazy, new friends on this challenge and I will never forget the camaraderie that is shown amongst all those involved.
Never fear as you haven't seen or heard the last of me as I intend to return to the challenge on Saturday 5th January (BUPA Great Winter 5k Run) but in the meantime I shall keep reading the blog and make the occasional comment or simply be here to give some help and encouragement.
Keep on running :)
The details of day 401 can be found at Day 401/365 challenge
Pete Day 163 - Morning 3 mile run by Pljrun
Just a basic 3 miler this morning cold but sunny a perfect day, no work today, day off . So going out for the day.
Pete Day 163 - Morning 3 mile run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 163 - Morning 3 mile run by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Karen Day 46 and 47
Day 46 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250676934
Run around town again but this time added in West Hill. Kept it short due to plans for a longer run tomorrow
Day 47 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250676930
Morning run with a friend near Langport. Nice to go running around a different area and to have some company! Good to get a longer run in. Will have to make sure it becomes a regular thing! Nice and mild today so lovely running temperature, even the gloves came off half way round!
Run around town again but this time added in West Hill. Kept it short due to plans for a longer run tomorrow
Day 47 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250676930
Morning run with a friend near Langport. Nice to go running around a different area and to have some company! Good to get a longer run in. Will have to make sure it becomes a regular thing! Nice and mild today so lovely running temperature, even the gloves came off half way round!
Pete Days 160 to 162 The long and the short by Pljrun
Went for a nice steady run around the roads towards Long Sutton and then to Pitney on to Somerton and back home. Quite a ground head wind on the way back but at least it stayed dry, more than my feet did, still had a couple of road wide puddles to contend with, cold but feet soon warmed up. Nice run.
Pete Day 162 - Sunday 12.4 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a standard 3.3 mile early morning run to Bowdens and home nice weather but cold.
Pete Day 161 - Bowdens Crest 3.3.miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran home from work today to see if my leg would cope with a marathon in two weeks time, glad I did because I really enjoyed the run and tried a different route. Weather was kind, rain threatened but held off however it was very cold. Ran the main road way all the way from Taunton to miss the floods and got a great view of the levels still looks like a sea !! Managed a good sub three hour 21 miles (not including picture stop)
Pete Day 160 - 21 mile run home from work by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 162 - Sunday 12.4 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a standard 3.3 mile early morning run to Bowdens and home nice weather but cold.
Pete Day 161 - Bowdens Crest 3.3.miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran home from work today to see if my leg would cope with a marathon in two weeks time, glad I did because I really enjoyed the run and tried a different route. Weather was kind, rain threatened but held off however it was very cold. Ran the main road way all the way from Taunton to miss the floods and got a great view of the levels still looks like a sea !! Managed a good sub three hour 21 miles (not including picture stop)
Pete Day 160 - 21 mile run home from work by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 400/365 - FOUR HUNDRED DAYS!!!
Today is day 400 of the challenge and its great that it coincided with the JogScotland 5k Christmas Cracker at Strathclyde Country Park. The weather was bright and sunny which made a change. I also felt pretty good during the run even though the route was altered due to icy paths around the loch. Turns out the run was 5.76km instead of 5k due to the route being amended to compensate for the ice. Still a great run with fantastic backdrop oh, and another medal to add to my collection :)
Michelle even got roped into handing out the goody bags and medals at the finish line :)
The details of day 400 can be found at Day 400/365 challenge
Michelle even got roped into handing out the goody bags and medals at the finish line :)
The details of day 400 can be found at Day 400/365 challenge
Charles: Day 398 & 399/365 - Head torch ice run
Both runs were in the dark wearing my head torch and sliding about on black ice. Strangely exciting, scary and fun :)
The details of day 398 can be found at Day 398/365 challenge
The details of day 399 can be found at Day 399/365 challenge
The details of day 398 can be found at Day 398/365 challenge
The details of day 399 can be found at Day 399/365 challenge
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Karen Day 41-45
Day 41 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250179062
Quick run round town, noting spectacular to report
Day 42 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250179055
Cheeky day off work to take back some extra hours accrued recently so went out just after 7am to leave a lovely full day to get the housework done, Christmas decorations up and get some Christmas shopping in!!
Day 43 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250179048
Hurt my back today lifting boxes in the garage so had to walk to cover the distance today as running was painful and didn't want to make it worse
Day 44 - http://connect.garmin.com/dashboard
Back was a bit stiff so thought I'd see how I got on, but it eased quickly and got 30mins in after work
Day 45 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250179014
Hard day at work today so motivation was a struggle but got my trainers on before I thought about it too much and covered a couple of miles. As always, felt better afterwards!
Quick run round town, noting spectacular to report
Day 42 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250179055
Cheeky day off work to take back some extra hours accrued recently so went out just after 7am to leave a lovely full day to get the housework done, Christmas decorations up and get some Christmas shopping in!!
Day 43 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250179048
Hurt my back today lifting boxes in the garage so had to walk to cover the distance today as running was painful and didn't want to make it worse
Day 44 - http://connect.garmin.com/dashboard
Back was a bit stiff so thought I'd see how I got on, but it eased quickly and got 30mins in after work
Day 45 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/250179014
Hard day at work today so motivation was a struggle but got my trainers on before I thought about it too much and covered a couple of miles. As always, felt better afterwards!
Day 173/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Finished a little earlier today so I went out for a longer run. It wasn't too cold today and it felt warm in the sunshine make me remember what the summer was like
Finished a little earlier today so I went out for a longer run. It wasn't too cold today and it felt warm in the sunshine make me remember what the summer was like
Day 172/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
The old boring run home. Already had enough of turkey !
The old boring run home. Already had enough of turkey !
Day 171/375 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Managed to squeeze in this run in between shifts. First day of the Xmas menu. Joy !!
Managed to squeeze in this run in between shifts. First day of the Xmas menu. Joy !!
Day 170/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
After my 11 mile ride home from Laura's in Glastonbury I was feeling fit again after a recovery month.
It was club night I went out with the fast group and we did 7.5 miles on Icey roads.
After my 11 mile ride home from Laura's in Glastonbury I was feeling fit again after a recovery month.
It was club night I went out with the fast group and we did 7.5 miles on Icey roads.
Jack: Day 167-171/365...Taking on the nemesis.
So I have decided that this is the year that I will re-attempt the Edinburgh Marathon. After my disaster at the event in 2009 I haven't attempted the distance since however it has always plagued my mind that I came within yards of completing a marathon in sub-3hrs. As I am running everyday I feel that my running fitness is pretty good just now and I have 6months to increase the distance and prepare for the grueling 26.2 miles again. I have managed to convince my brother Tom to do it as well and a couple of the fellas from work sound keen also. Hopefully this added pressure of other people running will motivate me to keep pushing in training. I am going to give it absolutely everything this year and prepare nice and early as I feel I need to tick the box for hitting that target and then I can happily move on to a new ambition. Because of this decision to run Edinburgh I have decided that I need to start increasing the distance of my weekend run. Recently I have simply been covering 5k every time and that is not going to prepare me very well! Today I jumped it up to 9k which is still relatively short but I don't want to jump up the miles too quickly. As I had my staff xmas party last night I was a little tender this morning on the run but still managed to pull out a half decent pace and complete the distance without too many pauses for breath! Next weekend I will be at Oli's Sandhurst passing out parade and so I could be in for another sore head on my Sunday run but at least it will be one that I will never forget...the night before however might be a different story!
Day 142-153 by Sallycinn :)
Has been difficult keeping my motivation over the last couple of weeks. I've done my minimum but desperately want to find some motivation to go further. It's not easy running every day - remembering to take my kit to work, and then running after a long day. But, I got some great advice from Charles and did 5 miles today so really chuffed. Of course I loved it and felt great afterwards. :) :)
Tuesday - back at work after a day off. Colleague wanted to go for a drink after work so I went for a quick run round the block.
Day 142 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Run home after work. Very cold and very tired after a hard but successful day at work. I'm teaching on a Masters teaching training course and was being observed so a little nervous - but got good feedback. :)
Day 143 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
One milers ...boring I know but lacked motivation. Think these phases will come and go and I'll just have to get through them and wait till my mojo returns which it did today (Saturday)
Day 144 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 145 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 146 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 147 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 148 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 149 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 150 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 151 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
152 part 1 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 152 part2 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
5 miles - so happy to be out running this morning. It was fresh but the sun was strong which warmed me up. Loved every moment and feel a bit more motivated to keep running. :)
Day 153 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday - back at work after a day off. Colleague wanted to go for a drink after work so I went for a quick run round the block.
Day 142 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Run home after work. Very cold and very tired after a hard but successful day at work. I'm teaching on a Masters teaching training course and was being observed so a little nervous - but got good feedback. :)
Day 143 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
One milers ...boring I know but lacked motivation. Think these phases will come and go and I'll just have to get through them and wait till my mojo returns which it did today (Saturday)
Day 144 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 145 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 146 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 147 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 148 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 149 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 150 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 151 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
152 part 1 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 152 part2 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
5 miles - so happy to be out running this morning. It was fresh but the sun was strong which warmed me up. Loved every moment and feel a bit more motivated to keep running. :)
Day 153 by Sallycinn at Garmin Connect - Details
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Charles: Day 397/365 - Scary Skating Rink
A run in the rain for a change but it was still freezing cold and the ice underneath wasn't melting and it had turned into a black ice skating rink
The details of day 397 can be found at Day 397/365 challenge
The details of day 397 can be found at Day 397/365 challenge
Pete Day 159 - Lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun
Just a standard 3.3 mile lunchtime run around the main road route to avoid the landslips. No rain today but very cold and a fresh wind.
Pete Day 159 - Lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 159 - Lunchtime 3.3 miler by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Charles: Day 395 & 396/365 - 5 days to go!!
Both runs in the freezing icy cold weather with loads of seriously slippy ground frost and snow. My right knee is killing me. Time for some more physio and sports massages
The details of day 395 can be found at Day 395/365 challenge
The details of day 396 can be found at Day 396/365 challenge
The details of day 395 can be found at Day 395/365 challenge
The details of day 396 can be found at Day 396/365 challenge
Pete Day 158 - Lunchtime run 3.3 miles by Pljrun
Back to the normal lunchtime run, although we had to ask for permission from the workers clearing away the landslides and fallen trees to complete the route. Their response was 'if you are brave enough' , it wasn't a question of being brave it was simply that it was further to go back than carry on !! so we went on.
Pete Day 158 - Lunchtime run 3.3 miles by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 158 - Lunchtime run 3.3 miles by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Pete Day 157 - Evening run to Curry and back in the rain again ! by Pljrun
Could not get a run in at work today so just ran the 4 miles to Curry and back, surprise, surprise it was raining. Never mind still enjoyed it and all feeling good again.
Pete Day 157 - Evening run to Curry and back in the rain again ! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 157 - Evening run to Curry and back in the rain again ! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 169/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 169/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
A slightly muddy run around Glastonbury with laura today. Its nice to get out and do some different routes
A slightly muddy run around Glastonbury with laura today. Its nice to get out and do some different routes
Day 168/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 168/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Today I had an early finish as work was quiet and laura joined me again for this run. I do enjoy running with someone else
Today I had an early finish as work was quiet and laura joined me again for this run. I do enjoy running with someone else
Pete Days 152 to 156 - Mostly basic distance avoiding floods ! By pljrun
First run as a 59er, just 3.7 miles prior to taking the Monday training session. Looked a nice dry evening, got to Curry Rivel and the heavens opened so got wet, theres a surprise. Had a good sprint session following this but forgot to start the watch, I can't even say it's my age because I ALWAYS FORGET.
Pete Day 156 - First run as a 59er by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday morning and out for a long run trying to avoid the floods, managed to make a lap of 9.75 miles, was going to go round again but too damn cold. Could not get warmed up at all this morning, ended up to not enjoy my run so decided to call it a day and go home for a hot cup of rosy.
Pete Day 155 - Sunday run out and about the levels by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a run up to Bowdens crest and back 3.25 miles prior to a wonderfull trip to town for my favourite past time Christmas shopping ugh !!!!
Pete Day 154 - Morning run pre Xmas shopping Ugh!! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Lunchtime same as yesterday 3.3 miler, roads still closed.
Pete Day 153 - Lunchtime run again avoiding the FLOODS by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Lunchtime 3.3 miles,main road route avoiding the floods and fallen trees.
Pete Day 152 - Lunchtime run avoiding the floods by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Pete Day 156 - First run as a 59er by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Sunday morning and out for a long run trying to avoid the floods, managed to make a lap of 9.75 miles, was going to go round again but too damn cold. Could not get warmed up at all this morning, ended up to not enjoy my run so decided to call it a day and go home for a hot cup of rosy.
Pete Day 155 - Sunday run out and about the levels by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a run up to Bowdens crest and back 3.25 miles prior to a wonderfull trip to town for my favourite past time Christmas shopping ugh !!!!
Pete Day 154 - Morning run pre Xmas shopping Ugh!! by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Lunchtime same as yesterday 3.3 miler, roads still closed.
Pete Day 153 - Lunchtime run again avoiding the FLOODS by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Lunchtime 3.3 miles,main road route avoiding the floods and fallen trees.
Pete Day 152 - Lunchtime run avoiding the floods by Pljrun at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 3 December 2012
Jack: Day 159-166/365...Dancing on Ice.
It's getting cold! This week the temperature has dropped dramatically and ice is forming on the pavements. Most of these runs took place in the early evening after school and so were dark, cold and precarious on the slippery paths! The times are therefore not fantastic as my main priority has been staying upright. I am yet to completely stack it and land on my backside but I fear it is only a matter of time! Over the weekend I was able to go out during the daylight and so made the most of this by running round the park. This meant that I could stick to the grass and enjoy less risk of slipping. This week I have mainly been listening to The Nextmen podcast on my runs. I have also started reading 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' which is pretty good so far. It is a book that a few people have recommended to me and is also one that I can teach at school so I though that it would be a good one to read. The running is going well so far but I think the next few months are going to be the hardest. The ease with which I have been able to pop out and do a quick 5k and be home again within twenty minutes is getting harder as the ice takes it's toll on my pace. We will see how I get on anyway!
159 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
160 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
161.1 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
161.2 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
162 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
163 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
164 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
165 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
166 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
159 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
160 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
161.1 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
161.2 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
162 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
163 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
164 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
165 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
166 by jackarnold87 at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 394/365 - 7 days and counting
Lunch min distance run that turned out to be a rather sore and stiff affair after yesterdays half marathon. Never mind, only 7 days to go until I hang up my trainers for a couple of days well earned rest :)
The details of day 394 can be found at Day 394/365 challenge
The details of day 394 can be found at Day 394/365 challenge
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Charles: Day 393/365 - Wobbly Williams Half Marathon
I've been undecided all week, because of the way I'd been feeling, on whether to do the Wobbly Williams Try-Athletes Half Marathon or 10k. I decided to do the half and I'm glad I did.
It was really icy and treacherous underfoot with frozen puddles and pathways. I got to just about the 15k point and my hip went "twang" and I then struggled and limped the next 6k. I'm still glad I did it to support one of the charities I raise money for.
Today was also a turning point on my journey on this round of the challenge as I've decided to call it a day when I reach day 400 as my legs and joints are really suffering in the cold now and I've not recovered from the hip injuries I got back on day 102 and day 150(ish). My day 400 run will be the jogScotland 5K Christmas Cracker on Sunday 9th December. My last official day on the challenge will be on Monday (day 401) after the running club. Do not fear as this will only be a short break as I intend to return on the 5th January (BUPA 5k Winter Run).
The details of day 393 can be found at Day 393/365 challenge
It was really icy and treacherous underfoot with frozen puddles and pathways. I got to just about the 15k point and my hip went "twang" and I then struggled and limped the next 6k. I'm still glad I did it to support one of the charities I raise money for.
Today was also a turning point on my journey on this round of the challenge as I've decided to call it a day when I reach day 400 as my legs and joints are really suffering in the cold now and I've not recovered from the hip injuries I got back on day 102 and day 150(ish). My day 400 run will be the jogScotland 5K Christmas Cracker on Sunday 9th December. My last official day on the challenge will be on Monday (day 401) after the running club. Do not fear as this will only be a short break as I intend to return on the 5th January (BUPA 5k Winter Run).
The details of day 393 can be found at Day 393/365 challenge
Karen Day 39 and 40
Day 39 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/248761955
Quick run after work around town. Off to Surrey tonight to stay with family for the rest of the weekend so just a quick minimum distance run to get it done. Nothing special!
Day 40 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/248761945
Frosty morning but lovely to run somewhere new! Ran from Matt's parents to my parents but was really surprised to see it was only 2 miles - thought it would be at least 3, pushing towards 4. Funny how your perspective changes as you get older as this used to be a really long way when we were young and living at home!! Glad it was a bit shorter as the whole body felt sluggish - probably something to do with the curry last night!!
Quick run after work around town. Off to Surrey tonight to stay with family for the rest of the weekend so just a quick minimum distance run to get it done. Nothing special!
Day 40 - http://connect.garmin.com/activity/248761945
Frosty morning but lovely to run somewhere new! Ran from Matt's parents to my parents but was really surprised to see it was only 2 miles - thought it would be at least 3, pushing towards 4. Funny how your perspective changes as you get older as this used to be a really long way when we were young and living at home!! Glad it was a bit shorter as the whole body felt sluggish - probably something to do with the curry last night!!
Day 167/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 167/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Finished early today have to back to work for 5 pm. Had a stressful morning at work I was glad to get out and do today's run. So managed 4.25miles
Finished early today have to back to work for 5 pm. Had a stressful morning at work I was glad to get out and do today's run. So managed 4.25miles
Day 166/365 by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by robgundry at Garmin Connect - Details
Just the old run home from work. Can't believe it's December and I'm nearly halfway through the challenge.
Just the old run home from work. Can't believe it's December and I'm nearly halfway through the challenge.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Charles: Day 392/365 - Ballerina?
It snowed last night and froze over by morning so I just did the basic 5k minimum on a sheet of icy glass. It was treacherous underfoot and had to do a ballerina dance a few times to stop myself from falling. It was also freezing cold and my old hip injuries were really stiff and sore. Time for a hot bath :)
The details of day 392 can be found at Day 392/365 challenge
The details of day 392 can be found at Day 392/365 challenge
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