Sunday, 12 February 2012

New blog design!

Was a little bored tonight and thought about having a go at sprucing up the blog. Any thoughts on what I have done?
Also looking for a little introduction for the welcome to the run365challenge paragraph at the side of the blog. Any ideas for what we should say?
Trying to drum up some more runners so making this look more appealing could be a good move.
Keep on running!!


  1. like the style, it's a bit more engaging. However in this style you can't see the hyperlinks we insert into our blogs? They are there, you just can't tell they are hyperlinks?
    I'll draft some verbiage for an intro over a beer this evening for you to red pen if this helps?

  2. Had another couple of changes to it. couldn't keep the same font without getting the links to stand out. think this is a nice font. Have introduced some tabs at the top of the screen that I will need help in filling.

  3. Like it. Find this font easier to read though than the pretty one that was in situ this morning.
