Short recovery run tonight because my legs and hips are sore from yesterdays 10 miles. It was also a cold run with the chest hurting with each breath. Felt pretty good if not a little heavy legged.
The wife is in a crabbit mood tonight and moaned at me for the amount of extra washing there is with all the running gear I'm using. It might not have been the best thing to jokingly say it's the washing machine doing all the work and not you and look on the bright side you don't have to iron it. Don't worry guys, no divorce on the cards yet. We have cheeky banter like that all the time and are a nightmare when we go shopping for having mock rows and trying to embarrass each other :))
The details of my run can be found at Day 87/365 challenge
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Nicky Day 97/365 Upton
Back from work later than hoped & have pilatez at 6:30, plus Alfies birthday so had to cook nice dinner after that. All this means that instead of a planned 6m trot & did only 2.5m! Never mind - it was darned cold out there anyway.
Ben Day 25 - Cow pat fest
Dashed out for a run at dusk before collecting kids from school - stayed local and thought I'd venture across some farmers fields - knew it was boggy and muddy, with the clag grabbing at my shoes - it was getting a bit silly and then I spied what I thought was a concrete hard standing next to a water trough over near Watercress wood so decided to head for that and then take stock. The light was shining off it in a funny way which suggested it was solid.... turns out it wasn't ! straight up to my knees in cow shit - turns out it was a nice lake of merde... I was so shocked I almost fell over in it!
Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella, yes I know..... :-)
Ben Day 25 - Garmin
Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella, yes I know..... :-)
Ben Day 25 - Garmin
Monday, 30 January 2012
Marg: Day 82/365 Challenge - around the block and to gray road and back
A couple of old faithful routes over the past 2 days:
Brad came with me again on Sunday. It was nice not to have to run in cleats and I was wearing new shoes which felt great.
Day 81/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
And today I managed to get in a run before having to go out for a work dinner. It was 60oF on the way home from work today! It felt like spring.
Day 82/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Brad came with me again on Sunday. It was nice not to have to run in cleats and I was wearing new shoes which felt great.
Day 81/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
And today I managed to get in a run before having to go out for a work dinner. It was 60oF on the way home from work today! It felt like spring.
Day 82/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky Day 96/365 Knole Rd Brrrrr!
Winter has arrived. Very snowy driving to work in Devon today. Cold run, in fact the first run I can actually say was cold enough to wear my winter gear: hat, warm gloves, 3 layers, woolly leggings & woolly socks. Usual boring route along the Knole Rd.
A challenge for you....
Would it be possible for us to coordinate our runs so that we are all running at the same time just for one day? We then blog immediately afterwards knowng we were all out doing our daily bit during the same 30 mins irrespective of where we are in the world etc... Might be nice to mix it up a bit? Each take photos etc and post them... Maybe we could do this for each calenader milestone or when one of us passes a milestone, to show our support....? Thoughts guys?
Charles: Day 86/365 - Broken the 400 mile barrier :)
Short blog tonight because Mrs Brown's Boys is coming on BBC 1 soon. Funniest thing on telly for years :))
The first run was a slowish recovery 6.12k run during lunch time at work because I also had the running club tonight. The second run was a 10k run with the running club and it felt great to get out and pound the streets on a cold and frosty night with a group of other runners who still think I'm mad doing this challenge and running twice in the same day.
In 86 days I've now ran 653.36km = 405.81 miles = 4.72 miles per day
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 86/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 86/365 challenge - Part 2
The first run was a slowish recovery 6.12k run during lunch time at work because I also had the running club tonight. The second run was a 10k run with the running club and it felt great to get out and pound the streets on a cold and frosty night with a group of other runners who still think I'm mad doing this challenge and running twice in the same day.
In 86 days I've now ran 653.36km = 405.81 miles = 4.72 miles per day
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 86/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 86/365 challenge - Part 2
Ben Day 24 - London pics, Priors Wood and snow!
Hooray! Snow here at last - kids very excited about seeing a few flakes fall from the heavens this morning. Quick school dash - sat in car with heated seats on warming up a bit before venturing out into the mud fest and snow. Run felt OK, but slow due to slippery mud and climbing and dealing with bounding dogs etc..
Day 24 - not long now!!
Just seen that Prior's wood runs into Birch, Briery and Budding's wood on the South East corner - that's four more woods (including the Long Ashton hillside ones) that I need to explore - so much choice!!
Ben Day 24 - Garmin
Here are a pics from our London trip!
Day 24 - not long now!!
Just seen that Prior's wood runs into Birch, Briery and Budding's wood on the South East corner - that's four more woods (including the Long Ashton hillside ones) that I need to explore - so much choice!!
Ben Day 24 - Garmin
Here are a pics from our London trip!
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Ben Day 22 and 23 - Fire of London and suburban hell
and no, not the car!
A quick dash over to London for the evening on Sat this weekend so we could go to St Pauls Cathedral, Momument and Pudding Lane and do some careful research on the Great Fire of London! No. 1 son studying history on this topic at the mo, so we thought it would be ace to actually go see some stuff for from 1666 for real rather than just read about it.
Swimming lessons galore on Sat morning followed by a birthday party each meant that my run had to wait until we got the Grandparent's house in St. Pauls Cray... hand kids over on arrival and stick running shoes on... everything I hate about running - no open views, just horrid house after house with a shopping centre thrown in... to break the monotony and live on the edge a little I reversed the loop this evening (Sunday) just to keep it fresh - that's how we roll in the 'burbs.... blurgh!
London was fun - was really looking forward to seeing St Pauls' for the first time - bloody thing was closed to visitors; they wanted to hold religious services since it was Sunday - the cheek of it! ENjoyed hauling up Monument though - Ollie accurately counted all 311 steps to the top!
Ben Day 22 - Garmin
Ben Day 23 - Garmin
just seen - again, purposely didn't look at watch when running these two days - same route, clockwise one day, anti-clock the other - once again amazed at how consistent my pace is - 5k each day, 2 seconds difference... I still find it funny..
A quick dash over to London for the evening on Sat this weekend so we could go to St Pauls Cathedral, Momument and Pudding Lane and do some careful research on the Great Fire of London! No. 1 son studying history on this topic at the mo, so we thought it would be ace to actually go see some stuff for from 1666 for real rather than just read about it.
Swimming lessons galore on Sat morning followed by a birthday party each meant that my run had to wait until we got the Grandparent's house in St. Pauls Cray... hand kids over on arrival and stick running shoes on... everything I hate about running - no open views, just horrid house after house with a shopping centre thrown in... to break the monotony and live on the edge a little I reversed the loop this evening (Sunday) just to keep it fresh - that's how we roll in the 'burbs.... blurgh!
London was fun - was really looking forward to seeing St Pauls' for the first time - bloody thing was closed to visitors; they wanted to hold religious services since it was Sunday - the cheek of it! ENjoyed hauling up Monument though - Ollie accurately counted all 311 steps to the top!
Ben Day 22 - Garmin
Ben Day 23 - Garmin
just seen - again, purposely didn't look at watch when running these two days - same route, clockwise one day, anti-clock the other - once again amazed at how consistent my pace is - 5k each day, 2 seconds difference... I still find it funny..
Charles: Day 85/365 - 280?
Another day and another run and if my maths is correct, I only have another 280 days to go. The run today was okay but the cold damp weather helped to make my breathing shallow and between the 4 & 5k mark I got rather light headed but I slowed the pace and continued on to the end. Just for a wee change, I want to go somewhere nice and sunny but not too warm to do a run :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 85/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 85/365 challenge
Nicky Day 95/365 Richmond Park London
Had a brilliant day yesterday & last night at the theatre. However, quite a lot of gorgeous Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc was consumed! Felt pretty dehydrated this morning. Great breakfast at the "Chelsea Bun" followed by the drive out to Richmond & my circumnavigation of said park. Suffered with stitch (no surprises there!!!) but managed the 7.2mile route without to many problems. Again, so so many runners out & about. One certainly looked like an MdS trainee. Stuffed backpack donned & trying out his running poles! Oh happy happy days!!!
Nicky Day 94/365 Battersea Park London
Up in London for the weekend to see The War Horse! Staying in lovely hotel opposite Battersea Park so it seemed rude not to do my miles in here. Really great park with lots & lots of runners enjoying themselves. I am sure many of them are training for The Marathon (The london one to you & I!) Its a shame so many people think this is the only marathon in the world! I wonder how many of these same folk will hang up their running shoes after the April event?
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Marg: Day 80/365 Challenge - Hagan Burke in the sunshine
Yeh!! I have reached day 80!! Nice day but very windy. It had snowed over night and everything looked like it had a heavy dusting of icing sugar. It was very pretty in the morning sunlight. Brad and I ran the Hagan Burke but walked the start and end to avoid the hills and take the pressure off my butt and back. No long periods of sitting at my desk today so I am feeling a bit better. I think we ran about 3.5 miles and walked the rest.
Day 80/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 80/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 84/365 - Only 40 weeks to go
Well that's me now a full 12 weeks into this challenge :)
I don't get it? After a tough week of running and feeling physically exhausted, I still manage to run 5k in 25 minutes. I have to agree with a comment that Nicky made earlier in the week about running being a strange thing. I have no idea where I got the energy from today and I felt great after the first kilometer. I believe that I could've ran even faster if I had someone to push me on and I'm hoping to try and go for a run with Tony at the end of February when I'm through in Glasgow for a few nights.
The details of my run can be found at Day 84/365 challenge
I don't get it? After a tough week of running and feeling physically exhausted, I still manage to run 5k in 25 minutes. I have to agree with a comment that Nicky made earlier in the week about running being a strange thing. I have no idea where I got the energy from today and I felt great after the first kilometer. I believe that I could've ran even faster if I had someone to push me on and I'm hoping to try and go for a run with Tony at the end of February when I'm through in Glasgow for a few nights.
The details of my run can be found at Day 84/365 challenge
Friday, 27 January 2012
Marg: Day 79/365 Challenge - around the block with a few loops
Definitely did not want to run tonight but after falling asleep on the couch I made myself get up and go out and felt better for it even though I am still in pain. It was snowing but only lightly and dry snow so it looked quite pretty in the light of my lamp.
Day 79/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 79/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Marg:,Day 78/365 Challenge - in around Foster Grove
Went for a run in and around Foster Grove. There were streets that I had not been on before and it made it a little more interesting and helped me to forget the pain in my leg and butt.
Day 78/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 78/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 83/365 - Moving on up
Another tough run at lunch time today but I felt no where near as bad as yesterday. I still have really heavy legs and feeling exhausted but it explains why when I look at the stats on my spreadsheet where it tells me I ran 34.5 miles in week 10, 38.9 miles in week 11 and I've already covered 32.8 miles in 6 days this week and I still have another day to go. It's also been cold and damp this week so that's also been a telling factor. Moan over :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 83/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 83/365 challenge
Ben Day 21 - Leigh Woods with Zoe Sharpe
Ben Day 21 - Garmin
Arranged for an early morning run with Zoe again today - was a lovely clear sunny morning for it too - pottering about on the paths and new MTB tracks through the woods - lovely view over Clifton Suspension Bridge from the vantage point near the iron age fort. Garmin playing up though. signal slow to get going and then dropped out early on for a spell - distance well over three miles, duration was accurate but not sure about distance. Zoe was wearing her Garmin so will have to check.
Kids both had great days at school/nursery which makes for a great weekend - we're off to London for my first trip around St Pauls and Monument to learn about the Great Fire of London!
Arranged for an early morning run with Zoe again today - was a lovely clear sunny morning for it too - pottering about on the paths and new MTB tracks through the woods - lovely view over Clifton Suspension Bridge from the vantage point near the iron age fort. Garmin playing up though. signal slow to get going and then dropped out early on for a spell - distance well over three miles, duration was accurate but not sure about distance. Zoe was wearing her Garmin so will have to check.
Kids both had great days at school/nursery which makes for a great weekend - we're off to London for my first trip around St Pauls and Monument to learn about the Great Fire of London!
Nicky Day 93/365 Rain & Hail
Off to London later, so finished work early, did paperwork quickly & headed out for a 6 miler. Glorious sunshine but cold so I donned my micro fleece, gloves & buff & headed off - perfect! Well that was until 5 miles in the black clouds came over, strong headwind & it poured with rain. Rain stopped & the hail started! I felt like my face was being attacked by a swarm of bees - darn well hurts! Took a short cut home which didnt turn out to be any shorter, but was incredibly muddy! Shitty end to a lovely run!
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Ben Day 20 - distracted
Ben Day 20 - Garmin
dashed out this evening after bedtime stories - purposely wanted to take it steady. Needed time to reflect and clarity of mind whilst running... clear skies, meant for a cold run - sure to be a frost this evening.. snow in the Wye Valley tonight apparently, which is just over the Bristol Channel from where we live.... we'll see what tomorrow brings. Have an early morning burn through Leigh Woods with Zoe Sharpe which I'm looking forward to.
Oliver (my son) was taken out of class today for being naughty (larking about with another kid) and both Anusha and I are somewhat strangely despondent about it... it's funny how kids pervade your life when you least expect it!
dashed out this evening after bedtime stories - purposely wanted to take it steady. Needed time to reflect and clarity of mind whilst running... clear skies, meant for a cold run - sure to be a frost this evening.. snow in the Wye Valley tonight apparently, which is just over the Bristol Channel from where we live.... we'll see what tomorrow brings. Have an early morning burn through Leigh Woods with Zoe Sharpe which I'm looking forward to.
Oliver (my son) was taken out of class today for being naughty (larking about with another kid) and both Anusha and I are somewhat strangely despondent about it... it's funny how kids pervade your life when you least expect it!
Charles: Day 82/365 - Staying Positive!
That was one tough run tonight! Yes, the course was demanding but not too difficult because I've ran it umpteen times before. It was purely down too physical exhaustion and mentally feeling that I "Couldn't be ar**d". My legs were like huge big blocks of lead and I felt like I was doing an old man shuffle as opposed to running. I think I need to do a couple of slow easy minimum 5k runs to recover.
I keep saying to myself that physical pain is only in the mind and it will only hurt if you let it. Positive thinking with the help and encouragement from friends and family (especially my other half, Michelle) gets me through all the bad days and share the joys of the good days. Bring on day 83!!
The details of my run can be found at Day 82/365 challenge
I keep saying to myself that physical pain is only in the mind and it will only hurt if you let it. Positive thinking with the help and encouragement from friends and family (especially my other half, Michelle) gets me through all the bad days and share the joys of the good days. Bring on day 83!!
The details of my run can be found at Day 82/365 challenge
Nicky Day 92/365 Winchester
Was working in Bournemouth & Winchester today, so decided to have a little snoop around Winchester town after my last meeting. Left my car in the hospital carpark & headed off down the hill towards town. Lovely narrow (virtually carless) streets, picked up signs for the river walk then a hilltop view point. Ended up in a couple of dead ends but on the whole had a good trot. Had to walk/run back up to the hospital - Big Hill!
Ben Day 19 - Long Ashton Running Group
Ben Day19 Garmin
I was able to to ringfence an hour last night and head out with Long Ashton Running Group for both the 7 and 7:30pm sessions. A nice friendly bunch of folks - great to see an informal gathering with all abilities being catered for - I was shown some killer hills I was able to "summit" which was nice too. will try to make this a weekly gig, wife's on call permitting.
I was able to to ringfence an hour last night and head out with Long Ashton Running Group for both the 7 and 7:30pm sessions. A nice friendly bunch of folks - great to see an informal gathering with all abilities being catered for - I was shown some killer hills I was able to "summit" which was nice too. will try to make this a weekly gig, wife's on call permitting.
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Marg: Day 77/365 Challenge - snowy run to Gray Rd and back
Not much into running at the moment but the thought of having to start again is driving me on. Brad was back from Argentina so we went for a run together. It was snowing, very wet snow, but not much on the ground. Just did the minimum 2 miles and slowly at that.
Day 77/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 77/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Marg: Day 76/365 Challenge - late night Carmel treadmill
I am still in a bad way but continuing to keep going with the running. Life at my desk at work is very painful. Ibuprofen does not really touch it. Day 76/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky Day 91/365 Langport 10k route with club
After Sundays nightmarish marathon I thought I would still be heavy legged this evening so had planned a very slow 4miles with the club. Got dragged along to do the Battle of Sedgemoor 10k course with the gang & actually felt great! Running is a strange thing!
Charles: Day 81/365 - Double Knackered
Last year we set up a running club in our department called the Dev Friends Running Club which lasted for a few months but it was resurrected today and 3 of us went out for a run. It felt great running as part of a group for a change and what pleased me the most was how much fitter and stronger I am compared to last year. One of guys running with us today is a 1hr 23min half marathon runner so it felt great to slow him down a tad but we could easily see how good he is by the way he powered up the hills in front of us.
The second run was to the wife's work and being honest it was a run too far tonight because I've never felt so knackered after doing a 5k. Fair enough I've ran 13.9k in total today but I don't half feel it in the legs. Never mind going to the carvery for lunch tomorrow and doing a 7.4k(ish) run at night
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 81/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 81/365 challenge - Part 2
The second run was to the wife's work and being honest it was a run too far tonight because I've never felt so knackered after doing a 5k. Fair enough I've ran 13.9k in total today but I don't half feel it in the legs. Never mind going to the carvery for lunch tomorrow and doing a 7.4k(ish) run at night
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 81/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 81/365 challenge - Part 2
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
NickyDay 90/365
Cant quite believe I am Day 90 already! I remember hitting Day 10 & thinking, WOW - this is the most consecutive days I have ever run!!! Feeling good for it too - what a fantastic challenge although recruiting new folk is nigh on impossible - everyone seems to think we are all clearly quite barmy!!!
Had a long day at work today which included nearly 7 hours of driving! Hip a little niggly still from Sundays marathon, so I decided to do a 2m shuffle.
After the mega disappointment with my LED Lenser head torch, I wrote to the company complaining - returned the torch & they sent me a replacement. Tried it out tonight & I am mightly impressed! The other one must have been faulty. I am now getting my own back on all those cars who blind me when I am out running!!! :-)
Charles: Day 80/365 - Cold & Damp
DAY 80 !!!!!!!!
Lunch time run at work in the cold & damp weather. It made it really sore on the breathing and I couldn't be bothered to make shape with the breath art. A fairly bog standard run for me with nowt much to report except that I've now been running for 80 consecutive days and loving every minute of it even though some days are tougher than others :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 80/365 challenge
Lunch time run at work in the cold & damp weather. It made it really sore on the breathing and I couldn't be bothered to make shape with the breath art. A fairly bog standard run for me with nowt much to report except that I've now been running for 80 consecutive days and loving every minute of it even though some days are tougher than others :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 80/365 challenge
Ben Day 18 - Fenn's wood
Felt good today - Anusha collected kids from school so I was able to nip out just before dark into the wooded hillside near home. Thought I'd try a slight mod on my usual Belmont Hill run and extend West into Fenn's wood - some really great areas around here, and found a lot I can continue to explore.. will have to have a sniff around during the day time. It turned into a great run - darkness coming in, the mist came down into the woods whilst I ran - felt a lot like one of those great cold autmnal evenings just before winter comes... a nice little 4 mile route.
Ben Day 18 - Garmin
Ben Day 18 - Garmin
Monday, 23 January 2012
Charles: Day 77 to 79/365 - Three cold days
Day 77
Late Saturday night run past all the drunks smoking outside the pubs. I didn't get any abuse this time which is a first. I think they were either too pie eyed and drunk or I was running too fast for them to notice the big bloke in a bright yellow jacket. The run itself was quite tough but good fun on a crisp clear & frosty night.
The details of my run can be found at Day 77/365 challenge
Day 78
A very windy and cold day made this run quite interesting and challenging but I felt great at the end of it because I'd battled through the mental challenges of wanting to stop and walk. I didn't stop and battled on to the end. My legs and hips were aching when I finished so a nice warm bath and pain killers were in order.
The details of my run can be found at Day 78/365 challenge
Day 79
Short 8k run with the running club tonight in the cold. My hips and back felt really sore before we started running and was thankful that the pace was quite slow tonight. The cold air also hurt the chest when breathing but I think we all suffered. Great to be running with a group though because running 39 miles a week on your own gets really quite tedious.
The details of my run can be found at Day 79/365 challenge
Late Saturday night run past all the drunks smoking outside the pubs. I didn't get any abuse this time which is a first. I think they were either too pie eyed and drunk or I was running too fast for them to notice the big bloke in a bright yellow jacket. The run itself was quite tough but good fun on a crisp clear & frosty night.
The details of my run can be found at Day 77/365 challenge
Day 78
A very windy and cold day made this run quite interesting and challenging but I felt great at the end of it because I'd battled through the mental challenges of wanting to stop and walk. I didn't stop and battled on to the end. My legs and hips were aching when I finished so a nice warm bath and pain killers were in order.
The details of my run can be found at Day 78/365 challenge
Day 79
Short 8k run with the running club tonight in the cold. My hips and back felt really sore before we started running and was thankful that the pace was quite slow tonight. The cold air also hurt the chest when breathing but I think we all suffered. Great to be running with a group though because running 39 miles a week on your own gets really quite tedious.
The details of my run can be found at Day 79/365 challenge
Ben Day 17 - sub 21 min 5K - yay!
Cycle path again this evening - I felt fresh as I slipped out into the night whilst the wife readied the kids for bed etc... thought what the hell lets see what happens - aimed for a sub-21 5K - first mile went at 6'46" and then I stopped watching the clock and just tried to get some air into the engine! - I was blowing quite hard by the end and I was cringing hoping I'd done enough to get under 21'..
20'22" - elated!
Feels great to have made good progress since November when I was running the cycle path in ~22'45".
Feel pretty energised and now gives me something to aim for - a sub 20 min 5K. C'mon!
Ben Day 17 - Garmin
20'22" - elated!
Feels great to have made good progress since November when I was running the cycle path in ~22'45".
Feel pretty energised and now gives me something to aim for - a sub 20 min 5K. C'mon!
Ben Day 17 - Garmin
Nicky Day 89/365 2miler
Legs feel fine today although right hip a little achey but ok after some paracetamol. Chest feels a little constricted though! After work today decided to just do the 2m minimum as a fast walk. Usual Upton Loop
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Marg: Day 74/365 Challenge - Smokey Ridge in snow and fog
Still a lot of snow around from the storm on Friday/Saturday. It was a bit warmer today and while the path was the most covered it has been this season there were parts that were quite slushy and hard to run on and my feet were getting wet and cold.
The pain in my butt is definitely a challenge at the moment. I am doing some piriformis exercises and stretches and I am feeling some slight may be wishful thinking... If it is still bad by the end of the week I will arrange for some physical therapy.
Apart from that the late afternoon in the snow was made all the more tranquil by a fog. Not like a London fog but enough to make me quite damp by the time I got home. I really enjoyed being outside. I think the day in the skifields yesterday definitely made me more positive about the weather.
Day 74/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
The pain in my butt is definitely a challenge at the moment. I am doing some piriformis exercises and stretches and I am feeling some slight may be wishful thinking... If it is still bad by the end of the week I will arrange for some physical therapy.
Apart from that the late afternoon in the snow was made all the more tranquil by a fog. Not like a London fog but enough to make me quite damp by the time I got home. I really enjoyed being outside. I think the day in the skifields yesterday definitely made me more positive about the weather.
Day 74/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day 16 - Belmont woods
a nice lazy day today with the kids - didn't achieve a great deal, just mooching about relaxing after a busy week. Kids and I spent the afternoon climbing trees and scootering about whilst Anusha caught up on sleep from last nights on-call. Heaven!
late dusk/night time run through Belmont woods this evening - nice and clear and good hill training made for a nice even pace!
Ben Day 16 - Garmin
late dusk/night time run through Belmont woods this evening - nice and clear and good hill training made for a nice even pace!
Ben Day 16 - Garmin
NickyDay 88/365 Gloucester Marathon

I did a marathon pb on this course last year but after 88 days of running & a tough course I new I wouldnt beat it. However, legs felt heavy from the start - thought I would settle after 2 or 3 miles but at 6 miles I knew today was going to be a mega struggle - and it was! Right hip really hurting after the half way mark & legs really uncomfortable, especially after 6 miles. All I needed today though was a sub 5 as my Comrades qualifier. I can go for a better time for better "sheep pen" on the start line in April when I do Taunton mara.
Sat with my compression leggings on, a glass of ice cold wine & slow cook casserole ready! Perfect.
Saturday, 21 January 2012
Marg: Day 73/365 Challenge - back in Carmel on the treadmill
Skiing and tubing were probably not the best things to do for what I now suspect is some pressure on my sciatic near L5/S1 .......anyway it was fun and the kids had a blast. However I was not up to running in the snow and ice tonight and ran my 2.7 on the treadmill. I am going to make sure that I do not run more than once a week on the treadmill. It is an old one and not coping too well.
Day 73/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 73/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day 15 - Cycle path quickie and a challenge to this group
Got home at lunchtime today from Ft Lauderdale - another one of those 9 hour flight jobs, but the way the day works out means you've been on the go for more than 24 hours by the time you put the key in the door... no sleep on flight home due to lots of turbulence... I must have some inner-ear thing going on again which I need to get sorted, but I came pretty close to barfing en route.. folks sick due to plane jinking about - ac scrubbers struggling to keep up and clean the smell vomitus out of the air - nice!
I suffer quite badly with jetlag when flying East and today was no exception - nausea, disorientation, inability to string a sentence together/coherent thought etc (and no I didn't drink on the flight!!) Got home saw family and had to go to bed for an hour just so I could function for rest of day! - Wife on-call this evening and tomorrow night, maybe we'll see each other sometime in February.
I was in no state to run this afternoon, I almost threw up whilst running out on the cycle path just due to jetlag, but then a strange thing happened - about half way through everything changed and it became wonderful...nausea disappeared, legs became light and just seemed to bounce along - I think my brain has found a way to use running to supplement my melatonin levels as a means by which to circumvent jetlag - either that or I'm now just SO disoriented I don't even know which way is up!
Either way, a great week in the US - came home fired up and as keen as mustard to play with as a team creativity tool....
I think I've found three others to join our gang - a very handy fast, ultra runner in Indy who set himself the challenge of running everyday this year anyway, A spaniard who lives in Dunblane, Scotland who uses running for general fitness, just starting out but obviously committed - and an accompllished and experienced marathon runner based over in Taiwan ... Marg I hear you talked with Steven Lin already (he confessed he runs 350 days a year already - he'll join).
So although we're a small bunch of similarly minded individuals, we've got a fantastic spectrum of nationalities and cultures embracing this thing - which really excites me personally - I'm working on a colleague in India too...
I echo Tony's challenge - lets each find one more friend to join up and maybe make that an expectation of what we do when you start the challenge, moving forward?
1. have a Garmin app/watch
2. set your personal minimum distance
3. recruit a friend to join the challenge within 60 days of you starting
Ben Day 10
Ben Day 11 - with Marg :-)
Ben Day 12
Ben Day 13
Ben Day 14
Ben Day 15 - Cycle path
I suffer quite badly with jetlag when flying East and today was no exception - nausea, disorientation, inability to string a sentence together/coherent thought etc (and no I didn't drink on the flight!!) Got home saw family and had to go to bed for an hour just so I could function for rest of day! - Wife on-call this evening and tomorrow night, maybe we'll see each other sometime in February.
I was in no state to run this afternoon, I almost threw up whilst running out on the cycle path just due to jetlag, but then a strange thing happened - about half way through everything changed and it became wonderful...nausea disappeared, legs became light and just seemed to bounce along - I think my brain has found a way to use running to supplement my melatonin levels as a means by which to circumvent jetlag - either that or I'm now just SO disoriented I don't even know which way is up!
Either way, a great week in the US - came home fired up and as keen as mustard to play with as a team creativity tool....
I think I've found three others to join our gang - a very handy fast, ultra runner in Indy who set himself the challenge of running everyday this year anyway, A spaniard who lives in Dunblane, Scotland who uses running for general fitness, just starting out but obviously committed - and an accompllished and experienced marathon runner based over in Taiwan ... Marg I hear you talked with Steven Lin already (he confessed he runs 350 days a year already - he'll join).
So although we're a small bunch of similarly minded individuals, we've got a fantastic spectrum of nationalities and cultures embracing this thing - which really excites me personally - I'm working on a colleague in India too...
I echo Tony's challenge - lets each find one more friend to join up and maybe make that an expectation of what we do when you start the challenge, moving forward?
1. have a Garmin app/watch
2. set your personal minimum distance
3. recruit a friend to join the challenge within 60 days of you starting
Ben Day 10
Ben Day 11 - with Marg :-)
Ben Day 12
Ben Day 13
Ben Day 14
Ben Day 15 - Cycle path
Nicky Day 87/365 Power walk
Legs still feel really heavy & its very windy. Feeling somewhat apprehensive about tomorrows marathon!! Just did the minimum 2m today at swift walk pace - hope I feel more up to running tomorrow otherwise its gonna be a long hard day.
Nicky Day 87/365 Power walk
Legs still feel really heavy & its very windy. Feeling somewhat apprehensive about tomorrows marathon!! Just did the minimum 2m today at swift walk pace - hope I feel more up to running tomorrow otherwise its gonna be a long hard day.
Friday, 20 January 2012
Marg: Day 68-72/365 Challenge - in sunny Florida with Ben!
Day 68 - Got into Fort Lauderdale at about 8.30pm and so my first run for the week was at night but it was a great night with stormy weather way out to sea and the waves were rolling in and the air had a sweet, warm salty smell. I immediately felt the tension of the winter cold falling away from me.
Day 68/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 69 - had a run with Ben today which was nice. I am sure I slowed him down!, sorry Ben! We went along the beach, which was very pleasant and Tom came for part of the way. It was a bit of a mistake for me as I found the sand too soft and it strained my legs/butt and found myself sore after the run even though we came back along the Broadwalk. Lovely weather today!!
Day 69/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 70 - yeh!! My 70 day milestone! And what a place to do it. I was going to run in the park but it was closed and so continued north for nearly 2 miles and had to stop as m butt was so sore. I did some stretches and walked a bit before running home.
Day 70/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 71 - butt still really sore so just did the minimum 2 miles today and ran it before going into our meeting as I was worried that I might stiffen up so much that I would not be able to run at all! We went out catermaranning in the afternoon and swimming. It was great and such a gorgeous day.
Day 71/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 72 - last day. My butt is still sore but I am taking ibuprofen so it was not too bad. Did a slow 4 miles down to Harbor Beach and back. It will be hard to leave this great weather and nice to catch up with Ben and others. We all part ways today.
Day 72/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 68/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 69 - had a run with Ben today which was nice. I am sure I slowed him down!, sorry Ben! We went along the beach, which was very pleasant and Tom came for part of the way. It was a bit of a mistake for me as I found the sand too soft and it strained my legs/butt and found myself sore after the run even though we came back along the Broadwalk. Lovely weather today!!
Day 69/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 70 - yeh!! My 70 day milestone! And what a place to do it. I was going to run in the park but it was closed and so continued north for nearly 2 miles and had to stop as m butt was so sore. I did some stretches and walked a bit before running home.
Day 70/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 71 - butt still really sore so just did the minimum 2 miles today and ran it before going into our meeting as I was worried that I might stiffen up so much that I would not be able to run at all! We went out catermaranning in the afternoon and swimming. It was great and such a gorgeous day.
Day 71/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 72 - last day. My butt is still sore but I am taking ibuprofen so it was not too bad. Did a slow 4 miles down to Harbor Beach and back. It will be hard to leave this great weather and nice to catch up with Ben and others. We all part ways today.
Day 72/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 76/365 - Fun Run?
Very busy day at work today so I had to relegate myself to a run this evening. It was cold and raining so I donned the waterproofs and thermals and went through the motions to get the run over as quick as possible. The good (and tasty) part was that I managed to push a chip roll and haggis pudding down my gob when I'd finished to celebrate some unexpected good news at work :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 76/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 76/365 challenge
Nicky Day 86/365 Heavy legs
Oh dear oh dear!! A mere 2 miler this morning & it was a struggle from beginning to end. Even had to walk up my minor mini hillock which is a first. Have a full blown marathon on Sunday so hopefully legs will settle. I am putting it down to the dreadful 7k I did yesterday afternoon! Think I will also do the minimal 2m tomorrow morning & rest up prior to Sunday.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Ben Days 12 and 13 - Ft Lauderdale beach
same run at dusk both days, North aong the beach. Lovely to have a cool ocean breeze to cool you down. somewhat randomly got to play with lego yesterday (yes, I get paid to play with lego!! :-)
Today had an air boat ride in the Everglades. Missed all the alligators though :-(
Homeward bound tomorrow evening, by way of downtown Miami for some shopping I think!
Today had an air boat ride in the Everglades. Missed all the alligators though :-(
Homeward bound tomorrow evening, by way of downtown Miami for some shopping I think!
Tony Days 81-91 - lots of running over the past ten days!!!
Day 81/365 - New run along towards cambuslang! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Start the week with a new run in rutherglen from Burnside to the outskirts of Cambuslang! The legs are feeling tired still but getting the running done!!!
Day 82/365 - quick little run around my shawlands loop by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
What can I say about this run?? It seems to be a regular now. Flat terrain, well kinda, nice little downhill finish. Not interested in running this fast tonight. just getting them done!!
Day 83/365 - Little loops around the gym in the south side by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a little run tonight around the perimeter of the industrial estate around the gym. again, nothing really interesting to talk about, just getting them done!!!
Day 84/365 - Beginners run club at greens in finnieston! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Covering tonight for the lovely Claire who is away for two weeks in Florida! Lucky Girl! Bit of a weird thing going from the advanced group to the intermediate. Took it nice and slow - threw some clangers in there. Good response from the girls and guys that came along!!
Day 85/365 - Run from ann's to the gym! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Had an hour to get to the gym before my training session with Fraser. Thought would be good to run the 8km from the house to the gym. Nice little jog. Really quite mild. Just getting it done!
Day 86/365 - Advanced Run Club at Greens finnieston! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Great run today with the advanced guys and girls at Greens in finnieston! Took them through the west end and up to the dreaded Gardner street hill to do some steep hill reps!!! The gang did really well and smashed their 400m sprint at the end!!
Day 87/365 - Run with Buddy! He's getting better! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Buddy is getting better at running - He didnt set a PR but he ran the whole way without stopping or getting distracted by foxes!! Not much else to report!!
Day 88/365 - Run around my shawlands loop: again! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Its that loop again!!! Just getting through it!
Day 89/365 - Shawlands loop in reverse with trip to the bank!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Its that loop again!! except in Reverse!!!
Day 90/365 - PT Run and exercises with Ewan through Glasgow green by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Today is the 90th day of running!! feels pretty good actually - not long to go till the tonne!! What a way to mark this point by doing my PT session with Ewan wearing a 10kg weight vest!! easy for me, not for him!!
just getting through it.
Day 91/365 - Intermediate run club at greens in Finnieston by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 91 - nearly approaching my 100!!!! easy run in the rain tonight at intermediate run club at greens!!!
Cant wait to get to 100.
Start the week with a new run in rutherglen from Burnside to the outskirts of Cambuslang! The legs are feeling tired still but getting the running done!!!
Day 82/365 - quick little run around my shawlands loop by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
What can I say about this run?? It seems to be a regular now. Flat terrain, well kinda, nice little downhill finish. Not interested in running this fast tonight. just getting them done!!
Day 83/365 - Little loops around the gym in the south side by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Just a little run tonight around the perimeter of the industrial estate around the gym. again, nothing really interesting to talk about, just getting them done!!!
Day 84/365 - Beginners run club at greens in finnieston! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Covering tonight for the lovely Claire who is away for two weeks in Florida! Lucky Girl! Bit of a weird thing going from the advanced group to the intermediate. Took it nice and slow - threw some clangers in there. Good response from the girls and guys that came along!!
Day 85/365 - Run from ann's to the gym! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Had an hour to get to the gym before my training session with Fraser. Thought would be good to run the 8km from the house to the gym. Nice little jog. Really quite mild. Just getting it done!
Day 86/365 - Advanced Run Club at Greens finnieston! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Great run today with the advanced guys and girls at Greens in finnieston! Took them through the west end and up to the dreaded Gardner street hill to do some steep hill reps!!! The gang did really well and smashed their 400m sprint at the end!!
Day 87/365 - Run with Buddy! He's getting better! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Buddy is getting better at running - He didnt set a PR but he ran the whole way without stopping or getting distracted by foxes!! Not much else to report!!
Day 88/365 - Run around my shawlands loop: again! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Its that loop again!!! Just getting through it!
Day 89/365 - Shawlands loop in reverse with trip to the bank!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Its that loop again!! except in Reverse!!!
Day 90/365 - PT Run and exercises with Ewan through Glasgow green by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Today is the 90th day of running!! feels pretty good actually - not long to go till the tonne!! What a way to mark this point by doing my PT session with Ewan wearing a 10kg weight vest!! easy for me, not for him!!
just getting through it.
Day 91/365 - Intermediate run club at greens in Finnieston by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 91 - nearly approaching my 100!!!! easy run in the rain tonight at intermediate run club at greens!!!
Cant wait to get to 100.
Charles: Day 75/365 - Double run again
Pretty uneventful day running wise. A lunchtime run and then an early evening run totalling about 12.9k. Not much to report other than I got totally drenched in the freezing cold rain at lunchtime and got joggers nipple in the cold during my evening run. Roll on the summer :)
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 75/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 75/365 challenge - Part 2
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 75/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 75/365 challenge - Part 2
NickyDay 85/365 Hideous 7.5k
Stopped on my way home from work to run a short bit of the Wessex Way in Dorset! Yuckety Yuk!! Very very muddy & even hillier! It is no wonder that the runners from Maiden Newton Running club win so many of the local races - tough training ground they have!!! Due to the mud along the actual bridle path I decided to veer off & make up my mileage along a footpath! In true footpath form, the signs ran out after the first field & I ended up on a mountain bike practice area! Followed a few of these "cycle" ways for a k or so but they are so darned steep I decided to give up & run around a field instead. Not venturing down here again - not even in the dry!
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Charles: Day 72 to 74/365 - Glorious sunrise on a freezing morning
Day 72
Bog standard lunch time run at work. Not much to report other than its was freezing cold with white frost under foot and that was early afternoon. Great and refreshing on the lungs breathing in the crisp fresh air :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 72/365 challenge
Day 73
I was across at my dads in Fife to take him to a hospital appointment and to take my car for an MOT. The car was booked in for 8.15am so I decided to go for a run whilst the car was at the garage and I had about 90 minutes to spare. I did a long run through Ravenscraig Park along past the Kirkcaldy Promenade and back towards the garage past Raith Rovers Football Stadium (Starks Park). The run was just over 13k and it was freezing cold with white frost underfoot. The crisp clean air was great on the lungs but made the legs very sore because the muscles were tight with the cold.
The run along the prom had a breath taking sunrise across the water and a fantastic colour in the sky across the horizon as it merged with the coast line. I've attached a few photos but they don't quite capture the beautiful colours in the sky
If people ever say to me again that running is boring then I'm going to start showing them these pictures and say this is what makes it all worthwhile when you get to see nature at its best :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 73/365 challenge
Day 74
Another lunch time run at work but this time I ventured a wee bit along the canal path and really enjoyed it. It was relatively mild so I even managed to wear a pair of shorts instead of the running tights for a change and it felt great getting fresh air about the legs after all these weeks. The run was fairly uneventful apart from almost getting run over by a flaming taxi driver where the road narrows to single lane across a bridge. I was running to one side of the side of the bridge near the edge and was almost at the other side when the idiot kept flying along the road without a care. I wish I'd managed to get his license plate details because I would definitely have reported him to the police.
The details of my run can be found at Day 74/365 challenge
Bog standard lunch time run at work. Not much to report other than its was freezing cold with white frost under foot and that was early afternoon. Great and refreshing on the lungs breathing in the crisp fresh air :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 72/365 challenge
Day 73
I was across at my dads in Fife to take him to a hospital appointment and to take my car for an MOT. The car was booked in for 8.15am so I decided to go for a run whilst the car was at the garage and I had about 90 minutes to spare. I did a long run through Ravenscraig Park along past the Kirkcaldy Promenade and back towards the garage past Raith Rovers Football Stadium (Starks Park). The run was just over 13k and it was freezing cold with white frost underfoot. The crisp clean air was great on the lungs but made the legs very sore because the muscles were tight with the cold.
The run along the prom had a breath taking sunrise across the water and a fantastic colour in the sky across the horizon as it merged with the coast line. I've attached a few photos but they don't quite capture the beautiful colours in the sky
If people ever say to me again that running is boring then I'm going to start showing them these pictures and say this is what makes it all worthwhile when you get to see nature at its best :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 73/365 challenge
Day 74
Another lunch time run at work but this time I ventured a wee bit along the canal path and really enjoyed it. It was relatively mild so I even managed to wear a pair of shorts instead of the running tights for a change and it felt great getting fresh air about the legs after all these weeks. The run was fairly uneventful apart from almost getting run over by a flaming taxi driver where the road narrows to single lane across a bridge. I was running to one side of the side of the bridge near the edge and was almost at the other side when the idiot kept flying along the road without a care. I wish I'd managed to get his license plate details because I would definitely have reported him to the police.
The details of my run can be found at Day 74/365 challenge
Nicky Day 84/365 Run with club
Nice easy 8k trot with the club around langport & Pitney. Perfect clear mild evening.
Ben day 11 - Beach fiesta with Marg
Marg and I were able to hit the beach just before dusk for a very ejoyable 5K. We would have run earlier in the day but Marg got distracted by a Margarita or two! (spelling?) sand here is very soft, reminded me of MdS a little, had us both working hard, giving the lungs a good work out.
Passed a tattoo parlour on the way back... Thnk it's time for another one....Clark Kent time!!
Passed a tattoo parlour on the way back... Thnk it's time for another one....Clark Kent time!!
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Nicky Day 83/365 Cheesefoot Hill, S.Downs Way, Winchester
Stopped off on the way home from work. Had spotted this carpark & bridle paths previously so decided to give it a whirl. Part of the South Downs Way, so a well kept bridle path through countryside. Very undulating though. Just did an 8k out & back but would like to venture further next time. Need to hunt out a circular route!
Ben Day10- hit da beach!
double digits! yay go me!
An exceptionally dull flight to Miami (prob a good thing!) and an age t get through pssport control que meant I was itching to ry Chris Moon's recommendations o using running as a cure for jetag a soon as I arrived within 5 minutes of arriving at venue for our internal conference I was out running. Felt great to run at dusk with a nice breeze off the sea to keep me cool. About 20 celcius; I even put my shorts on!
Looking forward to running today with Marg!
An exceptionally dull flight to Miami (prob a good thing!) and an age t get through pssport control que meant I was itching to ry Chris Moon's recommendations o using running as a cure for jetag a soon as I arrived within 5 minutes of arriving at venue for our internal conference I was out running. Felt great to run at dusk with a nice breeze off the sea to keep me cool. About 20 celcius; I even put my shorts on!
Looking forward to running today with Marg!
Monday, 16 January 2012
Marg: Day 68365 Challenge - Broadwalk Fort Lauderdale beach, Florida.
Wow, what a difference a 2,5 hour flIght makes. Beach, warmth, smell of the sea, good to be alive
Day 68/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 68/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Nicky Day 82/365 Upton woods loop
Sunday, 15 January 2012
Marg: Day 67/365 Challenge - Smokey Ridge in the late afternoon
Nice run through Smokey Ridge with Brad. I now have 299 days to go! Never in my wildest dreams thought I would be able to do this!!
Day 67/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 67/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day9 - Long Ashton and back
Ben Day 9 - Garmin
Evening all - a busy day today - Ollie kayaking for the first time in his new boat - it was about 5 celcius and he didn't have waterproof gloves - he did really well, didn't turn turtle and generally had great fun. He lasted about 20 minutes before announcing he couldn't feel his fingers anymore - soon remedied with some of dads hot chocolate from a flask!
Noodles 4th birthday and party today - she woke up at 4am really excited and was miffed to be told to go back to sleep! - We had a lovely day - turned the house into a Disney filmset; she's mad about fairies, so Pixie Hollow it became.
A quick dash out this evening into Long Ashton and back, cold, crisp and clear. Ticking along, with not too much to report really. Just about to open a bottle and pack a bag for a week in Ft Lauderdale! This time tomorrow evening and I'll be running along the beach. Chin Chin!
Evening all - a busy day today - Ollie kayaking for the first time in his new boat - it was about 5 celcius and he didn't have waterproof gloves - he did really well, didn't turn turtle and generally had great fun. He lasted about 20 minutes before announcing he couldn't feel his fingers anymore - soon remedied with some of dads hot chocolate from a flask!
Noodles 4th birthday and party today - she woke up at 4am really excited and was miffed to be told to go back to sleep! - We had a lovely day - turned the house into a Disney filmset; she's mad about fairies, so Pixie Hollow it became.
A quick dash out this evening into Long Ashton and back, cold, crisp and clear. Ticking along, with not too much to report really. Just about to open a bottle and pack a bag for a week in Ft Lauderdale! This time tomorrow evening and I'll be running along the beach. Chin Chin!
Nicky Day 81/365 Rough and Tumble 10m - Wiltshire
Last night was our running club AGM & awards evening, and I came away carrying the "Female Club Champion Trophy 2011" - mainly for my effort in completing the MdS!! Well, yes I was almost last but yes I got the metal ware!! Very proud though as I won it in 2010 too for all my Ultra efforts etc! Hopefully picture attached of my poorly MdS feet (my reason for poor performance!). Thats my exscuse & I am sticking to it!!
Anyway, back to today! 10m tough hilly x-country run near Pewsey in Wilts! Beautiful day - sunny but v.cold! Really enjoyed the outing - you will see the elevation for yourself in the attachment from Garmin Connect! BIG steep hills! I was on hands & knees for the last little beast! Really enjoyed it. Bring on the marathon next weekend.
Charles: Day 71/365 - Jack was out today
Once upon a time on a cold and frosty morning, Jack Frost thought he would put me off going for a run. How mistaken he was and it felt nice and refreshing getting lung fulls of fresh crisp clean air. My back still hurts and took a bit of the enjoyment out of it but it still felt great getting out on the roads, I've also decided that I need to do more trail running to take the stresses of the knees and back. Finding trails shouldn't be a problem in the Dalkeith area because the place has a massive country park with loads of different routes so that's my plans for next weekend taken care off and I might even get the mountain bike out and explore the country park even more :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 71/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 71/365 challenge
Marg: Day 66/365 Challenge - around the block in Carmel
Did the same run as yesterday but in the daylight with Brad. Yet another Garmin quirk today: it started fine and captured the run for most of the way but then the satellite connection stopped and the time kept running to the end. This made it appear that I had stopped before reaching home and the pace for the last lap was right out. Still very cold but snow starting to disappear with radiant heat and evaporation.
Day 66/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 66/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Charles: Day 70/365 - Yip, I enjoyed that
Short one today because my back was hurting before I went for my run so I took a couple of pain killers about half an hour before I set off and they seemed to work wonders. I felt pretty good if not a little bloated and breathless but I'm delighted with the pace and the time. It goes to prove that no matter how bad you feel, you can still do it if you put your back into it :)
Day 70 = week 10 = 509.4 km = 316.40 miles = 31.64 avg miles per week = 4.52 avg miles per day :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 70/365 challenge
Day 70 = week 10 = 509.4 km = 316.40 miles = 31.64 avg miles per week = 4.52 avg miles per day :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 70/365 challenge
Ben Day 8 - run to the pub!
Ben Day8 - Garmin
Anusha and I had one of those really rare evenings out by ourselves last night! Babysitter came at 7:30 and off we dashed to our local hostelry for locally sourced fillet stakes and warm beer! (or rather ice cold pepparoni (as we call it!) for the missus!) topped off with some great Cornish Yarg and a sturdy creamy blue cheese to finish... walked home from the pub in the oce cold evening watching the starts on the way home - so ran to the next village the long way around this evening to collect said chariot!
The George
A very pleasant run really - pitch black country lanes, nice and quiet, just ticking along minding my own business.. felt good.
Noodle's 4th birthday tomorrow so just going off to buy last minute party nick-nacks and champagne for wife and I for tomorrow night!
A pic of the little madam om Christmas Day getting stuck into a pile of icecreams from our recent holiday in Ceylon!
Anusha and I had one of those really rare evenings out by ourselves last night! Babysitter came at 7:30 and off we dashed to our local hostelry for locally sourced fillet stakes and warm beer! (or rather ice cold pepparoni (as we call it!) for the missus!) topped off with some great Cornish Yarg and a sturdy creamy blue cheese to finish... walked home from the pub in the oce cold evening watching the starts on the way home - so ran to the next village the long way around this evening to collect said chariot!
The George
A very pleasant run really - pitch black country lanes, nice and quiet, just ticking along minding my own business.. felt good.
Noodle's 4th birthday tomorrow so just going off to buy last minute party nick-nacks and champagne for wife and I for tomorrow night!
A pic of the little madam om Christmas Day getting stuck into a pile of icecreams from our recent holiday in Ceylon!
Nicky Day 80/365 Pitney Loop
Did did a minimal 5k loop around Pitney village. Very cold but a pleasant afternoon. Legs feel fine at the moment but they have a very hilly 10miler to contend with tomorrow.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Marg: Day 65/365 Challenge - Around the block on snow and ice
I decided that I would brave the cold tonight and test out my gear. 18oF with wind chill down to 6oF which is cold but it was much less windy that it had been today and it was a really nice run. When everything is white with snow it reflects all the available light and there was a quiet eerie glow that I found very ethereal. It was still snowing but only lightly and sparkled in the light of my lamp. It was a surprisingly pleasant experience. The yaktraks worked well, however I still slipped a bit on parts where snow covered ice that had hardened during the day but nothing that made me feel like I was going to fall over. There were parts where the snow drift was thicker and harder to run but generally the snow was not too bad and some parts of the path had been cleared. It was nice to make new foot prints in the snow, as if I were going where no-one had been before! I had two layers on legs feet and arms and an extra layer on torso, balaclava, beanie gloves and a down vest. It was perfect and I stayed warm and dry without getting hot.
Day 65/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 65/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 69/365 - I don't do ill!
Another lunch time struggle today. I would call it a run but I felt exhausted and was not in the mood so I'm calling it a struggle. I'm going to keep using the tablets from the gp over the weekend and if I'm still feeling as bad then I'll be binning them and knocking on the surgery doors on Monday morning.
The details of my run can be found at Day 69/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 69/365 challenge
NickyDay 69/365 Nearly 9k loop
Cold & dark when I got home from work & I was really not looking forward to this evenings run. Decided to do a loop towards Somerton & search out a footpath on the way home I had spotted on Garmin Connect! Last week it was the smell of the airport aka aviation fuel fumes. This evening it was definately a smell of the country! Think the farmers have been muck spreading all day! Nice!!!
Got a bit muddled on the footpath & had a farmer come out wondering what the light was roaming around his farmyard!!! Also a bit muddy for my road shoes. Really really enjoyed the run though whilst listening to Simon Mayos Drive time programme! Happy days.
Marg: Day 62-64/365 Challenge - Smokey Ridge and a couple of treadmill runs as Carmel hits winter at last!
No excuses for an indoor run on Tuesday as it was about 40oF outside but very late so it was a quick easy way to get my run done. Wednesday Brad came with me and we ran along Smokey Ridge to 146th St and back. It was raining the whole way but only lightly and still not that cold. Different story tonight. The temp dropped during the day and was 14oF by the time I got home with a wind that was taking it down to -1oF, so another un on the treadmill while I looked/listened to the wintery weather swirling around outside!
Day 64/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 63/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 62/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 64/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 63/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 62/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day7/365 - Priors wood
Ben Day7 - Garmin
what a cracking way to start the day... cold, just above freezing, gentle breeze, sun low on the horizon.. drop the beasts at school/nursery and off into the wooded slopes of Priors Wood... nothing stirring, just me and the squirrels.
Lets see of the rest of my day can match this great start to Friday 13th! - really looking forward to this weekend.. Nodles 4th birthday on Sunday, she starts swimming lessons (proper ones, not the dunkings we give her) tomorrow morning which shes really looking forward to - feels like a really big girl now if shes having her own swiming lessons! - Ollie's swiming is coming on leaps and bounds - we caught him trying to butterfly in Sri Lanka, so he's now moved up into the next class which is great. A trip to Cosmo for buffet chinese food and if the weather holds, it's time to try Santa's kayak on the River Yeo for the first time - very excited!!
what a cracking way to start the day... cold, just above freezing, gentle breeze, sun low on the horizon.. drop the beasts at school/nursery and off into the wooded slopes of Priors Wood... nothing stirring, just me and the squirrels.
Lets see of the rest of my day can match this great start to Friday 13th! - really looking forward to this weekend.. Nodles 4th birthday on Sunday, she starts swimming lessons (proper ones, not the dunkings we give her) tomorrow morning which shes really looking forward to - feels like a really big girl now if shes having her own swiming lessons! - Ollie's swiming is coming on leaps and bounds - we caught him trying to butterfly in Sri Lanka, so he's now moved up into the next class which is great. A trip to Cosmo for buffet chinese food and if the weather holds, it's time to try Santa's kayak on the River Yeo for the first time - very excited!!
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Charles: Day 68/365 - Still feeling crap
I still feel total crap and I put it down to the tablets that I've been prescribed by my GP. Today's run included being sick twice and that has never happened to me before. Hence, I hated the run today and my body aches all over.
The details of my run can be found at Day 68/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 68/365 challenge
Ben Day6/365 - Cycle path stunner
you guessed it - just enough time between school pick-up, collection from Beaver scouts, getting fish and chips, wife starting a night on-call to get a quick and dirty 5K along the cycle path...
A good day today - work going well and looking forward to kick-off meetings in Ft. Lauderdale next week with Marg... Nicky - we should try and get a lunchtime run together or something next time you're in the area - hugely impressed you ventured out around Heathrow - just think of all that lovely jetfuel being dumped on you as you ran - nice! (you get to go to all the best places!)
Ben Day 6 - Garmin
A good day today - work going well and looking forward to kick-off meetings in Ft. Lauderdale next week with Marg... Nicky - we should try and get a lunchtime run together or something next time you're in the area - hugely impressed you ventured out around Heathrow - just think of all that lovely jetfuel being dumped on you as you ran - nice! (you get to go to all the best places!)
Ben Day 6 - Garmin
Nicky Day 68/365 Langport Loop
Bored now with the lanes around our village so decided to pop over to Langport & do a section of the Battle of Sedgemoor 10k route. Felt great & did just over 5miles.
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Nicky Day 67/365 Street 5k Series
Took part in the monthly Street 5k series. Did nearly 8 circuits in total what with warm up & cool down.
Ben Day5/365 - Belmont Hill Loop
Ben Day5 - Garmin
Good evening sports fans.. another day in paradise down here in Bristol today - very mild and balmy, a lovely ochre sun late this afternoon - great for getting out into the woods and scampering about on the trails before getting kids from school/nursery... must be getting fitter - the little tree benchmarks I use to judge how I'm doing are getting further and further apart on the hillside! ie I run further before being forced to stop and cough a lung up!
Must say I'm hugely impressed with you folks - I wasn't expecting to feel envy, but when Charles posted he had 299 days left to go, I did have twinge of regret at so readily agreeing to start over! - however that has now passed and I know I can hold my head high amongst this esteemed bunch of runners, knowing that I've made the right choice!
In passing I note that the (Belmont) estate on the left hand side of the road that borders the woods I ran around today has now been sold sadly - 220acres and 9 bedrooms - an absolute snip at £2.5 million... I'm a bit cheesed off, I was hoping they'd end up having to parcel off bits of the woodland/estate to sell it - I had my eye on 10 acres of my own woods (just next to where I ran today) - it would have been heaven to have this on our doorstep with the kids and everything, but it looks like it wasn't meant to be... will keep looking!
Good evening sports fans.. another day in paradise down here in Bristol today - very mild and balmy, a lovely ochre sun late this afternoon - great for getting out into the woods and scampering about on the trails before getting kids from school/nursery... must be getting fitter - the little tree benchmarks I use to judge how I'm doing are getting further and further apart on the hillside! ie I run further before being forced to stop and cough a lung up!
Must say I'm hugely impressed with you folks - I wasn't expecting to feel envy, but when Charles posted he had 299 days left to go, I did have twinge of regret at so readily agreeing to start over! - however that has now passed and I know I can hold my head high amongst this esteemed bunch of runners, knowing that I've made the right choice!
In passing I note that the (Belmont) estate on the left hand side of the road that borders the woods I ran around today has now been sold sadly - 220acres and 9 bedrooms - an absolute snip at £2.5 million... I'm a bit cheesed off, I was hoping they'd end up having to parcel off bits of the woodland/estate to sell it - I had my eye on 10 acres of my own woods (just next to where I ran today) - it would have been heaven to have this on our doorstep with the kids and everything, but it looks like it wasn't meant to be... will keep looking!
Charles: Day 67/365 - Feeling rubbish
I felt totally rubbish today because I was prescribed some tablets by the doctor yesterday (Tuesday) and I had a bad reaction to them. I was up for most of the night with a dicky stomach and I came out in a small rash on my back. Had another trip to the docs at lunch time and I hope things are all sorted now. The run itself was sore on the stomach because I felt totally bloated but I think I was pushed along with a small jet turbine that followed me everywhere today. Hopefully back to normal tomorrow.
The details of my run can be found at Day 67/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 67/365 challenge
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Charles: Day 66/365 - Quick run tonight
Nothing much to report tonight except that my legs were really sore today so I did a minimum 5k(ish) recovery run at a relaxed pace which turned out faster then I thought. The route I chose was to the wife's work so that I could get a lift home because I really couldn't face doing the big hills on the way back home.
The details of my run can be found at Day 66/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 66/365 challenge
Ben Day 4 - Bath Skyline
Ben Day4 - Garmin
A great day for running today - overcast, quite mild, breeze and strength in the legs... Ran the Skyline route (or part/most of it) over in Bath again. It's sure to become a favourite. Learned over Xmas that some poor sole was found dead in the woods just where I run near the golf-course. Sad.
Run itself was dispatched without too much fuss, felt good. Knees don't feel like they've been beaten so I might try this SpeedX2's a while longer whilst I wait for Inov8 to get back to me with any special washing instructions for my Roclites!
Thanks for all your encouraging words re starting again guys. Means a lot!
A great day for running today - overcast, quite mild, breeze and strength in the legs... Ran the Skyline route (or part/most of it) over in Bath again. It's sure to become a favourite. Learned over Xmas that some poor sole was found dead in the woods just where I run near the golf-course. Sad.
Run itself was dispatched without too much fuss, felt good. Knees don't feel like they've been beaten so I might try this SpeedX2's a while longer whilst I wait for Inov8 to get back to me with any special washing instructions for my Roclites!
Thanks for all your encouraging words re starting again guys. Means a lot!
Nicky Day 66/365 2 mile minimum
Following the Comrades training plan now & there is a one day a wk rest day! Well no rest for the wicked, so I have turned the rest day into my minimum "fast walk" day otherwise I will probably burn out! Itching to break into a trot, but with a hilly run coming up this weekend & a full marathon the weekend after, thought I should be strict! Darn cold this walking lark too!!!
Marg: Day 61/365 Challenge - Smokey Ridge and Carey
Did not really feel like a run tonight but once I got our there I felt great and enjoyed the crisp, still moonlit night.
Day 61/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 61/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Monday, 9 January 2012
Charles: Day 65/365 - Back to the serious stuff
Today was another double run because I did a lunch time run at work and it was the first night back for the running club after the festive period.
The lunchtime run felt really tough because my legs were like blocks of lead for the first 2km but I felt fine after I got into my stride. I also wanted to use it as a recovery run but stupid me never listens to myself.
Great to be back with the running club tonight after the festive break but it was a freezing cold wind. The group always seem to bring the best out of each other and they all seemed to manage the run fairly well. So question is, Was the run too easy? It certainly wasn't the run so it must've been that they're getting fitter and I'll need to up the stakes a bit. They shall pay for it next week with a faster pace up the hills :)
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 65/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 65/365 challenge - Part 2
The lunchtime run felt really tough because my legs were like blocks of lead for the first 2km but I felt fine after I got into my stride. I also wanted to use it as a recovery run but stupid me never listens to myself.
Great to be back with the running club tonight after the festive break but it was a freezing cold wind. The group always seem to bring the best out of each other and they all seemed to manage the run fairly well. So question is, Was the run too easy? It certainly wasn't the run so it must've been that they're getting fitter and I'll need to up the stakes a bit. They shall pay for it next week with a faster pace up the hills :)
The details of run 1 can be found at Day 65/365 challenge - Part 1
The details of run 2 can be found at Day 65/365 challenge - Part 2
Nicky Day 65/365 8k thro Knole
Nice slow easy run through Knole & up to the main road. Tropical 13 deg with a slight tropical drizzle!!
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Untitled by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Tony Days 76-80/365 More than a fifth of the way through the challenge!!
Day 75/365 - Little run along kings park ave - everything feels great!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 76/365 - My regular Shawlands loop by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Performed my regular 5km loop through Shawlands tonight. Feeling really good after the course of antibiotics. Think I might go a course of these every 6 months as it really cleanses you out!! Is that recommended?? Not as fast as I have been before still due to the uncomfortable feeling in my groin. Still we shall run on!!
Day 77/365 - Nice little starry evening jog through Pollok Park! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
What a night it was tonight! lovely clear skies after all the bad weather we have been having. The stars were out and the night was mild. felt really good and glad to be over the worst of the illness! Running is now a pleasure again! Pollok park has had an almighty amount of damage done to it in the past couple of weeks. Trees everywhere! running proves more to be like an assualt course!
Day 78/365 - Runs getting longer now that feel fit again!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Nice little 6km tonight back through pollok park. Did part of the run on the reverse loop of the Pollok park run. Having really strange weather here though. Last year was about -10C at this point!!!
Day 79/365 - Advanced Run Club at Greens - First session back! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
First session back for the guys and girls at Greens run club. Fitness was a slight issue but we quickly blew away the cobwebs by performing our lower body blast exercises and then did hill reps in Kelvingrove park. With Julie and I running the hill 5 times!! Well done to all that came along!!!
Day 80/365 - Night time run with buddy! He's getting faster! GOOD BOY! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
He is a little running machine now! His time keeps on coming down, albeit tonight wasn't a PB but he ran the whole way without stopping!! Maybe gonna take him around the parkrun route before maybe entering him as a competitor!!! He is a very strong and determined dog and only the sniff of fox distracts him from chasing me!
Day 76/365 - My regular Shawlands loop by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Performed my regular 5km loop through Shawlands tonight. Feeling really good after the course of antibiotics. Think I might go a course of these every 6 months as it really cleanses you out!! Is that recommended?? Not as fast as I have been before still due to the uncomfortable feeling in my groin. Still we shall run on!!
Day 77/365 - Nice little starry evening jog through Pollok Park! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
What a night it was tonight! lovely clear skies after all the bad weather we have been having. The stars were out and the night was mild. felt really good and glad to be over the worst of the illness! Running is now a pleasure again! Pollok park has had an almighty amount of damage done to it in the past couple of weeks. Trees everywhere! running proves more to be like an assualt course!
Day 78/365 - Runs getting longer now that feel fit again!! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
Nice little 6km tonight back through pollok park. Did part of the run on the reverse loop of the Pollok park run. Having really strange weather here though. Last year was about -10C at this point!!!
Day 79/365 - Advanced Run Club at Greens - First session back! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
First session back for the guys and girls at Greens run club. Fitness was a slight issue but we quickly blew away the cobwebs by performing our lower body blast exercises and then did hill reps in Kelvingrove park. With Julie and I running the hill 5 times!! Well done to all that came along!!!
Day 80/365 - Night time run with buddy! He's getting faster! GOOD BOY! by tcfitness at Garmin Connect - Details
He is a little running machine now! His time keeps on coming down, albeit tonight wasn't a PB but he ran the whole way without stopping!! Maybe gonna take him around the parkrun route before maybe entering him as a competitor!!! He is a very strong and determined dog and only the sniff of fox distracts him from chasing me!
Ben Day3/365 - Ashton Court with Zoe Sharpe
Ben Day 3 - Garmin
A great way to start the week with a run first thing with an odl mate from this years MdS. Nice to catch up with Zoe and chat whilst pootling along the blue and red MTB track in Ashton Court. Sounds like Zoe might be up for running a mountain marathon with me too which would be cool!
Nicky - I think with some arm bending on your part, Zoe could join this challenge....
A great way to start the week with a run first thing with an odl mate from this years MdS. Nice to catch up with Zoe and chat whilst pootling along the blue and red MTB track in Ashton Court. Sounds like Zoe might be up for running a mountain marathon with me too which would be cool!
Nicky - I think with some arm bending on your part, Zoe could join this challenge....
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Charles: Day 64/365 - Test of strength
Today I challenged myself to see how fast I could run a 5k on my own after being over the moon with my performance yesterday. I choose a fairly easy course because my legs were a wee bit stiff but nothing too bad. I managed to do it in 25min and 29sec which is a fantastic 1min and 18sec quicker than yesterday. Totally impressed how this challenge is definitely making me fitter and being able to run at a pace I haven't done so in years is a great feeling. Who knows by day 365 I might be able to emulate my old mile time of 4min 31sec, although I was 17 at the time i.e. 26 years ago. God I'm getting old when I can look back over 26 years ago!? :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 64/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 64/365 challenge
Legends - after some thought I've decided to start again on my challenge. When I totted up everything that I missed it was 14 days of running.
Tony and I talked briefly about donating money for every day missed, but we struggled to determine a daily rate that would deter folks from taking a day off, and one that I could afford!
In order to get the satisfaction from knowing I've completed a whole yearly calendar of running I decided the best thing was to start over. Todays run was Day 2. I'm still smiling and view the previous days runs as merely warm ups to the big challenge!
Tony and I talked briefly about donating money for every day missed, but we struggled to determine a daily rate that would deter folks from taking a day off, and one that I could afford!
In order to get the satisfaction from knowing I've completed a whole yearly calendar of running I decided the best thing was to start over. Todays run was Day 2. I'm still smiling and view the previous days runs as merely warm ups to the big challenge!
Marg: Day 60/365 Challenge - Around the block in Carmel
Beautiful day today sunny and it wil peak at about 42oF. No wind, great running conditions. Brad came for a run again today but still says he cannot do it every day... We will see...
Day 60/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 60/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Ben Day 55/365 - Ceylon pics and old friend the cycle path
A dash along the cycle path this evening after the beating my knees took on yesterdays off-road larks. Hugely impressed with everyones tenacity and grit. no nonsense just getting on with it. you guys are the all the inspiration anyone could need!
Looking forward to tomorrow mornings early run - a mate fromMdS pinged me out of the blue (Zoe Sharpe) and asked if she could tag along on my daily run, so we're hitting the AShton COurt MTB route first thing.. will be nice to have some company!
I attach some pics from Ceylon and one of me just finishing my beach run on Christmas Day - now you know why I was the focus of so much attention from the locals goosing about on the beach in the evenings - it was envy!! I think the only thing I was missing was a handkerchief on my head - I think those really are green socks too... I need a stylist!
this shot was the view from our bedroom window in Kandy
Looking forward to tomorrow mornings early run - a mate fromMdS pinged me out of the blue (Zoe Sharpe) and asked if she could tag along on my daily run, so we're hitting the AShton COurt MTB route first thing.. will be nice to have some company!
I attach some pics from Ceylon and one of me just finishing my beach run on Christmas Day - now you know why I was the focus of so much attention from the locals goosing about on the beach in the evenings - it was envy!! I think the only thing I was missing was a handkerchief on my head - I think those really are green socks too... I need a stylist!
Nicky Day 64/365 Axmouth Challenge 9.5 miles
Entered this race with my mate Jannine. Multi terrain ie. road, golf course, fields, foot paths & bridle ways. Stunning course but very very hilly. Because of the hills I was pleased with my time. Really enjoyed it & will recommend for you guys living near Devon next year!!
Day 64 Axmouth Challenge by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 64 Axmouth Challenge by knickerscat at Garmin Connect - Details
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Marg: Day 59/365 Challenge - Greyhound trail and Hagan Burke trail
Nice sunny day today and temp in high 40s! Amazing here for January! Ran with Brad and I felt very sluggish while Brad felt good. Was pretty happy in the end with the 9:56 pace as I thought I was going much slower while running.
Day 59/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 59/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Marg: Day 58/365 Challenge - treadmill, Carmel
Late night dash on the treadmill tonight. We went out to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, had a late dinner and this was all I could manage. Movie was good!
Day 58/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 58/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Marg: Day 57/365 Challenge - Around the block
Another little Garmin Gremlin appeared today. I started my record with my run as usual and it did not record my location until about a 1/4 mile into the run, hence my first mile appears quite slow. Thankfully my planned run was longer than my minimum and I was still over my 2 miles by the time I got home. Then I found that it did not load up into Garrmin connect. I was all ready this morning to post screenshots of my phone as it had recorded on there only to find just now that the upload has come through-nearly 2 days later. Even my day 58 loaded before 57.....weird...
Day 57/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 57/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 63/365 - BUPA Great Winter 5k Run
The BUPA runs are always spot on when it comes to organisation and today didn't disappoint. The 5k run over Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh's Holyrood Park was fantastic. Bright and sunny but very cold and a tad windy but the views from 450ft (approx) across the Edinburgh landscape was fantastic although I was in a run and didn't have time to take it all in.
The impressive thing about todays run is how much strength and running I have in my legs and I powered up the hill for 3k before the descent to the finish line. The annoying thing was that people would start of too quick and then stop suddenly right in front of you and start walking which means you have to dart to the side to avoid colliding with them. The other one is the slower runners seem to run in a horizontal row and were oblivious to the fact that people were needing to get past. A bit of barging and bumping soon ensued when I got fed up with people blocking my path and I couldn't get through without leaving the tarmac and running through the puddles and mud at the side of the road. Sorry rant over :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 63/365 challenge
Nicky Day 63/365 Upton

Decided to stick with only 5k today as a friend has talked me into a 10m hilly x-country race in Dorset tomorrow. Popped around Upton. Legs very heavy & I just felt plain sluggish!
Hope tomorrow is going to be better.
Stunning morning for it though, so I will attempt to attach a couple of photos of the views across our Somerset Levels.
Ben Day54/365 - Quarry with internal variant
Penance for my holiday misses - a 10K around the local combe - Bourton Combe. Wore my Speed Cross 2's since I need to wash some tropical beach fungus from my Inov8's. Good grip this time, but brutal on the knees - feel like they've been smashed with baseball bats. as one would hope, aerobically felt fine after my absence. Nice clear sunny morning for a run through the woods assisted by some ACDC on the headphones for a change!
Ben Day54/365 - Garmin
Ben Day54/365 - Garmin
Ben's Sri Lanka runs - Garmin
Folks here are the Sri Lanka runs captured by Garmin.
Disappointed to learn in the cold UK, stark, post-holiday reality that my last run was on Boxing Day.... not sure what this means or how to fix it, but running starts again today. I guess the immediate thing is to add the missed days to the end of my year, or start over again... I offer myself to the mercy of my colleagues... :-(
Ben Day 49/365 - Sri Lanka
Ben Day 50/365 - Mt Lavinia beach and street
Ben Day 51/365 - Victoria nr Kandy, Sri Lanka
Ben Day 52/365 - Mt Lavinia Beach Xmas Day
Ben Day 53/365 - Mt Lavinia Beach
Disappointed to learn in the cold UK, stark, post-holiday reality that my last run was on Boxing Day.... not sure what this means or how to fix it, but running starts again today. I guess the immediate thing is to add the missed days to the end of my year, or start over again... I offer myself to the mercy of my colleagues... :-(
Ben Day 49/365 - Sri Lanka
Ben Day 50/365 - Mt Lavinia beach and street
Ben Day 51/365 - Victoria nr Kandy, Sri Lanka
Ben Day 52/365 - Mt Lavinia Beach Xmas Day
Ben Day 53/365 - Mt Lavinia Beach
Friday, 6 January 2012
Charles: Day 62/365 - Nice route, shame about the run
The route was a fairly straight forward flat(ish) route that I've ran a few times at lunch time now and I usually quite enjoy it. However, my lower back hurts and is affecting my motivation and ability to enjoy the running. I took a few pain killers before the run but they didn't seem to be helping. I think this is a wee blip but it ain't going to stop me from running. Bring on the BUPA Great Winter run tomorrow over Arthur's Seat, killer run but the fantastic view over Edinburgh is well worth the effort. I'll try and take a few pics for the blog :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 62/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 62/365 challenge
Nicky Day 62/365 Somerset Lanes & Fields
How lovely to be away from the nasty roads around Heathrow. Did a nice easy 8k along the local lanes & fields. Bliss! No wind, smog or traffic. Perfect running weather. :-)
Nicky Day 61/365 Ditto Heathrow again!!!
Same run this evening but with 2 colleagues: Ian & Eric! Eric hasn't run for a while so it was a very slow repeat of the same dull Heathrow circuit!
Now: Houston? We have a problem!! I left my Garmin charger at home so battery had only 2% life - not enough to pick up satellites. I hope its acceptable that my colleague Ian was wearing his GPS! Its not a Garmin, but he is going to download our run over the weekend, & email me a snapshot of the run route, date & time which I will hopefully be able to paste onto this as proof!
Nicky Day 60/365 Repeat of Uninspiring Heathrow!
Route a ditto of yesterday although I ran at 7am instead of 5:30pm. Went on my own so did it a little quicker than yesterday.
Nicky Day 59/365 Uninspiring Heathrow
Well here it is, the dullest, most uninspiring, ugly, boring, busy, smelliest run ever! Heathrow Airport!!!!! YUK! Bring me the countryside. Just spent 4 days at the Radisson Edwardian so was forced to venture out around here either pre or post meetings!
This evening my colleague Ian trotted around with me for company. Bit nippy & windy.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Charles: Day 61/365 - Calm day, for a wee change
After all the storms of late, it was a calm and sunny but coldish day. Great weather for running but I felt completely and utterly knackered and don't know why because its a route I've run loads of times. Hopefully tomorrows run will be better before the big BUPA 5k run on Saturday. Also, The wife has a bad cold so I know its only a matter of time before I catch it and want to stay healthy(ish) for Saturday :)
The details of my run can be found at Day 61/365 challenge
The details of my run can be found at Day 61/365 challenge
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Marg: Day 55-56/365 Challenge - treadmill and to Gray Rd.
Treadmill tonight as I just could not face going out in the cold. Nothing interesting to report
Day 55/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran with Brad just out to Gray Rd and back. Brad's new years resolution is to run with me every second night. I may get him doing the challenge yet!!
Day 56/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 55/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Ran with Brad just out to Gray Rd and back. Brad's new years resolution is to run with me every second night. I may get him doing the challenge yet!!
Day 56/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 60/365 - End of the World Part 2
I think the end of the world starts here in freezing cold Scotland. Another very windy day with horizontal rain and loads of debris on the pavements.
I couldn't go for a run at lunch time today because I had too much to do at work so an evening run it was for me. It felt like I was running with huge weights tied behind my back because the wind was so strong at some points that I felt like I was running backwards. My legs are still quite heavy but all in all it was the freezing cold wind and driving horizontal rain that was the killer tonight.
The details of my run can be found at Day 60/365 challenge
I couldn't go for a run at lunch time today because I had too much to do at work so an evening run it was for me. It felt like I was running with huge weights tied behind my back because the wind was so strong at some points that I felt like I was running backwards. My legs are still quite heavy but all in all it was the freezing cold wind and driving horizontal rain that was the killer tonight.
The details of my run can be found at Day 60/365 challenge
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Charles: Day 59/365 - The End of the World?
Let's just say today was definitely a stay indoors day because there was a red alert severe gales warning in place with gusts of wind recorded at 104mph in the Edinburgh area. It was causing the closure of motorways and bridges. Houses were being damaged, trees blown over and lorries getting blown over.
In the interest of my own safety I decided to wait until later in the day to go for my run because the forecast said the winds were to die down and by 8pm they had and it was time to don the trainers and go go go before the storms returned. I really didn't want to go running tonight because my body felt heavy and lethargic since I'd been sitting about in a nice warm house watching the telly. I forced myself out the door after a boot up the back side from the wife and did the minimum distance tonight. I even talked the wife into picking me up after 5k. What would I do without the support of my lovely wife xxx
The details of my run can be found at Day 59/365 challenge
In the interest of my own safety I decided to wait until later in the day to go for my run because the forecast said the winds were to die down and by 8pm they had and it was time to don the trainers and go go go before the storms returned. I really didn't want to go running tonight because my body felt heavy and lethargic since I'd been sitting about in a nice warm house watching the telly. I forced myself out the door after a boot up the back side from the wife and did the minimum distance tonight. I even talked the wife into picking me up after 5k. What would I do without the support of my lovely wife xxx
The details of my run can be found at Day 59/365 challenge
Monday, 2 January 2012
Marg: Day 54/365 Challenge - Coldest day so far - Old Meridian area.
Brad came with me on my run today. We did a run we had done about 6 weeks ago, over near Old Meridian. It is a nice flat run with wide paths, so it is good for running with someone alongside. It was very cold today, 9oF with the wind chill. Definitely a day for 2 layers and our balaclavas were a necessity to stop our lungs from getting too cold. It had been snowing most of the day, very powdery but had stopped by the time we went for our run. Since the snow was blowing off the paths we thought we would be OK without our Yaktracks, but when Brad almost went A over T on some black ice just a step out of the car, we both jumped back in and put them on! They definitely make a difference!
Day 54/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Day 54/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Marg: Day 53/365 Challenge - New Years run to Avian Glen. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
I was planning on a 6 miler through Avian Glen for my New Year's run and it was very windy, and then I got a stomach ache about 1/2 way into the run. I walked for a bit and then decided to just run home the way that I had come in and it was snowing most of the way home. I think it might have been too much New Year's cheer! I ended up covering 5 miles.
Wishing everyone the very best for 2012 and Happy Running for the rest of our year!
Day 53/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Wishing everyone the very best for 2012 and Happy Running for the rest of our year!
Day 53/365 Challenge by at Garmin Connect - Details
Charles: Day 56 to 58/365 - Happy New Year!
Day 56 - Hogmanay
Short New Year's Eve run to Dalkeith to get some last minute shopping before heading over to my dad's in Fife for the weekend. The legs were heavy after the previous days 7 miles but I felt quite strong and relaxed. I also had a great lunch at the local cafe :)
The details of my day 56 run can be found at Day 56/365 challenge
Day 57 - New Year's Day
Knackered, heavy legged and freezing cold - Yip that was my New Year's Day run. My legs were totally dead and there was no energy to push through the bad spells of today's run. I think I'm still suffering from all the over eating from the last few weeks. I don't drink so I can't even blame it on alcohol.
The details of my day 57 run can be found at Day 57/365 challenge
Day 58 - The day after
Strange but after yesterday's hateful run, I thoroughly enjoyed it today and felt great. All the aches and pains seem to have disappeared for today but it was freezing cold with a baltic wind. I think this week is going to full of fairly short runs because the high winds and freezing temperatures have been forecast for the whole week.
The details of my day 58 run can be found at Day 58/365 challenge
Short New Year's Eve run to Dalkeith to get some last minute shopping before heading over to my dad's in Fife for the weekend. The legs were heavy after the previous days 7 miles but I felt quite strong and relaxed. I also had a great lunch at the local cafe :)
The details of my day 56 run can be found at Day 56/365 challenge
Day 57 - New Year's Day
Knackered, heavy legged and freezing cold - Yip that was my New Year's Day run. My legs were totally dead and there was no energy to push through the bad spells of today's run. I think I'm still suffering from all the over eating from the last few weeks. I don't drink so I can't even blame it on alcohol.
The details of my day 57 run can be found at Day 57/365 challenge
Day 58 - The day after
Strange but after yesterday's hateful run, I thoroughly enjoyed it today and felt great. All the aches and pains seem to have disappeared for today but it was freezing cold with a baltic wind. I think this week is going to full of fairly short runs because the high winds and freezing temperatures have been forecast for the whole week.
The details of my day 58 run can be found at Day 58/365 challenge
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